50.5 Civil Disturbance Manual Flashcards
How often will uniformed employees train in Civil Disturbance?
What type of resistance describes the following: Intentional and unlawful opposition to lawful order of peace officer during arrest situations but involves no physical resistance
Passive Resistance
What type of resistance describes the following: Intentional and unlawful oppose the lawful order in a physical manner (bracing, tensed muscles, running away etc)
Active Resistance
What type of resistance describes the following: Aggressive or combative behavior which attempts/threatens to assault an officer or another
Assaultive Resistance
For passive resistors what is the baton positions?
in the ring or basic tuck
For active resistance what is the baton positions?
long extended
For assaultive resistance what is the baton positions or actions?
long extended and attempt to take the violator into custody if situation permits
What is a platoon?
composed of two or three squads, normally with a lieutenant
What is a company?
minimum four squads, normally with a captain and two executive officers (normally LTs)
What is a battalion?
two or more companies usually lead by Asst. Chief
Extends right arm vertically overhead with hand closed in a fist. What is this called?
column of files
Used to move small crowds or deny access. Arms outstretched from sides, fingers extended and palms facing down. What is this called?
line formation
Used to increase line coverage. Arms outstretched from sides, fingers extended and palms facing forward. What is this called?
line formation - tac spacing
Clasps both hands in front of his upper torso/ region and moves his hands in a clapping motion from clasped to unclasped several times. What is this called?
line relief
Used to clear streets with doorways and obstructions. Arms outstretched from sides at shoulder level and call line formation. Then calls lateral support with 90 degree bend at the crook of the arm hands open and above the head, and palms facing forward. What is this called?
line formation - lateral support
Used when a crowd has refused to obey lawful order to disperse and multiple arrests will be made. Officers should face the group. Unless arrested is within larger crowd. Every other officer face away from the group. Extend arms overhead, with hands open and fingertips touching, forming a circle. What is this called?
Same use as encirclement but may be used to form an outer perimeter for safety and protection. Inner squad face in and outer squad face out. Arms extended overhead, with closed fists touching, forming a circle. What is this called?
encirclement - close support
Used to separate crowds into two smaller groups by moving two columns of officers through the center of the crowd. Arms outstretched from sides at shoulder level, with a 90 degree bend at the crook of the arm, hands open and above the head and palms facing forward. Then moves arms to the front, palms facing rearward, then moves arms back to original position. What is this called?
separation formation
Used to arrest squad to remove an agitator or perform a rescue. May be used to rapidly deploy a line formation. Arms raised above the head, fists closed, and crossing arms at the wrists indicating a crossbow formation. Follow up for arrest leave one hand clinched in a fist while the other hand grasps the clinched hand the base of the wrists. For rescue leave one hand clinched in a fist while other hand covers the knuckles and finger portion of the clinched fist. What is this called?
What are the color managements of the squads?
management yellow, 1 is red, 2 is white, 3 is blue, 4 is green and 5 is orange and grenadiers are black
How often are the chemical masks to be inspected?