9 : Change Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Change Theme?
The purpose of the change theme is to provide information to help you identify, assess and control any changes to products that have already been approved and baselined. The Change Theme provides a common approach to issue and change management.
The Change theme is not just about handling change request, but also handling issues that arise during the project. This is known as Issue and Change Control or Issue and Change Management.
The Change Theme also provides information on Configuration Management which describes how you should look after the products created and used by the project, so you can identify products, collect information to track them, audit to check whether the correct versions are in the right place and so on.
What is the change theme concerned with?
The Change theme is not just about handling change request, but also handling issues that arise during the project. This is known as Issue and Change Control or Issue and Change Management.
The Change Theme also provides information on Configuration Management which describes how you should look after the products created and used by the project, so you can identify products, collect information to track them, audit to check whether the correct versions are in the right place and so on.
Where can issues or changes from?
Anywhere on the project. Including from Team members, Customers, Project manager, or the sponsor.
Should the Project Manager try to prevent change?
This is a nice idea but changes are inevitable, as 100% of the requirements are not known up front and even if they are, new ideas can still be suggested to improve products.
So the objective is not to prevent changes but to allow changes to be assessed and then if agreed, they can be accepted and implemented.
What happens without a change and issue control process?
The project is likely to become unresponsible to it’s customers, or drift out of control.
When is issue and change control undertaken?
Issue and change control happen during the full life cycle of a project. So this can happen anytime.
What is Configuration Management?
Configuration management is the activity concerned with the creation, maintenance and controlled change of a product during the lifecycle of a project.
What is a release?
A release is a complete and consistent set of products that are managed, tested and deployed as a single entity to be handed over to the users.
I think the important points here are the set of products deployed as a single entity. So a laptop PC will have a release number e.g.: 1.2, with certain build of OS, version of bios, list of components with their own version numbers.
What is the entity (or item) that is managed by configuration management?
Configuration Item is the name used by PRINCE2 and each of these items can have its own Configuration Item Record.
So a Configuration Item can refer to a product, a component of a product or a release.
What is an issue?
Anything happening during the project which, unless resolved, will result in a change to a baselined product, plan, or performance target (time, cost, scope, quality, risk and benefits).
PRINCE2 uses the term issue to cover any relevant event that has happened, which was not planned and which requires some management action. E.g.: a question, a problem or a change request.
What are the three types of issues?
The 3 types of issues are:
- Request for change
- Off-Specification
- Problem /Concern
What is an Off-Specification issue?
An Off-Specification is something that was agreed to be done but is not provided by the supplier or forecasted not to be provided
Example: The supplier could not complete the automated forget password feature, therefore password will have to be set manually by the central administrator which will increase the cost of support
What is a Problem / Concern issue?
A Problem/Concern issue is any other issue that the Project Manager needs to resolve or escalate to the project board.
Example: One of the teams was taken off the project for two weeks
What is a Request for Change issue?
a Request for Change is a proposal for a change to a baseline document
Example: A future user requests to support a new language
When is the change control process defined?
The way that the project will control issues, changes and change management will be decided early in the project in the Iniatating a Project Stage and documented in the change control approach.
This will be kept under review and may be updated during the Managing a Stage Boundary process.
What are the 6 management products to control issues?
- Change control strategy
- Configuration Items Records: To provide a set of data for each products used in the project. See this as metadata for each product. E.g.: think of a library card for each book
- Product Status Account: A report on the status of products.
- Daily Log: Used by the project manager as a diary for all informal information.
- Issue Register: Imagine a spreadsheet with a number of columns to capture and maintain issues.
- Issue Report: A report description of an issue, which of course can be request for change, specification or problem/concern.
What is included in the Change control approach doc?
The change control doc should include procedures for
- Change control
- Issue management
- Records
- Timing of activities
- Assessment scales
What should the Change control strategy be based upon?
The existing standards for issue and change control in the company as they can be incorporated into the Configuration Management Strategy document.
If there is a Programme in place, then there will usually be such guidelines; if not, the Project Manager must ask a number of questions so one can create a Configuration Management Strategy document.
How should change requests be priortised?
PRINCE2 suggests using the MoSCoW technique, which is a great technique to prioritize change requests; it is easy to use and easy for the requesters to understand. MoSCoW stands for: Must have, Should Have, Could Have and Wont have for now.
- Must have: The change is essential for the viability of the project and its absence will affect the project objectives, so it should be included.
- Should have: The change is important & its absence will weaken the business case. However the project still meets project objectives.
- Could have: Also known as nice to have. The change is useful but its absence does not weaken the business case.
- Won’t have for now: The change is not essential or important, so it can wait.
What is the Change Authority?
The Change Authority is a person or group who consider requests for change and off-specifications.
It is the responsibility of the Project Board but they can assign this to other persons or the Project Board can choose to do this themselves, which is more common where few changes are expected.
In addition, some limited ability to approve/decide on changes is usually delegated to the Project Manager.
How is the Change Authority funded?
The Change Authority will have a Change Budget, this is a sum of money that the customer and supplier agree will be used to fund the cost of requests for change.
This is decided during the Initiation stage and will be documented in the Change Control Approach document.
It is advisable to always have a change budget for each project unless you are sure there will be very few of no change requests.
What controls can be applied to the change budget?
The Project Board can put a limit on the on the cost of a single change or the amount to be spent in any one stage and of course the total amount of money in the change budget.
This effectively controls how the Change authority works.
What are Configuration Item Records?
The configuration item record provides a set of records that describe all the products in a project.
The purpose of Configuration Items Records is to provide a set of records that describe the products in a project. This information can be like the status, version, type, short description, owner, current location, relationships with other products, etc.
They are most likely created by the Project Manager role and maintained by the Product Support role.
What is the Product Status account?
Product Status Account is the record of the state of all the products in the project.
What is Product Status Accounting?
Product Status Accounting produces a report on the status of products and helps to ensure that the right products are in the right place and being used by the right persons. The data is usually compared with the data in the Configuration Item Records.
The purpose of the Product Status Account is to provide information about the status of products. This can be a report on one product, a group of products, or all products created during a stage.
A Product Status Account can happen at any time in the project; however at the end of a stage or end of a project is a good time to do this. E.g.: At the end of a stage you wish to ensure that all the latest versions of certain products are being used and users are not using older outdated versions. This is done by the role Project Support.
What is the Daily Log?
The daily log is used to record informal issues, required actions or significant events that are not captured in other project documents at that time. See it as a diary for the Project Manager in a word document with a number of columns such as date, comment, person responsible, date of any follow up if needed.
The Daily Log is first created in the Starting Up a Project process by the Project Manager and is updating during the project by the Project Manager. Any person can raise an informal issue but only the Project Manager can add this to the Daily Log.
What is the Issue Register?
The issue register captures and maintains information on the issues raised in the project.
It is created and maintained by the Project Manager.
The format and scales used are documented in the Configuration Management Strategy document. Product Support can also support the Project Manager in maintaining the Issue Register.
What information is included in the issue register?
Some of the info will be:
- issue identifier
- issue type (request for change, off specification or concern)
- priority
- severity
- date raised
- raised by
- description
- status
- closure date.
What is an Issue Report?
An Issue Report is a description of an issue, which can be a request for change, off specification or problem/concern.
It also contains an impact assessment of these issues, therefore providing detailed information on how the issue affects the project.
Issue Reports are created by the Project Manager and will be given to the Project Board, Change Authority and other stakeholders if necessary. E.g.: If an issue will take the stage out of tolerance, then the Project Board would like to see the Issue Report for that issue.
When are Issue Reports created?
The Issue Report is usually created when the issue is first registered in the Risk Register.
So basic information such as identifier, issue type, dates raised and raised by can be added. It can then be updated again after the issue has been examined, proposed solutions, choose solution. The final update that is done to an Issue Report document may be to change the status to closed and add the closed date.
What is Configuration management?
Configuration management are all the activities that control, maintain and control changes for each product throughout the project lifecycle or in other words looking after the products in the project?
Configuration management is about looking after the project products.
What happens during the Planning activity in Configuration Management?
Planning is to do with deciding the level of configuration management that will be required so that the question asked by the Project Manager is “to what level do we need to do configuration management?”
E.g.: If we are designing a new laptop PC we might decide do configuration management for all major products that make up the laptop but to worry about the internal components in these component products like motor used in the hard-disk. So the project will have a configuration item record and product description for the Hard-disk and not for any internal components in the hard-disk.
• What is the level of configuration management for this laptop project? We can say that the level of configuration for this project is the main components of the laptop PC.
What happens during the Identification activity in Configuration Management?
Identification is about identifying all products that will be used in the project and establish a coding system so that each product can be given a unique identifier.
This can include information such as project name, product title, version number and initials of owner. For example, this document where I have written out these questions and answers is called P2F-LTQ-MP-FT-v1-1-date.doc. P2F stands for PRINCE2 Foundation, LTQ is short for Learn Thru Questions, BA stands for Management Plaza, FT are my initials & so on.
What happens during the Control activity in Configuration Management?
This is Control activity and it is about controlling changes to products during the project. In fact the PRINCE2 manual says “once a product is approved nothing moves and nothing changes without authorization”. Baselined products are also used to compare the current situation with the previous objectives. E.g.: At the end of the project the current updated project plan is compared to the original plan to see how the project went compared to the original objectives.
This activity is about managing the changes to the products during the life of the project. E.g.: When a product is baselined, it cannot be updated again. Instead a new version will have to be created. This activity also deals with the storing, distribution of copies, access control and archiving for both management and specialist products.
What happens during the Status Accounting activity in Configuration Management?
This is Status Accounting. The Project Manager can call for a Product Status account at any time in the project but this mostly can happen at the end of the stage or end of the project. This will be carried out by Project Support for the Project Manager. This can focus on just one product or a group of products. The Product Status Account can look at the following status information for each product it looks at: Identifier, version, last update, current status, owner, changes since last update, list of users, date of next baseline, and related items.
This activity is to do with the reporting of current and historical data for one or more products in the form of a Product Status Account so that it is possible to see how a product has changed in each version and also its current status (also known as history data).
What happens during the Verification and audit activity in Configuration Management?
This is Verification & Audit. In the example just given the Project Support person might check things like: Do certain users have access to the correct product versions, are products where they are supposed to be, do they have the correct identification numbers, are products secure and so on. Verification and audit also checks that the configuration management procedure outlined in the Configuration Management Strategy document is being followed correctly.
This activity involves verifying the products are in line with the data in the Configuration Item Records? Just imagine a Project Support picking up a Configuration Item Record and going off to check that all the data in the Configuration Item is correct.
Are there two different procedures for Issues and Change Control?
There is only one procedure.
The Issue and Change Control Produce is the procedure for handling issues and change requests, so that one procedure does both. This is important to remember and makes the change theme easy to understand if you know this.
What are the two procedures in the change theme?
- The Issue and Change Control Produce
- Configuration Management Procedure
What are the 5 steps in the Issue and Change Control procedure?
The five steps in the Issue and Change Control Procedure are as follows: Capture, Examine, Propose, Decide and Implement. I hope CEPDI helped to recall this.
- Capture: Determine the type of issue, formal, informal, request for changes, and off-specification
- Examine: Assess the impact of the issue on the project objectives
- Propose: Propose actions to take, so Identify the options, evaluate and recommend
- Decide: Decide whether to approve, reject or defer the recommend solution
- Implement: Take corrective action, update Work Package or create Exception Plan
What happens during the Capture step of the Issue and Change Control process?
During the capture step, the issue is analysed and recorded in an issue report, and included in the issue register. It is categorised by type (change request, off-specification, problem/concern), severity.
If the issue does not need to be handled formally, then it can be noted in the Daily Log.
When does the Capture issues activity happen?
Issues can be reported by anyone connected to the project so the capturing issue can be done at any time. The Project Manager should plan some time into their daily/weekly schedule to deal with new issues.
When would a Project manager not register an issue on the register?
A Project Manager would solve a simple issue immediately and will not register in the Issue Register but would record it on the Daily Log.
Because the Project Manager can handle all of these issues quickly and informally. So this does not need to be handled formally and the Project Manager can just make note in their Daily Log that they acted on a certain issue on a certain date.
Any kind of simple issue is good as an example. For example, a team member needs access to an application; or the need access to a network, or needs an email account.
When is the issue report first created?
An Issue Report should be created at the same time as the entry is made in the Issue Register so that the Project Manager can start to add the information as they investigate the issue.
The Issue Register then acts as an overview to all the issues. It is possible to see at any time how many issues are open and the status of each issue. On the other hand, the Issue Report is focused on one issue only.
What happens during the Examine step of the Issue and Change Control procedure?
This is the Examine step. It’s the 2nd step in the Issue and Change Control procedure. The impact analysis should consider the impact the issue has on the Project objectives. This work is generally done by the Project Manager and they will decide how detailed the analysis should be as there is no point spending many hours on doing this if it can be solved in less time than it takes to do an Impact Analysis.
The step is to examine the issue by doing an impact analysis, which is a nice way of saying, looking at what effect the issue will have on the project objectives. The keyword here is impact analysis.
What is considered during impact analysis?
For each issue the Project Manager should look at the impact of the isse on
- the six project variables,
- the business case
- and project risk.
Which two documents may the Project Manager update after doing an impact analysis?
The Project Manager may update the Issue Register as the severity and priority of the issue may have changed or to show that an impact analysis has taken place. The other document will be the Issue Report which will normally include a good deal of information from the impact analysis.
What happens during the Propose step of the Issue and Change Control procedure?
During the Propose Step, the Project Manager will consider different options to address the issue and make a recommendation based on the impact analysis done in the assess step.
The PM must consider the option’s impacts on the project objectives which are: time, cost, quality, scope, benefits and risk.
What happens during the decide step on the Change control procedure?
During the decide step, an option is selected.
Who chooses the option is based on the thresholds in place (as spec’ed in the change control approach). The PM might be able to make a decision, or it might have to go to the project board, or change authority.
Which roles can choose a solution to an issue?
Depending on the issue the Project Manager, Project Board or the Change Authority decides if any action should be taken.
- The Project Manager might look after issues of Severity 1,
- the Change Authority could look after Severity 2,
- the Project Board could look after Severity 3 and
- the Corporate/Program Management could look after Severity 4.
This is also decided at the start of the project and documented in the Configuration Management Strategy.
Which document defines the situations when the Project Manager can decide on issues?
The Change Control Approach document.
This documents how Configuration Management and Issue & Change Control Management will be done.
What happens during the Implement step in the Issue and Change Control Procedure?
Implement is for the Project Manager. They can:
- Amend plans or work packages
- Create exception plan for approval (if the proposal brings the stage or project out of tolerance)
Which products does the Project Manager update during the implement step of the Issue and Change Control Procedure?
The issue report and the issue register.
The Project Manager needs to update both to show what has happened and the current status. For example, with the Issue Register, it may change the current status to Closed. The Issue Report will also be updated to show what actions have been taken in the Implement step and the current status.
What is the Project manager responsible for in the Change theme?
They are responsible for:
- Raising issues to the project board
- Managing
- the configuration management procedure
- the issues and change control procedures
- Create and maintain the Issue Register
- Implement corrective actions
What is Project Support responsible for in the change theme?
They are responsible for:
- Administering the issue and change control procedures
- Maintain configuration item records
- Undertake product statue accounts
- Assist the Project Manager to maintain the Issue Register
What is Project Assurance responsible for in the change theme?
They are responsible for providing advice on examining and resolving issues and check that the procedures in the Configuration Management Strategy documents are being followed
What are the Executive responsible for in the change theme?
They are responsible for:
- Determine the Change Authority and change budget
- Set the scale for severity rating,
- Set the scale for priority ratings:
- Respond to requests for advice from the Project Manager during the project
- Make decisions on issues that are escalated by the Project Manager
The Project Board is also responsible for most of these.
What is the Team Manager responsible for in the change theme?
They are responsible for raising issues and implementing corrective actions that were assign by the Project Manager
What is a Baseline?
Reference levels against which an entity is monitored and controlled.
What is corporate or programme management responsible for in the change theme?
They are responsible for the stategty for:
- Change control
- Issue resolution
- Configuration management
What is the senior user responsible for in the change theme?
They are responsible for:
- Raising issues
- Ensuring decisions focus on expected benefits
- Providing advice
What is the senior supplier responsible for in the change theme?
They are responsible for:
- Raising issues
- Ensuring decisions focus on the integrity of complete solution
- Providing advice
What are the Prince2 mininum requirements for change? (5 things, 2 products)
A project must:
- Define its change control approach covering:
- How issues are identified and managed
- Assessing whether issues have a material impact on the project’s business justification
- The roles and responsilities for change control
- Define how product baselines are created, maintained and controlled
- Maintain some form of issue register
- Ensure that issues are captured, examined, managed and reviewed
- Use lessons to inform issue identification and management
2 products are required. They are:
- Issue register
- Change control approach