Adrenergic Receptor Agonists Flashcards
Norepinephrine (Levophed)
Class: Non-selective agonist
Mech: Agonist for a1, a2, B1
Therapeutics: Acute Hypotension
Tox: Hypertension, arrhythmias, headache
Class: Non-selective agonist
Mech: Agonist a1, a2, B1, B2
Therapeutics: Anaphylactic shock,
Combined with local anesthetic,
Tox: Palpitation, arrhythmias, headaches
Class: Indirect acting
Mech: Increases release of preformed cytoplasmic NE
Thera: ADHD, narco, recreation
Tox: HTN, insomnia, anxiety, arrhythmias
Class: Non-selctive B agonist
Mech: Agonist B1, B2
Thera: Shock, heart block
Tox: Palpitation, tachyarrhythmia, headache
Class: B1-selective B agonist
Mech: Agonist: B1
Thera: Cardiac decompensation, shock, heart block
Tox: Tachyarrhythmias, HTN
Class: B2-selective agonist
Mech: Agonist: B2
Thera: Prevent or reverse exercise-induced bronchospasm, mild asthma, COPD
Tox: Can mask progressively severe inflammation, tachycardia, muscle tremor
Misc: 10-15 min to take action, 6-12 duration, nebulizer delivers more but greater SEs, oral is least effective that need high SE-inducing dose,
Class: B2 selective B agonist
Mech: Agonist: B2
Thera: Prevent or reverse exercise-induced bronchospasm, mild asthma, COPD
Tox: Can mask progressively severe inflammation, tachycardia, muscle tremor
Misc: 10-15 min to take action, 6-12 duration, nebulizer delivers more but greater SEs, oral is least effective that need high SE-inducing dose,
Class: a1 selective a agonist
Agonist: a1
Thera: Nasal congestion, postural hypotension
Tox: HTN, reflex bradycardia
Class: a2 selective a agonist
Mech: CNS agonist a2
Thera: HTN, shock, withdrawal from drug dependence
Tox: Sedation
Class: a2 selective a agonist
Mech: Metabolite (a-methylnorepinephrine) activates CNS a2 receptors
Thera: Hypertension
Tox: Sedation
Misc: Prodrug form crosses BBB
Class: Selective dopamine agonist
Mech: Agonist D1 only
Thera: Increase blood flow at renal, mesenteric, and cerebral arteries
Tox: None
Misc: Approx 10 min halflife
Class: Mixed acting (direct and indirect)
Mech: Agonist: D1, a1, B1
Thera: Shock, renal failure, hypotension
Tox: Vasoconstriction at high doses
Misc: Low dose=Direct @ D1 receptors.
Medium dose=Direct @ B1 with some indirect NE release.
High does=Direct @a1, some indirect NE release.