9.1 Employee Relations Flashcards
____ and____ are responsible for seeing that the employee relations policies of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) are properly administered.
Managers and supervisors
The provisions of the contracts _____ be changed, except by mutual agreement between the employer and the exclusive representative(s). However, as a matter of operational necessity, other changes affecting working conditions ____ occur at any or all levels of command within the Department.
cannot, may
On May 22, 1986, the Governor signed legislation (SB 2564) to retitle State Employer-Employee Relations Act (SEERA) the ______ to become effective January 1, 1987. The retitlement of SEERA was the first time the state had a passage for a comprehensive collective bargaining bill.
Ralph C. Dills Act
What is a series of Government Code Sections which govern collective bargaining for represented employees of the State of California?
Dills Act
Name three basic elements of Dills Act.
(a) Covers all civil service employees
(b) Grants specific rights only to represented employees
(c) Requires the state and exclusive representatives to negotiate in good faith on wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment,
(d) Contains criteria for determining which classifications are grouped into which bargaining units
(e) Provides for exclusive representation for represented employees
(f) Defines unfair labor practices by management and exclusive representatives
(g) Contains provisions for impasse procedures and public disclosure of bargaining proposals
Under the _____, represented employees have the right to be represented by their exclusive representative regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.
Dills Act
Under this statue (_________), supervisory employees have the right to be represented regarding all matters related to employment conditions and supervisory employer-employee relations.
Excluded Employees Bill of Rights
Government Code Section _____, provides a statutory right to a representative of the officer’s choice “upon the filing of a formal written statement of charges or whenever an interrogation focuses on matters which are likely to result in punitive action.”
3303 (i)
What court ruling established the right of a bargaining unit employee, to be assisted by a union representative at an investigatory interview to which the employee had been summoned by management, and when the employee reasonably believed disciplinary action may result from the interview.
Weingarten Rule
If there is a conflict between departmental policy and the provisions of a negotiated contracted, the _____ shall be controlling.
Historically, what has been the relationship between management and labor been?
one of conflict
List at least two essential techniques for managers and supervisors to utilize:
(1) Understand and exercise management’s rights for the efficiency and effectiveness of the department
(2) Be familiar with the contracts covering their staff
(3) Develop relationships with employee organization representatives
(4) Remain alert to problems which may be brewing. Attempt to resolve them before they become formal grievance or complaints.
(5) Keep the Office of Employee Relations informed of significant employee relations issues and problems with contract language.
When keeping a record of the amount of time a representative spends away from regular work assignments, which CHP form do you use?
CHP 610
One of the most important relationships in any organization is between the employee and?
immediate supervisor
Who does bargain unit 5 represent?
CHP officers and CHP cadets
Employees’ “own time” or “non-working hours” are considered to be_______________
Lunch periods, rest breaks, and time before and after work
State vehicles _____ _____ be used for transportation by employees or employee organization representatives while participating in representational or employee organization business.
shall not
Use of state equipment or the time used for activities permitted in this section ____ be subject to prior notification and approval by the employee’s ______ _________.
shall, immediate supervisor
The _____ ____ __ ______ shall be the primary consideration when approving requests for the use of release time
needs of the command
Normally, up to a maximum of ____ ____ may be authorized to prepare and present a grievance/complaint at the informal level and each formal appeal level in the grievance and appeal procedures. This time may be limited or extended only with management’s approval dependent upon the complexity of the issue.
four hours
Leave of credits. Contributions must be in _____ hour increments. Except holiday credits which is in _____ hour increments. Sick leave _____ _____ not be donated.
1/8/may not
What are the five levels of complaints/grievances?
Informal and levels 1 thru 4
Describe what the five complaint/grievance levels are?
Informal - employee and supervisor Level 1 is with Area commander 2 with Division commander 3 with office of the commissioner 4 with Cal HR
What forms should be used to file complaint or grievance?
CHP 94 or STD 630
Grievance records shall be retained at the affected command for a period of _____ years following the date of the final action.
Complaint records shall be retained at the affected command for a period of ____ years following the date of the final action.
Hq shall retain grievance for ____ years and complaints for _____ years.
5, 3
A formal grievance may be file ____ working days if he/she is not happy with the informal decision or ____ working days after the initial circumstances/incident.
5, 10
For levels 1-3, how many working days shall the Department head respond in writing after receiving the appeal?
How many working days does CalHR have to respond to an appeal of a grievance?
Managers, Supervisors, and Confidential Employees are expressly excluded from collective bargaining by the _________?
Dills Act
How many specialty pay assignments are there in the department?
four - motorcycle, investigator, bilingual, air ops