300 Flashcards
the most important town or city of a country, usually where the central government operates from
Thủ đô, thủ phủ.
Ví dụ:
Australia’s capital city is Canberra
Cairo is the capital of Egypt.
capital punishment
/ˌkæpɪtl ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/
punishment by death
án tử hình (=death penalty)
Ví dụ:
Public opinion was in favour of bringing back capital punishment
a small container with medicine inside that you swallow
(Dược học) Bao con nhộng
Ví dụ:
The medicine can be taken in tablet or capsule form.
a chemical element that exists in its pure form as diamond or graphite, and is an important part of other substances such as coal and oil
(Hoá học) Cacbon
Ví dụ:
New legislation aims to reduce carbon emissions
Iron with a high carbon content
the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes
Sự nghiệp (của một người)
Ví dụ:
a career in politics
a teaching career
What made you decide on a career as a vet?
She has been concentrating on her career.
(a plant with) a small flower with a sweet smell, usually white, pink, or red in colour
Hoa cẩm chướng.
Ví dụ:
He was wearing a carnation in his buttonhole
to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc
Khắc, tạc, chạm, đục.
Ví dụ:
This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.
He carved her name on a tree.
Some of the tunnels in the cliff are natural, some were carved out (= cut into the rock) by soldiers for defensive purposes.
a shape or pattern cut into wood or stone or the skill of doing this
Nghệ thuật khắc, nghệ thuật tạc, nghệ thuật chạm
Ví dụ:
wooden/stone carvings
/ˈkæst ɔːf/
a piece of clothing that the original owner no longer wants to wear
quần áo cũ bị bỏ đi, không dùng đến nữa
Ví dụ:
She used to wear her sister’s cast-offs
[of work] not permanent; not done, or doing something regularly
Không đều, thất thường, lúc có lúc không
Ví dụ:
casual workers/labour — người lao công có việc làm thất thường, người lao công không có việc làm cố định
Students sometimes do casual work in the tourist trade.
They are employed on a casual basis (= they do not have a permanent job with the company).
a sudden event that causes many people to suffer
[synonym] disaster
Tai ương, tai biến, thảm hoạ, tai hoạ lớn
Ví dụ:
Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe
We’ve had a few catastrophes with the food for the party.
(of a natural event) causing a lot of damage and suffering
[synonym] disastrous
causing a lot of problems for people
có tínhthảm hoạ, vô cùng thê thảm
Ví dụ:
a catastrophic earthquake/flood/wildfire
a catastrophic failure/collapse/defeat
to provide the things that a particular person or situation needs or wants
phục vụ nhu cầu của ai hay cái gì
Ví dụ:
The club caters for children between the ages of four and twelve
She runs a specialist company that caters for people with food allergies.
It is a resort that clearly caters for the well-off.
a very large, usually stone, building for Christian worship
(Công giáo) Nhà thờ chính tòa; nhà thờ lớn
cows and bulls that are kept for their milk or meat
Thú nuôi, gia súc
Ví dụ:
The farmer grazes cattle on this land in the summer months
a herd of cattle
a vegetable with green leaves around a large hard white head of flowers
(Thực vật học) Cải hoa, hoa lơ, súp lơ
Ví dụ:
Do you like cauliflower?
two cauliflowers
the inside surface of a room that you can see when you look above you
Trần (nhà
Ví dụ:
She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling.
a large room with a high ceiling
The walls and ceiling were painted white.
a famous person
Nhân vật có danh tiếng, người nổi danh
Ví dụ:
TV celebrities
to remove the parts of a book, film/movie, etc
that are considered to be offensive, immoral or a political threat
(dạng chủ động) kiểm duyệt.
(dạng bị động) bị kiểm duyệt cắt đi.
Ví dụ:
The news reports had been heavily censored.
The book was heavily censored when first published.
the act of censoring books, films, etc
Công tác kiểm duyệt.
Ví dụ:
The government has imposed strict censorship on the press.
to take action against institutions practising censorship
firmly believing something; having no doubts
Chắc, chắc chắn.
Ví dụ:
I feel certain (that) you’re doing the right thing
a group of shops/stores or hotels owned by the same company
chuỗi (cửa hàng, nhà hàng, siêu thị, khách sạn
Ví dụ:
The supermarket chain announced that it was cutting the cost of all its fresh and frozen meat
They are not only the world’s biggest fast-food chain, but also the industry’s trendsetter.
a type of soft white stone
Đá phấn.
Ví dụ:
the chalk cliffs of southern England
a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skill
thách thức
Ví dụ:
The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.
Schools must meet the challenge of new technology (= deal with it successfully).
difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination
có tính thử thách
Ví dụ:
He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.
She doesn’t find the general knowledge crossword challenging enough.
qualities that are interesting and unusual
nét đặc sắc
Ví dụ:
a hotel of character
I’d prefer an old place with a bit of character.
Old books are said to give a room character.
As people grow older, their faces acquire more character.
to love, protect, and care for someone or something that is important to you
trân trọng, yêu thương
Ví dụ:
Although I cherish my children, I do allow them their independence.
Her most cherished possession is a 1926 letter from F
Scott Fitzgerald.
Freedom of speech is a cherished (= carefully protected) right in this country.
to crush food into smaller, softer pieces with the teeth so that it can be swallowed
Ví dụ:
This meat is difficult to chew.
You don’t chew your food enough - that’s why you get indigestion.
the period of somebody’s life when they are a child
Tuổi thơ ấu, thời thơ ấu
Ví dụ:
childhood, adolescence and adulthood
in early childhood
childhood memories/experiences
She had a happy childhood.
a structure through which smoke or steam is carried up away from a fire, etc
and through the roof of a building; the part of this that is above the roof
Ống khói
Ví dụ:
factory chimneys belching smoke over the town
A column of smoke rose from the chimney.
to design and arrange the steps and movements for dancers in a ballet or a show
Sáng tác và dàn dựng điệu múa
Ví dụ:
(figurative) There was some carefully choreographed flag-waving as the President drove by
(Y học) Mạn, mãn tính, kinh niên.
Ví dụ:
a hospital for the chronically ill
in a way that arranges a number of events in the order in which they happened
Theo niên đại, theo thứ tự thời gian.
Ví dụ:
The works are arranged chronologically to reveal artistic development over 35 centuries
a small piece of ash or partly burnt coal, wood, etc
that is no longer burning but may still be hot
Thanh cháy dở.
Xỉ, than xỉ.
Ví dụ:
The logs had turned into blackened cinders.
a fireplace full of glowing red cinders
shaped like a circle; round
Tròn, vòng, vòng quanh.
Ví dụ:
a circular building
He had round unblinking eyes and a perfectly circular head.
The crater was two miles across and roughly circular.
fruit belonging to the group of fruit that includes oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit
any of a group of plants that produce acidic fruits with a lot of juice
(Thực vật học) Giống cam quít
Ví dụ:
The field was planted with citrus trees.
Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit are types of citrus fruit.
the culture and way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time
Nền văn minh
Ví dụ:
We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization.
Historians still argue about what causes such a mighty civilization to collapse.
(formal) to make something clearer or easier to understand
Làm rõ, làm cho dễ hiểu hơn
Ví dụ:
Could you clarify the first point please? I don’t understand it completely.
Talking to someone has helped clarify my feelings.
classical music
/ˈklæs·ɪ·kəl ˈmju·zɪk/
a form of music developed from a European tradition mainly in the 18th and 19th centuries
nhạc cổ điển
Ví dụ:
My wife likes classical music but I prefer jazz
one of the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of some animals and birds
Vuốt (mèo, chim).
Chân có vuốt.
Ví dụ:
Our cat likes to sharpen her claws on the legs of the dining table
to make something completely clean
to make someone or something morally clean or pure
làm trong sạch, làm cho tinh khiết
Ví dụ:
The mayor has promised to cleanse the city of drug dealers (= to remove them from the city
/ˌklɪr ˈkʌt/
clear or obvious without needing any proof
Rõ ràng, dứt khoát.
Ví dụ:
She has clear-cut evidence that her husband has cheated on her.
a person whose job is to keep the records or accounts in an office, shop/store etc
Người thư ký
(Từ mỹ,nghĩa mỹ) Người giúp việc bán hàng, nhân viên bán hàng.
Ví dụ:
an office clerk
a high area of rock with a very steep side, often on a coast
Vách đá (nhô ra biển)
Ví dụ:
We built a house at the foot of a cliff
Keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall.
the regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular place
Khí hậu
Ví dụ:
a mild/temperate/warm/wet climate
the harsh climate of the Arctic regions
climate change
/ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/
changes in the earth’s weather, especially the increase in the temperature caused by the increase of particular gases, especially carbon dioxide
biến đổi khí hậu
Ví dụ:
the threat of global climate change
near in family relationship
[opposite] distant
Gần, thân, sát.
Ví dụ:
close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters
/ˌkloʊs ˈnɪt/
(of a group of people) having strong relationships with each other and taking a close, friendly interest in each other’s activities and problems
Gắn bó với nhau (về tình cảm, quyền lợi).
Ví dụ:
the close-knit community of a small village
(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy
sự bừa bãi, lộn xộn
(một đống đồ) bừa bãi lộn xộn
Ví dụ:
Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen.
My desk is covered in/full of clutter.
the land next to or close to the sea
bờ biển
Ví dụ:
a town on the south coast of England
islands off the west coast of Ireland
of or near a coast
(thuộc) bờ biển; (thuộc) miền ven biển
Ví dụ:
coastal waters/resorts/scenery
a coastal path (= one that follows the line of the coast)
the hair, wool, or fur covering an animal
Bộ lông (thú)
Ví dụ:
a dog with a smooth/shaggy coat
animals in their winter coats (= grown long for extra warmth)
connected with thinking or conscious mental processes
Liên quan đến nhận thức.
Ví dụ:
a child’s cognitive development
cognitive psychology
They are studying the links between cognitive and linguistic development in young children.
This is both a cognitive and an emotional process.
to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support
Đổ, sập, sụp, sụp đổ
Ví dụ:
The roof collapsed under the weight of snow
Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.
a person that you work with, especially in a profession or a business
Bạn đồng nghiệp, bạn đồng sự
Ví dụ:
a colleague of mine from the office
We were friends and colleagues for more than 20 years.
(especially of moving objects) to hit something violently
Va nhau, đụng nhau
Ví dụ:
The two vans collided at the crossroads.
It was predicted that a comet would collide with one of the planets.
an accident in which two vehicles or people crash into each other
Sự đụng, sự va
Ví dụ:
a collision between two trains
Stewart was injured in a collision with another player.
to take control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and send people from your own country to live there
Chiếm làm thuộc địa
Ví dụ:
The area was colonized by the Vikings
a country or an area that is governed by people from another, more powerful, country
Thuộc địa
Ví dụ:
Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies
to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening or from getting worse
Đánh nhau, chiến đấu
Ví dụ:
measures to combat crime/inflation/unemployment/disease
The government is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse
I have to combat this constant desire to eat chocolate.
the process of burning
Sự đốt cháy; sự cháy
Ví dụ:
Poisonous gases are produced during fossil fuel combustion
a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail
Sao chổi
a person who is an expert on a particular subject and talks or writes about it on television or radio, or in a newspaper
Nhà bình luận
Ví dụ:
a political commentator
(Thuộc) Buôn bán; (thuộc) thương mại; (thuộc) thương nghiệp
Ví dụ:
The drug is still being tested and will not go into commercial production for at least two years
to do something wrong or illegal
thực hiện hành vi phạm pháp
Ví dụ:
to commit murder/adultery
Most crimes are committed by young men.
done very often, or existing in many places, and therefore not unusual
bình thường, phổ biến, chẳng có gì là lạ
Ví dụ:
Computers are now commonplace in primary classrooms
Electric cars are increasingly commonplace.
to exchange information, news, ideas, etc
with somebody
giao thiệp, liên lạc, truyền đạt thông tin
Ví dụ:
We only communicate by email.
the act of communicating with people
sự truyền đạt, sự thông tri, sự thông tin; tin tức truyền đạt
Ví dụ:
Speech is the fastest method of communication between people.
Doctors do not always have good communication skills.
smaller than is usual for things of the same kind
Nhỏ gọn
Ví dụ:
a compact camera
The notebook computer is small and compact and weighs only 3
the fact of being with somebody else and not alone
(sự cùng đi; sự cùng ở; sự có bầu có bạn
Ví dụ:
I enjoy Jo’s company (= I enjoy being with her).
a pleasant evening in the company of friends.
to try to be more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you
đua tranh, ganh đua, cạnh tranh, tranh tài
Ví dụ:
It’s difficult for a small shop to compete against/with the big supermarkets.
We can’t compete with them on price.
to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report, or list
Biên soạn, sưu tập tài liệu
Ví dụ:
We’re compiling some facts and figures for a documentary on the subject
a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger
Thành phần, phần hợp thành
Ví dụ:
The factory supplies electrical components for cars.
The course has four main components: business law, finance, computing and management skills
the different parts which something is made of; the way in which the different parts are organized
Sự hợp thành, sự cấu thành.
Cấu tạo, thành phần.
Ví dụ:
the chemical composition of the soil
the composition of the board of directors
the size and composition of an average class
to make something bad become even worse by causing further damage or problems
làm tình hinh tệ đi, làm vấn đề trở nên phức tạp, khó giải quyết hơn
Ví dụ:
The problems were compounded by severe food shortages.
His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.
(formal) to understand something fully
Hiểu, lĩnh hội, nhận thức thấu đáo
Ví dụ:
The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend
He doesn’t seem to comprehend the scale of the problem
an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree
Sự thoả hiệp.
Ví dụ:
In a compromise between management and unions, a four percent pay rise was agreed in return for an increase in productivity.
The government has said that there will be no compromise with terrorists.
the process of providing a computer or computers to do the work of something
(Tech) Điện toán hóa, máy tính hóa
Ví dụ:
As industry was modernized by computerization, workers’ skills became outdated
They’ve just computerized the whole system.
that you can imagine or believe
[synonym] possible
Có thể hiểu được, có thể nhận thức được; có thể tưởng tượng được
Ví dụ:
It is conceivable that I’ll see her tomorrow
It’s just conceivable (= possible although difficult to imagine) (that) the hospital made a mistake.
to form an idea, a plan, etc
in your mind; to imagine something
Nghĩ, hiểu, quan điểm được, nhận thức; tưởng tượng
Ví dụ:
He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre
God is often conceived of as male.
a principle or idea
khái niệm, quan niệm.
Ví dụ:
It is very difficult to define the concept of beauty
He can’t grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.
an idea of what something or someone is like, or a basic understanding of a situation or a principle
Quan niệm, nhận thức
Khái niệm.
Ví dụ:
People from different cultures have different conceptions of the world.
He has absolutely no conception of how a successful business should run.
He has no conception of how difficult life is if you’re unemployed.
about something; involving somebody/something
Về việc.
Ví dụ:
He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.
All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special children’s court.
to end a speech, meeting, or piece of writing
Kết thúc, chấm dứt ((công việc
); bế mạc (phiên họp)
Kết luận.
Ví dụ:
She concluded the speech by reminding us of our responsibility.
Before I conclude, I’d like to thank you all for coming.
a very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water
Bê tông
Ví dụ:
Weeds were pushing up through the cracks in the concrete.
Don’t walk on the concrete until it has set.
to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons
Chỉ trích, chê trách, lên án, quy tội
Ví dụ:
The Opposition has condemned the government’s proposed tax increases
The film was condemned for its sexism.
to allow electricity or heat to go through
(Vật lý) Dẫn
Ví dụ:
Copper conducts electricity, but plastic does not
to conduct heat — dẫn nhiệt
a substance that allows heat or electricity to go through it
(Vật lý) Chất dẫn (điện, nhiệt)
Ví dụ:
Metal is a good conductor of heat
metals are good conductors — kim loại là những chất dẫn tốt
an event, sometimes lasting a few days, at which there is a group of talks on a particular subject, or a meeting in which especially business matters are discussed formally
Hội nghị
Ví dụ:
a conference on women’s rights
They frequently hold conferences at that hotel.
I’m speaking at/attending a conference next week.
Should I book the conference room for the meeting?
to prove that something is true
Xác nhận; chứng thực.
Ví dụ:
His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions
a situation in which there are opposing ideas, opinions, feelings or wishes; a situation in which it is difficult to choose
Sự xung đột, sự tranh giành, sự va chạm
Ví dụ:
The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty.
Her diary was a record of her inner conflict.
Many of these ideas appear to be in conflict with each other.
a guess about something based on how it seems and not on proof
Sự phỏng đoán, sự ước đoán
Ví dụ:
The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report
There’s been a lot of conjecture in the media recently about the marriage.
the state of being related to someone or something else
Sự liên quan, sự liên lạc, mối quan hệ; sự chấp nối.
Ví dụ:
The connection between smoking and heart disease is well known.
They’re sisters? I knew their surname was the same, but I never made (= thought of) the connection.
an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning
Nghĩa rộng; ý nghĩa, hàm ý (của một từ)
Ví dụ:
The word ‘professional’ has connotations of skill and excellence
The word “lady” has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.
to take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force
Chinh phạt, chinh phục, chế ngự
Ví dụ:
The Normans conquered England in 1066.
In 330 BC Persia was conquered by Alexander the Great.
(of actions, feelings, etc
) deliberate or controlled
(hành động, ý định) cố tình, cố ý
Ví dụ:
to make a conscious decision
I made a conscious effort to get there on time.
a conscious act of cruelty
opposite unconscious
an opinion that all members of a group agree with
Sự đồng thuận, sự nhất trí
Ví dụ:
The general consensus in the office is that he can’t do his job
Could we reach a consensus on this matter? Let’s take a vote.
to agree to do something, or to allow someone to do something
Đồng ý, ưng thuận, thoả thuận; tán thành
Ví dụ:
Very reluctantly, I’ve consented to lend her my car.
My aunt never married because her father wouldn’t consent to her marriage.
a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient
Hậu quả, kết quả.
Ví dụ:
This decision could have serious consequences for the industry.
Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger.
He drove too fast with tragic consequences.
to suffer/face/take the consequences of your actions
as a result; therefore
Do đó, vì vậy cho nên, bởi thế; vậy thì.
Ví dụ:
She failed her exams and was consequently unable to start her studies at college