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Zero OB + GYN
> 8.14 VTE in Pregnancy > Flashcards
8.14 VTE in Pregnancy Flashcards
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Zero OB + GYN
(86 decks)
1.3 Menstrual cycle
4.1 Bacterial Vaginosis
4.2 Candidiasis
4.3 Chlamydia
4.4 Gonorrhoea
4.5 Mycoplasma Genitalum
4.6 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
4.7 Trichomoniasis
4.8 Genital Herpes
4.9 HIV
4.10 Syphilis
5.1 + 5.2 Contraception basics + Barrier methods
5.3 COCP
5.3+ Combined Contraceptive Patch
5.4 Progestogen-only Pill
5.5 Progestogen-only injection
5.6 Progestogen-only implant
5.7 Coils
5.8 Emergency Contraception
5.9 Sterilisation
5.10 Consent to Contraception
6.1 Infertility
6.2 Male Infertility
6.3 IVF
6.4 Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
7.1 Ectopic pregnancy
7.2 Miscarriage
7.3 Recurrent Miscarriage
7.4 Termination of Pregnancy
7.5 Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy
7.6 Molar Pregnancy
8.1 Pregnancy Timeline
8.2 Pregnancy Lifestyle Advice
8.3 Booking Clinic
8.4 Down's Screening
8.5 Chronic Conditions in Pregnancy
8.6 Medications in Pregnancy
8.7 Infections in Pregnancy
8.8 Rhesus Incompatibility
8.9 Small for Gestational Age
8.10 Large for Gestational Age
8.11 Multiple Pregnancy
8.12 Urinary Tract Infection in Pregnancy
8.13 Anaemia in Pregnancy
8.15 Pre-eclampsia
8.16 Gestational Diabetes
8.17 Obstetric Cholestasis
8.18 Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
8.19 Pregnancy-related Rashes
8.20 Placenta Previa
8.21 Placental Abruption
8.22 Placenta Accreta
8.23 Breech Presentation
8.24 Stillbirth
8.25 Cardiac Arrest in Pregnancy
9.1 Onset of Labour
9.2 Premature Labour
9.3 Induction of Labour
9.4 Cardiotocography
9.5 Drugs in Labour
9.6 Failure to Progress
9.7 Pain relief in labour
9.8 Cord Prolapse
9.9 Shoulder Dystocia
9.10 Instrumental Delivery
9.11 Perineal Tears
9.12 Active Management of the Third Stage
9.13 Postpartum Haemorrhage
9.14 Caesarean Section
9.15 Maternal Sepsis
9.16 Amniotic Fluid Embolisation
9.17 Uterine Rupture
9.18 Uterine Inversion
8.14 VTE in Pregnancy
2.26 Cervical Ectropion
2.27 Nabothian Cysts
3.1 Cervical Cancer
2.13 Ovarian Cysts
2.14 Ovarian Torsion
2.6 Fibroids
2.7 Endometriosis
2.8 Adenomysis
2.9 Menopause
2.10 Premature Ovarian Insufficiency
2.11 Hormone Replacement Therapy
Breastfeeding and Drugs (Passmed)