ABGs, Understanding Basic Lab Results Flashcards
Purpose of Understanding Basic Laboratory Tests
- establishing diagnosis
- rule out clinical problem (eliminate presence of disease)
- monitor course of illness and response to treatment
- check prognosis
- screen for disease
- check drug therapeutic level and toxicity
Nursing Responsibilities
- Know and understand laboratory tests
- Maintain Universal Precautions
- Educate patients
- Identify patients
- Follow guidelines/protocols for specimen collections and reporting.
- Know supplies/equipment (esp. if nurse is drawing blood from central line)
- Know interfering factors
- Monitor results
- Report abnormal results (maintain privacy)
- Documentation
Basic Chemistry Panel
- sodium (Na)
- potassium (K)
- chloride (Cl)
- CO2
- Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
- Creatine
Indications: Chemistry Panel
- Cardiac, Respiratory, GI, Renal, Endocrine, Metabolic, &/or Neuro diseases
- Burns
- Electrolyte imbalances/abnormalities
- Acid-Base balance status
- Malnutrition
- Hydration status (dehydration)
- Effects of drug therapy
- Pre-op
- Baseline assessment
CBC and Differential
- RBC Count
- Hemoglobin
- Hematocrit
- RBC indices
- WBC count and differentials
- Platelet count
Indications: CBC w/ diff.
- Hematologic (blood) disorders
- Cardiac, Renal, Liver, or Lung diseases
- Neoplasm (cancer)
- Leukemia
- Infection
- Autoimmune diseases or immunologic abnormality
- Malabsorption syndromes
- Dietary deficiency
- Dehydration
- Pre-op & post-op
- Baseline assessment
- Blood loss
- Pregnancy
- Monitor response to chemo (evaluate undesired reactions to drugs)
Liver Panel, Liver Functions Tests (LFTs)
- Bilirubin
- AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase)
- ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase)
- GGT (Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidse)
- 5’ Nucleotidase
- ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase)
Indications: LFTs
- Liver disease
- Hepatic tumor, necrosis, or ischemia
- Hepatoxic drugs, ETOH use
- Drugs for cholesterol or hyperlipidemia
- Trauma
- Obstructive jaundice
- Gallbladder or Pancreatic disease
- Pregnancy
- Preop
- Baseline data
Lipid Panel, Lipid Profile
Patient must be FASTING!
- Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
Indications: Lipid Panel
- Family history of hypertriglyceridemia
- Hyperlipidemias
- Cardiac disorders (also used to evaluate risk for cardiac disease)
- Renal Failure
- Diabetes Mellitus
- High fat or high carbohydrate diet
- Malabsorption syndrome
- Thyroid disorders
- Malnutrition
Coagulation Panel
- PT (protime)
- PTT (partial thromboplastin time)
- Bleeding Time
- Platelet Count (see CBC)
Indications: Coag Panel
- Monitor drug effects (heparin, warfarin)
- Drug overdoses (anticoagulants, antiinflammatories)
- Embolism
- Bleeding or Clotting disorders
- Vit. K deficiency
- Bleeding disorders
- Renal or Liver disorder (cirrhosis)
- Bone marrow failure
- Massive blood transfusion
Other Tests
- thyroid panel
- renal panel, renal function tests
- UA (urinalysis)
Urinalysis (UA)
Appearance Color pH Protein Specific Gravity (SG) Leukocyte esterase Nitrites Bilirubin Casts Glucose WBC
Acid-Base Disorders
-must maintain homeostasis
hydrogen ions (H+)
determine acidity of body fluids
release H+ in solution
bases (alkaline)
accept H+ in solution
measured hydrogen concentration in solution
H+ and pH have an
inverse relationship
If you increase H+, how does that affect pH?
pH falls (acidic)
If you decrease H+, how does that affect pH?
pH rises (alkaline or basic)
Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
maintains pH of body within normal range
Buffer Systems effect on regulation of acid-base balance
buffers are substances that prevent changes in pH by removing or release H+
Respiratory System effect on regulation of acid-base balance
regulates carbon acid in body by eliminating or retaining CO2.
Renal System effect on regulation of acid-base balance
excess acids removed by kidneys, they also bicarbonate ions.
(ABGs) arterial blood is used because
it reflects acid-base balance in body than venous blood
(ABGs) Arterial blood provides
information about the effectiveness of lungs in oxygenating blood
What elements are measured in ABGs?
pH, PaCO2, HCO3, PaO2
Arterial blood gas
Normal ABGs: pH
Normal ABGs: PaCO2
35-45 mm Hg
Normal ABGs: PaO2
80-100 mm Hg
Normal ABGs: HCO3
22-26 mEq/L