11.1 Administrative Procedures Flashcards
What is a fiscal year?
July 1st to June 30
When is the Governor’s Budget published?
January 10th
What system is used for travel advances and submital for reimbursement?
CalATERS Global
What are the five applicable documents which shall be included in a transmittal for expenses?
Comm net with traveler's name Memo or email from appropriate commissioner or Chief Class roster including traveler's name approved CHP 50 Subpeona for court
What is the difference between short term and long term allowances?
short is less than 24hrs up to 30 day
long is 31 day and longer
Employees shall not request advances with the estimated cost is less than what?
Employees shall submit their request for a travel advance at least ____ business days prior to the first day of travel but no earlier than ___ weeks prior to the first day of travel.
two, two
Employees shall clear their travel advances no later than _____calendar days after the trip.
What are the exceptions for using CHP 262 for travel in lieu of CalATERS Global? There are 6
(1) Employees are stationed at a Resident Post or an office with no Internet connectivity.
(2) Internet connectivity issues exist due to power outages and/or other natural disasters.
(3) Employees are new to the Department and unable to gain access to CalATERS Global before being sent to training.
(4) Employees are requesting reimbursement of expenses associated with an approved relocation.
(5) Employees are requesting replenishment of confidential funds.
(6) Employees are requesting reimbursement of expenses associated with a broad scale deployment paid by an external entity or other circumstances when approved by the appropriate Commissioner.
If the amount claimed for any month does not exceed _____, employees should hold their expense claims until the total amount being requested exceeds $_____, or by June 30
$10, $10
Approval responsibilities. Supervisors shall ensure what: There are 4
(1) Claimed amounts are consistent with the current rates published on the CHP Intranet site, Resources, Travel, Travel Rules and Policies.
(2) Exceptions to standard policy are justified in the Notes section
(3) Required receipts have been furnished by the employee
(4) The CalATERS Global transmittal page and supporting documentation are submitted promptly to FMS, TSU, for proces
Receipts for reimbursement for travel expenses of any items over _____shall be provided.
Receipts for reimbursement for travel expenses for taxi, transportation, toll bridges, parking fees for expenses over _____shall be provided.
Receipts for reimbursement for travel expenses of any telephone or fax charges over _____shall be provided.
No per diem shall be allowed at any location within _____miles of an employee’s headquarters or primary dwelling
Lodging shall be booked by?
Concur, CalTravelStore or short term rental such as Airbnb
When a trip begins at or before ______ hours, employees may claim breakfast.
When a trip begins at or before ______ hours, employees may claim lunch.
When a trip begins at or before ______ hours, employees may claim dinner.
For fractional days claims for trip begins at or before:
_____ hours for breakfast
_____ hours for lunch
_____ hours for dinner
0800, 1400, 1900
Commanders may approve up to a maximum of _____ days sick leave, as necessary, for employees while traveling on state business.
Employees may claim overtime meal when he/she is mandated to work immediately before or after their regular shift for an additional _____ hours.
Employees may claim overtime meal for each additional ____ hours worked. No more than 3 claims in a 24 hour period.
Employees are encouraged to use rail, bus, or air for transportation in lieu of _____ or _____ _____ _____
state or privately owned property
In regards to travel expenses (relocation), a maximum of ______ year(s) is allowed for lease/rental.
When a CHP 251 or counter receipt number for the sale of the initial report is provided, up to ______ supplemental pages shall be provided free of charge.
The fee charged for reproduction of MAIT videotapes will be ____ per tape cartridge.
Shortages of ____ or more must be reported in writing no later than the first business day following the discovery of the shortage
When the Department enters into a RSC with a private entity, the RSC shall include an_______ clause
A _____ hour minimum cancellation notification will be required prior to each scheduled work service/detail. Cancellations must be made during normal CHP business hours between 0800 and 1700, Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays
If cancelation is made less than 24 hours and employee is notified, a short notice cancelation fee of ____ will be charged.
If cancelation is made less than 24 hours and employee cannot be notified, entity will be bill _____ hours.
When one command is providing personnel to assist another command on a reimbursable SP, the following information is needed:
(1) The hours and miles reported for assistance to another command should be noted on the report.
(2) The name of the command responsible for the reimbursable SP.
(3) The name of the reimbursable SP.
(4) The Agreement number or R-Number.
When an individual claims to have suffered a loss of $1,000 and under they _____ be provided with a CHP 287, Claims Of $1,000 Or Less, form
Claims should be filed within ___ months of the date of the alleged incidents. However, under certain circumstances, claims may be filed up to ____ year(s) after the accrual of the cause of action.
6, one
The ___ _____ provides legal counsel for eligible departmental employees in civil lawsuits arising out of an act or omission occurring within the course and scope of their employment. The employee must make a request to be represented by the AG in _____.
AG’s office, writing
If within ____ days of appearance date and the supervisor is reasonably certain service cannot be made in time, he/she may refuse acceptance
An employee on sick leave or injury status is ____ considered unavailable for service
Subpoenas ____ ____ be accepted on an “on call” basis
shall not
Criminal Subpoena – Witness Appearance – In State – Non Official. Officer ____ ____ appear in uniform or drive a state car
shall not
Employees shall attend civil proceeding anywhere in the state as long as there was proper service. True or false
What CHP form shall be submitted for a subpeona?
CHP 90
CHP 90, travel expense claim, and subpeona shall be submitted to Accounting within ____ hours.
Records Management refers to ______ procedures that govern the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, and final disposition of records
An employee of the Department must witness the destruction of all personal or confidential material that is destroyed by a private company. If the records are to be destroyed at the DGS SRC in West Sacramento, a departmental employee does not need to witness the destruction. True or False
Right to know is the right to obtain criminal offender record information pursuant to court order, statute or decisional law. True or False
Need to know is the necessity to obtain criminal offender record information in order to execute official responsibilities. True or False
The PRA provides access to information concerning the conduct of the people’s business and is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state. The PRA does not apply to all records in the Department’s possession however obtained or created. True or False
False. PRA does apply to ALL records.
The Department requires a CHP370 PRA request poster in every area office in public view in what two languages?
English and Spanish
If a PRA request is made. Who fills out the CHP 370C, an employee or requestor?
Arrest log only PRA _________ require prior approval from Special Counsel . does or does not?
Does not
Calculate _____ calendar days from the date the request is received. The date after the request is received is day one. If day _____ is on a weekend or holiday, use the next business day.
10, 10
Search for and identify responsive records. If there is a specific question regarding the release of a particular record or certain information contained within a record, contact PRU. If you have not received a reply from the PRU in ___ business days, call and confirm the request was received
Public record payment of fee of _____ cents per page for single sided pages and ______ cents per page for most others.
30 cents, 50 cents
Inspection of records shall be made only in the presence of departmental personnel to prevent records from being destroyed, mutilated, defaced, altered, photographed, or copied. True or False
CHP 520, Area Public Records Act Request Log. Commands shall complete and maintain the CHP 520, and forward the form on a ______ basis to the appropriate field Division office.
The PRA requires justification for withholding any record by demonstrating the record is specifically exempt under provisions of the PRA or, based on the facts of the particular case, the public interest served by withholding the record clearly ______ the public interest served by disclosure.
Only the District Attorney’s office can release a subject’s arrest report. True or Fasle
Fasle. If the DA refuses, a copy will be provided upon proof of ID and 10 cents per page.
Only the subject’s name and offense(s) allegedly committed by a juvenile ____ years or older taken into custody for a serious felony are releasable.
Criminal history release shall be referred to DOJ. True or False
Name 5 of 11 information is releasable of an arrested individual:
_ Full name of arrestee
_ Arrestee’s physical description (including gender, eye and hair color, height, and weight)
_ Arrestee’s date of birth
_ Arrestee’s occupation
_ Date/time/location of the arrest
_ If applicable, subsequent booking
_ Charges on which the arrest is being held
_ Factual circumstances surrounding the arrest
_ Time and manner of release
_ The amount of bail set
_ Outstanding warrants or parole/probation holds to which the arrestee is subject
The analyses and conclusions of the investigative officer are considered to be public and are to be available to public disclosure . True or False
False. They are not considered public and are to be withheld
Any after-hours emergency shall be reported to ______
Water heaters shall be set at a maximum of ____ degrees
Interior air shall not be heated above ____ degrees nor cooled below _____ degrees
68, 78
In the event of an earthquake of 4.0 and above, all offices within a _____ mile radius of the epicenter must inspect the lines, tanks, and monitoring systems for possible leaks or damage.
When an Area intends to seize a conveyance, they shall within ____ hours notify the Division AFC or their intent.
The Department will seek recovery for DUI incident following what criteria:
An arrest of 23152 or greater and the arrested party was the cause for the officer’s response. Also a chem test with a BAC of .08% or greater, or .04% or greater for commercial drivers.
d. In addition to the above criteria in b.(1) and (2), a conviction for CVC Sections 23152, 23153, or greater offense is required when one of the following applies:
(1) A BAC test returns under .08%.
(2) A chemical test is positive for drugs only.
(3) There is no supporting BAC test or drug test (i.e., a refusal). If a case must wait until conviction to meet the DUI Cost Recovery Program criteria:
(1) It is considered a conviction in this program when a case results in a plea of nolo contendre (no contest) to the original arrest charges of CVC Sections 23152, 23153, or greater offense involving alcohol and/or drugs.
It is not considered a conviction in this program when a case is plea bargained to a lesser offense.
X Numbers are issued for services at a cost of under ______
$5,000. A CHP 78 for costs above that is to be used
All questionable invoices shall be disputed
immediately. Undisputed invoices shall not sit in an employee’s inbox unattended. True or False
Problems concerning contractor’s performance must be provided in writing. Written notification to the contractor must be by _____ ______ or ______ ______
certified mail or UPS ground
How many quotes are required for certified business and how many for non certified?
two for certified and three for non
Can an entire report of a peace officer from another agency be released to the peace officer’s agency upon request prior to conviction?
Yes. Labor law allows for it
Can an entire report of a civilian employee from another agency be released to the employee’s agency upon request prior to conviction?
No. Only public information can be released
If an outside agency requested a report of an arrest (non employee) what information can be released.
Public information only
Can overtime meals be claimed while on travel status?
The transmittal to PRU of any and all video and audio recordings related to an officer involved shooting shall occur within how many days of the qualifying event?
10 calendar days