800 Flashcards
a scientist who studies genetics
Nhà nghiên cứu về di truyền học, nhà di truyền học
a person who studies geography; an expert in geography
Nhà địa lý.
relating to geography, or to the geography of a particular area or place
(Thuộc) Địa lý.
Ví dụ:
a geographical region
geographical features
the scientific study of the earth’s surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc
địa lý học
Ví dụ:
a geography lesson/department/teacher/textbook
a degree in geography
relating to geology, or to the geology of a particular area or place
(thuộc) Địa chất.
Ví dụ:
a geological survey/map
the complex geological structure of the region
a scientist who studies geology
Nhà địa chất.
the study of the rocks and similar substances that make up the earth’s surface
địa chất học
Ví dụ:
a geology professor/student/class/department
a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc
to express an idea or feeling
Điệu bộ, cử chỉ
Động thái, động tác.
Ví dụ:
“All this is mine, “ she said with a sweeping arm gesture.
Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood.
a large African animal with a very long neck and long legs
(Động vật học) Hươu cao cổ
Ví dụ:
A full-grown giraffe is 5
5 m tall.
The giraffe was killed with a spear that had been tipped with poison.
give way to
to be replaced by something, especially because it is better, cheaper, easier, etc
nhường chỗ cho cái gì đó
bị cái gì đó thay thế
Ví dụ:
In some areas, modern intensive farming is giving way to the re-introduction of traditional methods
especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people
lộng lẫy, quyến rũ
Ví dụ:
a glamorous woman/outfita glamorous jobShe was looking very glamorous.
a look at somebody/something for a very short time, when you do not see the person or thing completely
Cái nhìn lướt qua, cái nhìn thoáng qua
Ví dụ:
He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd.
I came up on deck to get my first glimpse of the island.
Fans crowded the street outside waiting for a glimpse of their hero.
relating to the whole world
Toàn cầu
Ví dụ:
a global catastrophe/problem
the fact that different cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each other because of the influence of large multinational companies and of improved communication
Toàn cầu hoá
Ví dụ:
We must take advantage of the increased globalization of the commodity trading business
the globalization of fashion/American youth culture
in a way that covers or affects the whole world
một cách toàn cầu
Ví dụ:
We need to start thinking globally.
Locally successful companies must become globally competitive.
things that are produced to be sold
Hàng hoá, hàng
Ví dụ:
cheap/expensive goods
leather/cotton/paper goods
electrical/sports goods
perishable/durable goods
informal talk or stories about other people’s private lives, that may be unkind or not true
Chuyện ngồi lê đôi mách, chuyện tầm phào, tin đồn nhảm.
Ví dụ:
Don’t believe all the gossip you hear.
Tell me all the latest gossip!
The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.
It was common gossip (= everyone said so) that they were having an affair.
to control and direct the public business of a country, city, group of people, etc
Cai trị, thống trị, cầm quyền (một nước).
Quản trị, quản lý, lãnh đạo (một thành phố, một xí nghiệp); cai quản (gia đình
); chỉ huy (một pháo đài).
Ví dụ:
The country has been governed by military regimes.
A president needs popular support in order to govern effectively.
one of the levels in a school with children of similar age
Lớp, cấp học
Ví dụ:
Sam is in (the) second grade
slowly, over a long period of time
Dần dần, từ từ.
Ví dụ:
The weather gradually improved.
Gradually, the children began to understand.
Women have gradually become more involved in the decision-making process.
a very hard, grey, pink, or black rock, used for building
(Khoáng chất) Đá granit
an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose
Trợ cấp, đặc biệt là trợ cấp từ chính phủ
Ví dụ:
a student/research grant
a local authority/government grant
They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.
a small, round, purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or make into wine
Quả nho.
Ví dụ:
black/white/red/green grapes
a bunch of grapes
seedless grapes
grape juice
a fruit that is like a large orange, but has a yellow skin and tastes less sweet
(Thực vật học) Cây bưởi chùm, cây bưởi đắng.
Quả bưởi chùm, quả bưởi đắng.
connected with or caused by the force of gravity
liên quan đến trọng lực, lực hấp dẫn
Ví dụ:
a gravitational field
the gravitational pull of the moon
the force that attracts objects towards one another, especially the force that makes things fall to the ground
(Vật lý) Sự hút, sự hấp dẫn; trọng lực; trọng lượng
Ví dụ:
Newton’s law of gravity
(of cows, sheep, etc
) to eat grass that is growing in a field
to (cause animals to) eat grass
Ăn cỏ, chăn thả (súc vật)
Ví dụ:
There were cows grazing beside the river
The field had been grazed by sheep.
The farmer grazes cattle on this land in the summer months.
greenhouse gas
a building with glass sides and a glass roof for growing plants in
khí thải nhà kính, đặc biệt là CO2
Ví dụ:
any of the gases that are thought to cause the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide
a pattern or structure made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other to form squares
Đường kẻ ô kiểu bàn cờ
Ví dụ:
A metal grid had been placed over the hole to prevent people from falling in.
In Barcelona the streets are laid out in/on a grid system.
(plural) food and other goods sold by a grocer or at a supermarket
(Số nhiều) Hàng tạp hoá và thực phẩm phụ
to promise that something will happen or exist
Hứa bảo đảm, cam đoan
Ví dụ:
European Airlines guarantees its customers top-quality service.
We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed.
We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.
to protect property, places or people from attack or danger
Bảo vệ; gác, canh giữ.
Ví dụ:
The dog was guarding its owner’s luggage.
political leaders guarded by the police
You can’t get in; the whole place is guarded.
(figurative) a closely guarded secret
a feeling of worry or unhappiness that you have because you have done something wrong, such as causing harm to another person
cảm giác có lỗi, cảm giác hối lỗi
Ví dụ:
He suffered such feelings of guilt over leaving his children.
She remembered with a pang of guilt that she hadn’t called her mother.
having done something illegal; being responsible for something bad that has happened
Có tội, phạm tội, tội lỗi
Ví dụ:
The jury has to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of a crime.
A person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive
Chiêu bài, lốt, vỏ
Ví dụ:
The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.
The story appears in different guises in different cultures
She had been invited to the conference in her guise as a professional counsellor.
(between A and B) a large difference between two people or groups in the way that they think, live or feel
Hố sâu, vực thẳm; [[]] hố sâu ngăn cách
Ví dụ:
The gulf between rich and poor is enormous.
It felt as if a gulf had opened up between his life and mine.
a sticky substance that comes from the stems of some trees and plants
nhựa cây
something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it
Thói quen, tập quán
Ví dụ:
I always buy the same brand of toothpaste out of (= because of) habit.
I was taught to drive by my boyfriend and I’m afraid I’ve picked up (= caught) some of his bad habits.
the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives
Môi trường sống, nơi sống (của cây cối động vật).
Nhà, chỗ ở (người).
Ví dụ:
The panda’s natural habitat is the bamboo forest
The marshes provide a rich habitat for water plants.
a small machine used for drying your hair by blowing hot air over it
máy sấy tóc
to stop; to make somebody/something stop
Cho dừng lại; bắt dừng lại
Dừng lại.
Ví dụ:
“Halt!” called the guard
“You can’t go any further without a permit
Production has halted at all of the company’s factories because of the pay dispute.
(of computer functions) built into the permanent system and not provided by software
(of a skill, quality or type of behaviour) present when you are born and not changing during your life
(máy tính) được tích hợp sẵn, không thể thay đổi được
(kỹ năng, hành vi, phẩm chất của con người) có sẵn trong não một cách bản năng, không học được và không thay đổi được
Ví dụ:
Many aspects of morality appear to be hardwired in the brain.
Anxiety is a hardwired response that everyone experiences.
There is evidence that we are hardwired to be musical.
unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary
Gay gắt; khe khắt, ác nghiệt, khắc nghiệt, cay nghiệt; nhẫn tâm, tàn nhẫn
Ví dụ:
harsh criticism
The children had had a harsh upbringing.
We thought the punishment was rather harsh for such a minor offence.
to pull something/somebody with a lot of effort
Kéo mạnh, lôi mạnh
Ví dụ:
The wagons were hauled by horses
The car was hauled out of the river
fishermen hauling in their nets
a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage
Mối nguy
Ví dụ:
a fire/safety hazard
Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.
a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper, or the main points of the news that are broadcast on television or radio
Hàng đầu, dòng đầu (trang báo); đề mục, đầu đề, tiêu đề.
(Số nhiều) Phần tóm tắt những tin chính ở đầu bản tin (nói trên đài
Ví dụ:
The news of his death was splashed in headlines across all the newspapers.
the eight o’clock headlines
very busy; full of activity
vô cùng bận rộn, vô cùng hỗn loạn
Ví dụ:
to lead a hectic life
a hectic schedule
a small, brown mammal with a covering of sharp spines on its back
(Động vật học) Con nhím Âu (thuộc loại ăn sâu bọ)
for this reason
Do đó, vì thế, vì lý do đó
Ví dụ:
His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca.
The prime minister was attending the conference, hence all the extra security
He’s just got a pay rise, hence the new car.
a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavour food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell
cỏ làm thuốc, dược thảo
relating to or made from herbs
(Thuộc) Cỏ, (thuộc) cây thảo
Ví dụ:
herbal tea
herbal cigarettes/remedies
a chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds
Thuốc diệt cỏ
passed from parents to children
Di truyền, cha truyền con nối.
Ví dụ:
It is a hereditary title, so Mark Howard will become Sir Mark Howard on his father’s death
the history, traditions and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character
Tài sản thừa kế, di sản
Ví dụ:
Spain’s rich cultural heritage
The building is part of our national heritage.
(of some animals) to spend the winter sleeping
Ngủ đông (động vật)
Ví dụ:
The turtle hibernates in a shallow burrow for six months of the year
a state like deep sleep in which some animals spend the winter
Sự ngủ đông (động vật)
Ví dụ:
to go into/come out of hibernation
the strong, thick skin of an animal, used for making leather
Bộ da động vật
Ví dụ:
boots made from buffalo hide
a black hide belt
The hide is tanned for leather.
/ˈhaɪ raɪz/
(of a building) very tall and having a lot of floors
(nhà) cao tầng
Ví dụ:
She lives in a high-rise buildingoverlooking the river
the understanding that you have of a situation only after it has happened and that means you would have done things in a different way
Bài học rút ra được sau khi một thứ đã xảy ra, đặc biệt là những thứ mà nếu biết trước, mình đã làm khác đi
Ví dụ:
With hindsight it is easy to say they should not have released him.
What looks obvious in hindsight was not at all obvious at the time.
It’s easy to criticize with the benefit of hindsight.
a very large animal with short legs and thick, dark grey skin that lives near water in Africa
(Động vật học) Lợn nước, hà mã
a person who studies or writes about history; an expert in history
nhà sử học, người viết sử
Ví dụ:
Some historians think that history repeats itself.
The archive is a goldmine for historians.
The book was written by an amateur local historian.
important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future
Có ý nghĩa lịch sử trọng đại
Ví dụ:
historic buildings
a historic day/moment
In a historic vote, the Church of England decided to allow women to become priests.
connected with the past
connected with the study of history
Lịch sử, (thuộc) lịch sử; có liên quan đến lịch sử.
Ví dụ:
Many important historical documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.
She specializes in historical novels set in 18th-century England.
an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working
Ví dụ:
Her hobbies include swimming and gardening.
I only play jazz as a hobby
to lift something heavy, sometimes using ropes or a machine
Kéo (cờ) lên; nhấc bổng lên (bằng cần trục, tời
Ví dụ:
A helicopter hoisted the final section of the bridge into place.
With some difficulty he hoisted her onto his shoulders.
I scrabbled for a handhold and hoisted myself up.
having a hole or empty space inside
Trống rỗng,rỗng tuếch
Ví dụ:
The tree trunk was hollow inside.
Hollow blocks are used because they are lighter.
(nghĩa đen) của nhà trồng được
(nghĩa bóng) nội địa, không phải ngoại nhập
Ví dụ:
She’s a homegrown talent.
homegrown vegetables
the crime of killing somebody deliberately
[synonym] murder
Hành động giết người; tội giết người.
Ví dụ:
He was convicted of homicide.
The number of homicides in the city has risen sharply.
to give public praise, an award or a title to somebody for something they have done
tôn vinh, tán thưởng, trao thưởng cho ai vì những đóng góp của họ
Ví dụ:
He has been honoured with a knighthood for his scientific work.
The town has honoured his bravery by erecting a memorial.
the line at the farthest place that you can see, where the sky seems to touch the land or sea
Chân trời.
(Nghĩa bóng) Tầm nhìn, tầm nhận thức, phạm vi hiểu biết.
Ví dụ:
The moon rose slowly above the horizon.
We could see a row of camels silhouetted on the horizon.
flat and level; going across and parallel to the ground rather than going up and down
(Thuộc) Chân trời; ở chân trời.
Ngang, nằm ngang.
Ví dụ:
horizontal lines
(informal) I was so tired, I just wanted to be horizontal (= lying down).
a hard, pointed, often curved part that grows from the top of the head of some animals, or the hard substance of which a horn is made
Sừng (trâu bò
); gạc hươu, nai
Ví dụ:
The male deer grows large branching horns called antlers.
The bull lowered its horns and charged straight at him.
a long tube made of rubber, plastic, etc
, used for putting water onto fires, gardens, etc
(Số nhiều) Ống nước, vòi nước
Ví dụ:
a garden hose
a length of hose
friendly and generous behaviour towards guests
Lòng mến khách
Ví dụ:
Thank you for your kind hospitality.
hospitality industry
businesses such as hotels, bars, and restaurants that offer people food, drink, or a place to sleep
ngành công nghiệp nhà hàng, khách sạn, quán bar và các dịch vụ du lịch khác
Ví dụ:
They have 40 years of experience in the hospitality industry
to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event
tổ chức, đăng cai một chương trình, sự kiện
Ví dụ:
Which country is hosting the next Olympic Games?
The town has been hosting the annual event for the last 24 years.
The Arts Centre is hosting a folk festival this summer.
housing estate
/ˈhaʊzɪŋ ɪsteɪt/
an area in which a large number of houses or flats/apartments are planned and built together at the same time
khu nhà ở (được quy hoạch và xây dựng đồng thời)
Ví dụ:
They live on a housing estate.
a person who hunts wild animals for food or sport; an animal that hunts its food
Người đi săn
Ví dụ:
The hunters followed the tracks of the deer for hours.
The hunters skinned the deer they had killed.
/ˌhʌntər ˈɡæðərər/
a member of a society that lives by hunting and collecting wild food, rather than by farming
người sống kiểu săn bắn-hái lượm
a problem or difficulty that must be solved or dealt with before you can achieve something
[synonym] obstacle
(Nghĩa bóng) Vật chướng ngại
Ví dụ:
The next hurdle will be getting her parents’ agreement.
Well we’ve cleared the first hurdle; let’s see what happens next.
We worked hard for three months on the deal only to see it fall at the final hurdle
(of a vehicle) using two different types of power, especially petrol/gas or diesel ( and electricity
(phương tiện giao thông) chạy bằng cả xăng dầu và điện
Ví dụ:
a hybrid car/vehicle
a chemical element that is the lightest gas, has no colour, taste, or smell, and combines with oxygen to form water
(Hóa học) Hyđrô
the degree to which people keep themselves or their environment clean, especially to prevent disease
Vệ sinh
Ví dụ:
Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast
In the interests of hygiene, please wash your hands.
a situation in which something is advertised and discussed in newspapers, on television, etc
a lot in order to attract everyone’s interest
quảng cáo rầm rộ (một tình huống trong đó một cái gì đó được quảng cáo và thảo luận trên báo chí, trên truyền hình, vv rất nhiều để thu hút sự quan tâm của mọi người)
Ví dụ:
media hype
There’s been a lot of hype around/surrounding his latest film.
I’ve been put off reading the book by all the hype.
a state in which a person, especially a child, is too active and only able to keep quiet and still for short periods
Tính hiếu động thái quá.
perfect, or the best possible
Lý tưởng
Ví dụ:
the ideal employer
She’s the ideal person (= exactly the right type of person) for the job.
In an ideal world no one would go hungry.
also ID an official document that shows or proves who you are
giấy tờ tùy thân (vd: chứng minh thư, hộ chiếu, thẻ căn cước)
Ví dụ:
We were asked to show some identification before the security guards would let us in
to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what that person or thing is
to recognize a problem, need, fact, etc
and to show that it exists
Nhận ra, làm cho nhận ra, nhận biết; nhận diện, nhận dạng
Ví dụ:
Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice
You need to identify your priorities.
who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others
danh tính, danh tánh, tính danh
Ví dụ:
The man’s identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.
I cannot reveal the identity of my source.
peaceful and beautiful; perfect, without problems
Bình dị, thanh bình, êm ả
Ví dụ:
a house set in idyllic surroundings
to lead an idyllic existence
The cottage sounds idyllic.
lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something
sự thiếu hiểu biết, sự ngu dốt do thiếu kiến thức
Ví dụ:
Public ignorance about the disease is still a cause for concern.
They fought a long battle against prejudice and ignorance
I hate to admit my ignorance, but how does it work?
not having enough knowledge, understanding, or information about something
Ngu dốt, dốt nát.
Thiếu hiểu biết.
Ví dụ:
Many teenagers are surprisingly ignorant about current politics.
We remained blissfully ignorant of the troubles that lay ahead.
not allowed by the law
Không hợp pháp, bất hợp pháp, trái luật.
Ví dụ:
It’s illegal to drive through a red light.
a campaign to stop the illegal sale of cigarettes to children under 16
/ˌɪl ɪnˈfɔːrmd/
knowing less than you should about a particular subject
[opposite] well informed
thiểu hiểu biết, thiếu thông tin về một chủ đề nào đó
Ví dụ:
The public is ill-informed about their legal rights
to show the meaning or truth of something more clearly, especially by giving examples
Minh hoạ, làm rõ ý (bài giảng
bằng tranh, thí dụ
Ví dụ:
The lecturer illustrated his point with a diagram on the blackboard.
The exhibition will illustrate how life evolved from water.
(formal) pictures, photographs, etc
Hình ảnh (nói chung)
Ví dụ:
satellite imagery (= for example, photographs of the earth taken from space)
to mimic, to copy the speech or behaviour, etc
of someone or something
Bắt chước, làm theo; mô phỏng, phỏng mẫu.
Ví dụ:
Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.
They produce artificial chemicals which exactly imitate particular natural ones.
extremely large or great
[synonym] enormous
rất lớn, vô cùng lớn
Ví dụ:
There is still an immense amount of work to be done.
The benefits are immense.
a project of immense importance
To my immense relief, he didn’t notice my mistake.
(especially of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon
Sắp xảy ra, (xảy ra) đến nơi.
Ví dụ:
He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.
He warned that an enemy missile attack was imminent.
not affected or upset by something
miễn được, chống chịu được
an toàn (trước cái gì đấy)
Ví dụ:
You’ll eventually become immune to criticism
Few men are immune to her charms
Our business is far from immune to economic conditions.