80T-105 CV NATOPS MANUAL Flashcards
CATCC Manning
CATCC shall be manned 1.5 hours before scheduled flight operations.
Flight Plans required for:
- Terminate ashore
- Proceed across ADIZ boundaries and are not covered by a flight advisory.
- Proceed over land
Flight advisories shall be filed for flights within ADIZ boundaries by all ac that will land back on board ship and not covered by a flight plan.
Concurrent Flight Ops
Each ship should remain in its assigned disposition in order to reduce air traffic coordination problems.
Prelaunch procedures shall include exchange of air plans and prelaunch notification by aviation-capable ships and akcnoledgement by the CV/LHA/LHD prior to any flight operations within 10nm of the CV/LHA/LHD
NOTE Unscheduled launches or recoveries that are caused by emergency or operational necessity are permissible, but must be coordinated with the OTC as soon as possible.
Changes in Pilot/AC Assignments
Relayed to CATCC and PriFly as soon as change occurs.
Air Transfer Officer
Responsible to air officer for the safe and orderly flow of pax, mail and cargo on and off carriers by aircraft.
Air Officer
Determines case launch and/or recovery
Responsible for visual control of all ac operating in carrier control zone
Carrier control zone clearing authority
Landing Signals Enlisted
Under supervision of air officer, ensures helos are safely started, engaged, launched, recovered and shut down. Receives directions from PriFly
Responsible to ensure all tiedowns removed/secured
All siganls advisory except “waveoff” and “hold”
Control Criteria (Cases)
Case I: When it is anticipated that flights will not encounter instrument conditions during daytime departures, recoveries and the ceiling and visibility in the carrier control zone are no lower than 3000ft and 5nm respectively.
Case II: When it is anticipated the flights may encounter instrument conditions during a daytime departure or recover, and the ceiling and visibility in the carrier control zone are no lower than 1000ft and 5nm resepectively.
Case III: When it is anticipated that flights will encounter instrument conditions during a departure or recovery because the ceiling or visibility in the carrier control zone are lower than 1000ft and 5nm respectively; or a nighttime departure or recovery (.5 hr after sunset or .5 hr before sunrise)
Degrees of Control
Positive, Advisory, Monitor and Nonradar
Positive Control
Shall be utilized:
- Ceiling of less than 500ft for helos (1000ft fixed)
- Forward vis of 1nm or less for helos (5nm fixed)
- All flights between .5hr after sunset, .5hr before sunrise except as modified by OTC or carrier commanding officer.
- During mandatory letdown in thunderstorm area.
- Other situations where supervisory personnel can anticipate weather phenomena that might cause difficulty to pilots.
All aircraft are considered under positive communication control while operating at sea unless otherwise directed.
Advisory Control
Shall be utilized when traffic density in an operating area requires higher degree of control for safety of flight than required under visaul flight rules. Normally limited to VMC and is recommended for all ops in or adjacent to oceanic control areas or routes.
Traffic separation is responsibility of the individual pilot with assistance provided by the controlling agency.
Monitor Control
Shall be utilized only when aircraft are operating VMC outside controlled airspace and responsibility for separation from other traffic can be safely assumed by the pilot.
Nonradar Control
Shall be used when shipboard radar is inop or so degraded as to be inadequate to provide radar separation of air traffic under conidtions normally requiring positive control.
Operations Officer sets:
EMCON control and proper HERO conditions
Separation Criteria
Shall be utilized for aircraft under positive control.
- Controlled by designated air search radars that rotate in excess of 7rpm:
a. Aircraft operating >50mi from monitoring antenna shall be separated by a min of 5nm.
b. Aircraft operating <50mi…. min of 3nm.
c. Aircraft on designated approach or established downwind and inside of 12nm shall be separated by a min of 2nm. If established on final within 5nm shall be separated by a min of 1.5nm
* NOTE* Air search radars that rotate in excess of 7rpm are only radars acceptable for ASR. - Aircraft provided positive control with all other radars shall be separated by a min of 5nm.
- Aircraft provided nonradar control, utilizing a published approach should be separated by 2 min (5nm when using DME)
Helos shall be separated by 500ft
Voice Procedures
Squadron tactical call signs are recommended as a preface to MODEX upon initial check-in, with use of MODEX only thereafter.
Use when there might be confusion.
Emergency Categories
- Communications failures.
- NAVAID failures.
- Other aircraft system failures.
Initial Emergency Control Responsibility
Rests with agency exercising control when emergency is declared.
Aircraft in distress should not change radio frequencies if satisfactory radio contact is established.
Lost Comm Emergency Squawks (HEFOE)
HEFOE Squawks: Mode I: First digit: 0 - OK 1 - Hydraulic 2 - Electrical 3 - Fuel 4 - Oxygen 5 - Engine
Second Digit: 0 - No radio reception; PALS/ILM OK 1 - No radio reception; TACAN OK 2 - No radio reception; ADF OK 3 - Radio reception OK, no NAVAIDS
Mode III:
7700/7600 (with HEFOE use 7700)
Lost Comm Emergency Squawks (Assistance Required)
All 7 - Mode I squawks indicate no receiver and no NAVAID(s)
Mode I:
70 - Desire tanker join
71 - Intend bingo
72 - Desire aircraft to assist
Mode III:
Fuel on board (up to 7400)
Manning Aircraft
Flightcrews will be ordered to man aircraft approx 45 min before launch time
Downed Aircraft (Duds)
Shall be disposed of in accordance with prelaunch brief. Except in case of emergecny, they shall be shut down only on signal from a director. Pilots shall remain in duds until plane captain is on hand and ready to man cockpit.
Standby Helos
Will often be launched to clear the deck for fixed-wing ops. When this occurs, pilot will proceed directly to the Delta and await landing instructions unless directed otherwise.
Alert Aircraft
Designated by max allowed response time in min from when the decision to launch is made until aircraft is airborne.
After pilot declares the aircraft ready for flight, it shall be placed in appropriate condition of readiness.
Launch/Approach Mins
Non-precision – 300-3/4
Precision – 200-1/2
Hung/Unexpended Ordnance
Weapons stores not authorized for recovery must be jettisoned. Where this cannot be accomplished, a divert to a shore installation shall be made, if feasible.
Pilot shall not leave the cockpit until satisfied that the ordnance is safe.
Maintenance on Loaded Aircraft
Maintenance shall not be conducted on aircraft loaded with weapons, however, routine servicing and minor maintenance that would read the aircraft for the next launch
Starting Engines
- No wind limitations; air officer, Helo Control Officer (HCO) or Helo Engaged Turn Officer (HETO) should be prepared to engage rotors immediately following engine start.
- Personnel shall not enter/exit rotor arc with engines operating and rotor brake on.
- APU may be started provided there is enough clearance to prevent damage to adjacent aircraft/equipment.
Only H-60 and F-18 aircraft authorized to perform APU turns on hangar deck
LSE/PC Calls
LSE/PC shall request permission for foolwoing evolution through Flight Deck Control or PriFly: engine start, rotor engage/disengagement, and to “break” and “lift”
For night/IMC launches, nose of helo shall be oriented to center-line of angle or axial deck and within visual parameters in NATOPS
PriFly order LSE tiedowns removed–shall not be removed until pilot signified ready to launch (formation lights to full bright)
SAR capable shall report red light in HHMM local to controlling agency. When there is a significant change in red light or red light has been reached, call to controlling agency should be made.
Non-SAR report fuel state to NATOPS minimum.
Unless otherwise directed, shall take departure to port and shall not cross the bow within 5nm or the stern with 3nm without specific clearance.
Helos departing Spot 9 - port or starboard based on winds. Can request “departure up the LA” for the angle
Within 1 mile:
No ops
1-5 miles:
340-020 - no ops
020-150 - 400ft
150-340 - 300ft (excluding 3nm from 150-190; no ops)
5-10 miles:
340-020 - 200ft
020-340 - 400ft
Case III Departure
Whenever possible, helos shall be maintained as flight beneath the clouds. If unable to remain beneath the clouds, shall proceed to pre-briefed departure fixes.
Climb straight ahead to between 200-300ft (unaided), 150-300ft (aided) or as assigned by CATCC and arc within 3nm to intercept departure radial.
Climb to departure altitude will be commenced on departure radial outside 12nm
Lost Comm
Should remain at or below 300ft, arc to enter starboard delta, and execute lost comm procedures.
Plane Guard
Not required to hold in starboard delta and is encouraged to vacate starboard side during routine fixed wing recoveries to avoid dearm area forward of 90* bearing line. During CQs, starboard delta should be used.
NOTE During recovery of aircraft with forward firing ordnance, PG shall not be positioned on the starboard side from 360-090 within 5nm of carrier.
Any airborne helo can be tasked PG provided proper coord has been conducted by Air Ops and embarked squadron.
NOTE To max extent practicable, the GAU-21 and swing arm should be removed before taking 60R to conduct PG.
May conduct additional missions as necessary while assigned to PG provided capability is maintained during launches and recoveries.
“on station” when within 20nm (day) and 10nm (night)
Alert Condition I (Alert 5)
Aircraft shall be spotted for immediate launch, with rotor blades spread, starting equipment plugged in.
LSE, starting crewman, plane captain and required plane handlers standing by.
Unless otherwise directed, at least 4 tiedowns shall be attached.
Flight crew shall be ready for launch in all respects with all personnel equipment attached and adjusted as in flight.
When word passed to standby to launch helo, engines shall be started without further instruction; however, rotor engagement and launch shall be positively controlled by PriFly
Alert Condition II (Alert 15)
Same as Alert I, except that flightcrews shall stand by in ready rooms.
NOTE An alert SAR helo in Condition II may be folded provided the primary SAR helo is airborne.
Alert Condition III (Alert 30)
Main rotor blades may be folded and the aircraft needn not be in position for immediate launch; however, it must be parked so as to allow direct access to suitable launch spot.
A towbar shall be attached and a specific LSE, tractor driver, handling crew and starting crewman shall be designated and assigned to each helo. These personnel must be thoroughly briefed so that aircraft can be safely and expeditiously moved into position.
Flightcrews should be briefed for the launch and be standing by in a designated location.
NOTE Tow bar may be stowed adjacent to or beneath ac to facilitate quick attach if tow bar out past foul line
Alert Condition IV (Alert 60)
Same as Alert Condition III except that minor maintenance may be performed on the aircraft if no delay in launch is involved.
Transient Helos
Shall contact marshal control at least 25nm out
Should expect to proceed to starboard delta for recovery unless otherwise directed.
Helo Holding
Unless previously briefed, when more than 1 helo is in the holding pattern, all helos shall fly a right hand pattern at 300ft/80KIAS.
Recovery Procedures
Land in front of fixed wing
Helo which is the farthest advanced on the inbound radial and has not turned to parallel the ship’s course will be considered No1 in landing pattern and should expeditiously effect a landing following recovery of the last fixed-wing aircraft.
Helo cleared No1 to land should be assigned landing spot farthest forward into wind. Helos shall sequence themselves for landing in order
WHen recovering a flight of helicopters, the leader of the flight should plan to be at the ramp with a minimum safe interval after last fixed wing aircraft.
In the event the last fixed-wing waves off, all helos shall reposition in the pattern to take interval on last fixed-wing aircraft.
Nav lights STEADY/DIM, anticollision UPPER until touchdown.
Nav lights FLASHING/DIM until rotors disengaged and fully stopped.
When helos recover immediately in front of fixed wing, shut down and disengage as expeditiously as possible. Remain in ac until towed clear of landing area.
Case III Recovery
Approach shall be flown as directed by CATCC until pilot acquires visual contact with OLS, “call the ball”.
Upon final approach to the fantail and when the deck and LSE have been visually acquired, the helo shall then slide over, fly up the port side to the landing spot and then slide in.
Landing to spots other than designated VLA helo are permitted for all H-60 type/model aircraft.
If waveoff, shall parallel final bearing course and report to CATCC for control. CATCC should vector helos to intercept final at 3nm, 500ft to expedite recovery.
At night, nav lights shall be STEADY/BRIGHT and anticollision lights ON until established on final bearing at which point nav lights switched to STEADY/DIM
“Snuggle Up”
Should operate within 1nm of ship and expect to land within the next 5 min.
Cleared to cross the stern and to commence an approach to designated spot.
Carrier Controlled Approaches (CCAs)
Shall be available for night helo recoveries.
Are encouraged on last flight of night for both pilot and Carrier Air Traffic Control Center (CATCC) controller proficiency.
Instrument Recoveries
Primary TACAN marshal fix is 1000ft, 5nm on the 110* radial relative to expected final bearing. Right hand pattern, 2nm legs
For multiple helos, add 1nm and 500ft
Shall descend at 90KIAS, 500fpm crossing 145 relative at or above 900ft
Control Area - 50nm radius; surface to infinity
Control Zone - 5nm radius; surface to 2500ft (controlled by Air Boss during Case I/II)
Starboard Delta
Holding pattern 045-110 relative to BRC
Unless previously briefed, when more than one helicopter is operating, all helicopters shall fly a right-hand pattern at 300ft and 80KIAS
Carrier Qualifications (CQs)
Left hand racetrack pattern on the port side (usually use two spots)
Night CQs shall be under CCA control; pilot in the right seat shall be in control of the aircraft unless tower is informed to the contrary
Logistics / Passengers + GAU
A GAU-21 installed presents an egress hazard; shall remove GAU-21 and swing arm before transporting passengers
Presence of personal weapons, crew served weapons, fixed forward firing weapons, torpedoes, CATM/DATMs or expendables should not prevent an otherwise capable helicopter from being tasked with logistics or pax transfers, PG responsibilities or SAR
Attached to, or in company with, the CSG will follow the direction fo the appropriate embarked squadron CO and CAG when cancelling flights due to weather.
Detachments should use CVN Metro to the max extent practical to determine weather conditions
Emergency Landings
As much deck space as possible will be made for emergency helo landings
If time permits, senior helo squadron or unit officer on board should take station in the tower or in CATCC, and the air officer should determine optimum relative wind and request the bridge to maneuver the ship as necessary
PriFly will normally designate an area of the flight deck rather than specific landing spot; LSE, if immediately available, shall stand at the upwind edge of the designated landing area
LSE shall give waveoff only in case of a foul deck or if instructed to do so by tower
Initial - 4
Intermediate - 6
Permanent - 12
Heavy Weather - 16
NOTE Heavy weather parking authorized parallel to ship’s centerline only. All other parking orientations prohibited in heavy weather.
Spot 1
NOTE If any spot between Spot 1 and Spot 6 is occupied by an H-46/47/53 or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Spot 2
Starboard approaches and departures are prohibited
Left seat slide-in visual recoveries are not recommended
- NOTE* If any spot between Spot 1 and Spot 6 is occupied by an H-46/47/53 or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
- NOTE* Concurrent operations involving fixed wing aircraft and H-60 helicopters are authorized for precision spots 2 and 7. Concurrent operations include ground turns, takeoff and landing helicopters
Spot 3
Secondary dearming area
Left seat slide-in visual recoveries are prohibited
NOTE If any spot between Spot 1 and Spot 6 is occupied by an H-46/47/53 or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
Spot 4
Primary dearming area
- NOTE* If any spot between Spot 1 and Spot 6 is occupied by an H-46/47/53 or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
- NOTE* Left seat helo recoveries to spots 4, 5 and 6 while there is a turning helo on the next forward spot represents an increased risk to the LSE. The LSE should be positioned inboard of the CAT FOUR safe parking line in the same general location as right seat recoveries
- NOTE* Launching of helos from sport 4, 5, and 6 with aircraft turning in the “six pack” should be avoided to prevent hot gas ingestion of a departing helo (potential for compressor stalls) and to decrease heat stress on personnel. PIC should expect to be notified of aircraft turning in the “six pack”
Spot 5
Shall remain vacant during V-22 launch and recovery to spot 6
- NOTE* If any spot between Spot 1 and Spot 6 is occupied by an H-46/47/53 or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
- NOTE* Left seat helo recoveries to spots 4, 5 and 6 while there is a turning helo on the next forward spot represents an increased risk to the LSE. The LSE should be positioned inboard of the CAT FOUR safe parking line in the same general location as right seat recoveries
- NOTE* Launching of helos from sport 4, 5, and 6 with aircraft turning in the “six pack” should be avoided to prevent hot gas ingestion of a departing helo (potential for compressor stalls) and to decrease heat stress on personnel. PIC should expect to be notified of aircraft turning in the “six pack”
Spot 6
- NOTE* If any spot between Spot 1 and Spot 6 is occupied by an H-46/47/53 or V-22, the spots immediately forward and aft shall remain vacant
- NOTE* Left seat helo recoveries to spots 4, 5 and 6 while there is a turning helo on the next forward spot represents an increased risk to the LSE. The LSE should be positioned inboard of the CAT FOUR safe parking line in the same general location as right seat recoveries
- NOTE* Launching of helos from sport 4, 5, and 6 with aircraft turning in the “six pack” should be avoided to prevent hot gas ingestion of a departing helo (potential for compressor stalls) and to decrease heat stress on personnel. PIC should expect to be notified of aircraft turning in the “six pack”
Spot 7
Helicopters with forward firing ordnance are authorized if the CVN CO deems it necessary. Shall be offset to starboard when spotted for launch and when landing
Night/IMC operations with forward firing ordnance should be avoided
Helos with hung/misfired ordnance shall not launch/recover
Personnel shall not be permitted to enter rotor arc of an engaged helo when fixed wing aircraft are in tension on Cats 3 or 4.
- NOTE* Concurrent operations involving fixed wing aircraft and H-60 helicopters are authorized for precision spots 2 and 7. Concurrent operations include ground turns, takeoff and landing helicopters
- NOTE* Safety boundaries around spots 7 and 8 shall be clear of unnecessary personnel and equipment when helo operations are being conducted
- NOTE* For all helo operations on spots 7 and 8, the Aircraft Handling Officer or his representative shall ensure that the aircraft elevator has been secured, stanchions lowered, and locks properly engaged
- NOTE* Helos with hung ordnance in crew served weapons on their starboard side should land on spot 7 or 9
Spot 8
Hot refueling shall not be conducted
Helo ops shall not be conducted when fixed wing aircraft recoveries are taking place or when fixed wing aircraft are in tension on Cats 3 or 4
The LSO platform shall be lowered and clear of personnel for helo takeoffs and landings
- NOTE* Safety boundaries around spots 7 and 8 shall be clear of unnecessary personnel and equipment when helo operations are being conducted
- NOTE* For all helo operations on spots 7 and 8, the Aircraft Handling Officer or his representative shall ensure that the aircraft elevator has been secured, stanchions lowered, and locks properly engaged
Spot 9
Helos should normally lift and depart to starboard or delta depending on winds
Recommended recovery for hung dome
NOTE Helos with hung ordnance in crew served weapons on their staboard side should land on spot 7 or 9. If recovering on spot 9, helos shall land with a heading of BRC + 15*, with the weapon trained in a safe direction aft of the ship