A&P 1.14 Flashcards
Muscles of Pelvic Bowl
L: Pelvic bowl deep
O: Iliac crest & iliac fossa of ilum
I: Lesser trochanter of femur via tendon of Psoas Major
A: Flexion & lateral rotation of thigh at hip
Convergent fiber direction
Muscles of Pelvic Bowl
Psoas Major
L: Abdominal/pelvic cavity deep
O: Bodies, discs & transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
I: Lesser trochanter of femur (joining with iliacus @ hip)
A: - Flexion of trunk at waist
- flexion & lateral rotation of thigh at hip
Blends w/ iliacus at hip level for common insertion at lesser trochanter
Parallel fiber direction
Often bothered when sitting for too long
Deep Layer of Anterior Compartment of Leg
Extensor Hallicus Longus
L: Anterior leg deep
O: Fibula & interosseous membrane (middle & anterior surfaces)
I: Distal phalanx of hallux
A: Extension of hallux & dorsiflecion of foot at ankle
Only muscle in anterior leg compartment deep
Unipennate fiber direction
Superficial Anterior Compartment of Leg
Extensor Digitorum Longus
L: Anterior leg superficial
O: Lateral condyle of tibia, fibula and interosseous mebmbrane
I: Middle & distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes
A: Extension of lateral 4 toes and dorsiflexion of foot at ankle
Parallel fiber direction proximal 1/2 then unipennate fiber direction distal 1/2 (allows for dorsiflexion of foot @ankle)
Superficial Anterior Compartment of Leg
Tibialis Anterior
L: Anterior leg superficial
O: Lateral condyle & proximal 1/2 of tibia
I: Medial cuneiform & base of 1st metatarsal
A: Dorsiflexion & inversion of foot at ankle
Parallel fiber direction
- Largest ms in anterior leg compartment
- Part of the strirrup of foot
- Associated w/ shin splints (ms pulls from bone)
Deep Lateral Compartment of Leg
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis
L: Lateral leg deep
O: Distal 2/3 of fibula
I: Base of 5th metatarsal
A: Plantarflexion & eversion of foot at ankle
Posterior to lateral malleolus
Bipennate fiber direction
Superficial Lateral Compartment of Leg
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus
L: Lateral leg superficial
O: Head & proximal 2/3 of fibula
I: Base of 1st metatarsal & medial cuneiform on plantar surface of foot
A: Plantarflexion & eversion of foot at ankle
- Posterior to lateral malleolus
- Part of stirrup of foot
Muscles of Pelvic Bowl
Name the two muscles of the pelvic bowl
- Iliacus
- Psoas major
Compartments of the Leg
How many compartments are there?
3 compartments
Compartments of the Leg
How many layers in the anterior compartment?
Compartments of the Leg
List the layers of the anterior compartment of the leg and the muscles they contain
- Extensor hallucis longus
- Extensor digitorum longus
- Tibialis anterior
Compartments of the Leg
How many layers are in the lateral compartment of the leg?
Compartments of the Leg
List the layers of the lateral leg compartment and the muscles they contain
- Fibularis brevis (peroneus)
- Fibularis longus (peroneus)