1400 Flashcards
the ability to remember something; the act of remembering something
[synonym] memory
những kỷ niệm, những điều nhớ lại; hồi ký
Sự nhớ lại, sự hồi tưởng lại; ký ức, hồi ức.
Ví dụ:
I have many pleasant recollections of the time we spent together
His powers of recollection are extraordinary.
advice telling someone what the best thing to do is
Sự giới thiệu, sự tiến cử.
Sự khuyên nhủ, sự dặn bảo.
Ví dụ:
We chose the hotel on their recommendation (= because they recommended it)
to build or make something again that has been damaged or that no longer exists
Xây dựng lại, kiến thiết lại
Ví dụ:
Old London Bridge was bought by an American and reconstructed in the US.
They have tried to reconstruct the settlement as it would have been in Iron Age times.
to describe how something happened, or to tell a story
Thuật kỹ lại, kể lại chi tiết
Ví dụ:
He recounted his adventures since he had left home.
He was fond of recounting how he had played professional football when he was 19.
to become completely well again after an illness or injury
to become successful or normal again after being damaged or having problems
hồi phục, bình phục, trở lại bình thường
Ví dụ:
It took her a long time to recover from/after her heart operation
It took a long time for the economy to recover after the slump.
(a way of) enjoying yourself when you are not working
Sự giải lao, sự giải trí, sự tiêu khiển.
Ví dụ:
His recreations include golf, football and shooting.
Emma’s only form of recreation seems to be shopping.
connected with activities that people do for enjoyment when they are not working
(Thuộc) Sự giải trí, (thuộc) sự tiêu khiển; có tính chất giải trí, có tính chất tiêu khiển.
Ví dụ:
recreational activities/facilities
These areas are set aside for public recreational use.
able to be recycled
có thể tái chế được
Ví dụ:
Glass products are completely recyclable.
Paper is easily recyclable.
an act of making something less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller
Sự thu nhỏ, sự giảm bớt
Ví dụ:
a 33% reduction in the number of hospital beds available
The report recommends further reductions in air and noise emissions.
unnecessary because it isnot needed or useful
Thừa, dư
Ví dụ:
There’s a lot of redundant information that you could cut out here
The picture has too much redundant detail.
to mention or speak about somebody/something
Ám chỉ, nói đến, kể đến, nhắc đến
Ví dụ:
You know who I’m referring to.
She always referred to Ben as ‘that nice man’.
The victims were not referred to by name.
I promised not to refer to the matter again.
a mention of something
Sự ám chỉ, sự nói đến, sự nhắc đến
Ví dụ:
Knowing what had happened, I avoided making any reference to (= mentioning) weddings
He made several references to his time in France.
to show the image of somebody/something on the surface of something such as a mirror, water or glass
Phản chiếu, phản xạ, dội lại
Phản ánh.
Ví dụ:
His face was reflected in the mirror.
She could see herself reflected in his eyes.
careful thought about something, sometimes over a long period of time
Sự suy nghĩ, sự ngẫm nghĩ; snh những ý nghĩ
Ví dụ:
She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.
A week off would give him time for reflection.
to improve a system, an organization, a law, etc
by making changes to it
Cải cách, cải thiện, cải tạo, cải tổ
Ví dụ:
Who will reform our unfair electoral system?
He was credited with having reformed the education system.
waste material that has been thrown away
[synonym] rubbish
Đồ thừa, đồ thải, đồ bỏ đi; rác rưởi
Ví dụ:
domestic/household refuse
the city refuse dump
refuse collection/disposal
following a pattern, especially with the same time or space in between each thing and the next
Đều đều, không thay đổi; thường lệ.
Ví dụ:
Her heartbeat was regular.
The gardeners planted the trees at regular intervals.
I suggest that we have regular meetings/meet on a regular basis.
an official rule made by a government or some other authority
Điều quy định, quy tắc, điều lệ
Ví dụ:
Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.
the strict regulations governing the sale of weapons
(formal) to give a spoken or written report of something; to tell a story
Kể lại, thuật lại
Ví dụ:
She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters
The story relates that an angel appeared and told him to sing.
a person who is in the same family as somebody else (= relative)
Người bà con, họ hàng, thân thuộc
Ví dụ:
a close/near/distant relation of mine
a relation by marriage
a party for friends and relations
He’s called Brady too, but we’re no relation (= not related).
the way in which two or more things are connected
Mối quan hệ, mối liên hệ.
Ví dụ:
a father-son relationship
I’m not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they’re cousins.
a person who is in the same family as somebody else
[synonym] relation
Bà con thân thuộc, người có họ.
Ví dụ:
I don’t have many blood relatives (= people related to me by birth rather than by marriage)
All her close/distant relatives came to the wedding.
to allow a substance to flow out from somewhere
(Hoá học) Làm bay ra, làm thoát ra (hơi)
Ví dụ:
Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.
Hormones are released from glands into the bloodstream.
to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank or position
Loại bỏ, bỏ xó, bỏ riêng ra
Đẩy xuống vị trí thấp hơn, ít quan trọng hơn.
Ví dụ:
She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job.
The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper.
connected with what is happening or being discussed
Thích đáng, thích hợp; xác đáng.
Ví dụ:
Education should be relevant to the child’s needs
Send me all the relevant information.
needing somebody/something in order to survive, be successful, etc.
[synonym] dependenton/upon something
dựa chủ yếu vào, phụ thuộc vào
Ví dụ:
Businesses have become increasingly reliant on complicated computing systems.
The service has become heavily reliant on government support.
the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship
Tôn giáo, đạo; tín ngưỡng
Ví dụ:
the Christian religion
to still be present after the other parts have been removed, used, etc
; to continue to exist
Còn lại
Ví dụ:
Very little of the house remained after the fire.
Only about half of the original workforce remains.
There were only ten minutes remaining.
a successful way of curing an illness
Thuốc, phương thuốc; cách điều trị
Ví dụ:
an effective herbal remedy for headaches
an excellent home remedy for sore throats
to think, talk or write about a happy time in your past
Hồi tưởng, nhớ lại, ôn lại.
Ví dụ:
We spent a happy evening reminiscing about the past
far away from places where other people live
[synonym] isolated
xa xôi, hẻo lánh
Ví dụ:
a remote beach
one of the remotest areas of the world
remote control
/rɪˌmoʊt kənˈtroʊl/
a piece of equipment that you hold in your hand and use to control a television, DVD player, etc
cái điều khiển từ xa
Ví dụ:
Have you seen the remote control for the TV anywhere?
(formal) to cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition
[synonym] make
khiến cho thứ gì đó trở nên
Ví dụ:
to render something harmless/useless/ineffective
Hundreds of people were rendered homeless by the earthquake.
His rudeness rendered me speechless
New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete.
(of energy and natural resources) that is replaced naturally or controlled carefully and can therefore be used without the risk of finishing it all
(năng lượng) có thể hồi phục lại, có thể tái tạo lại
Ví dụ:
renewable sources of energy such as wind and solar power
to repair and improve something, especially a building
Làm mới lại, đổi mới; cải tiến, sửa chữa lại.
(Kiến trúc) Sửa sang.
Ví dụ:
the newly renovated church
They spent the summer renovating a farmhouse in Kent.
He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.
that can be repaired
[opposite] irreparable
Có thể sửa chữa, có thể tu sửa
an indirect and usually bad result of an action or event that may happen some time afterwards
[synonym] consequence
(Nghĩa bóng) Tác động trở lại; hậu quả
(Nghĩa đen) Sự dội lại (âm thanh); âm vang, tiếng vọng.
Ví dụ:
The collapse of the company will have repercussions for the whole industry
Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy
President Kennedy’s assassination had far-reaching repercussions.
to be a sign or symbol of something:
Miêu tả, hình dung, thể hiện
Ví dụ:
To many people the White House represents the identity of the United States
the way that someone or something is shown or described
a sign, picture, model, etc
of something
Sự miêu tả, sự hình dung
Ví dụ:
He gave a talk on the representation of women in 19th-century art.
This statue is a representation of Hercules.
a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for somebody else or on behalf of a group
Người đại biểu, người đại diện.
Ví dụ:
a representative of the UN
The committee includes representatives from industry.
any animal that has cold blood and skin covered in scales, and that lays eggs
(Động vật học) Loài bò sát
Ví dụ:
Snakes, crocodiles and tortoises are all reptiles
There was a fashion for keeping reptiles as pets.
the opinion that people have about what somebody/something is like, based on what has happened in the past
Tiếng (xấu, tốt
Thanh danh, danh tiếng.
Ví dụ:
The company has a worldwide reputation for quality.
She has the reputation of being a good doctor.
His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money
The hotel has a bad/good reputation.
to study something carefully and try to discover new facts about it
Nghiên cứu.
Ví dụ:
They’re researching into ways of improving people’s diet
the fact of being or looking similar to somebody/something
[synonym] likeness
Sự giống nhau.
Ví dụ:
a striking/close/strong resemblance
family resemblances
resemblance to somebody/something She bears an uncanny resemblance to Dido.
The movie bears little resemblance to the original novel.
to feel bitter or angry about something, especially because you feel it is unfair
Phẫn uất, oán giận
Phật ý, không bằng lòng, bực bội.
Ví dụ:
I deeply resented her criticism.
The children resented the new woman in their father’s life.
He bitterly resents being treated like a child.
She resented him making all the decisions.
a feeling of doubt about a plan or an idea
sự hoài nghi, sự ngờ vực, sự không chắc chắn
Ví dụ:
I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job.
Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the government’s plans for the industry
He accepted my advice without reservation.
to ask for a seat, table, room, etc
to be available for you or somebody else at a future time
[synonym] book
Dành trước, giữ trước
Ví dụ:
I’d like to reserve a table for three for eight o’clock.
I’ve reserved a room in the name of Jones.
officially staying or living somewhere
ở, cư trú, trú ngụ
Ví dụ:
The Queen is in residence at the Palace this week
The flag flies when the Queen is in residence.
to refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening
[synonym] oppose
Kháng cự, chống lại
Chịu đựng được, chịu được.
Cưỡng lại, không mắc phải.
Ví dụ:
to resist change
I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist.
Eric couldn’t resist a smile when she finally agreed.
not affected by something; able to resist something
Chống cự, kháng cự, đề kháng.
Có sức chịu đựng, có sức bền, bền.
Ví dụ:
plants that are resistant to disease
Mosquitoes are becoming resistant to insecticides.
the act of [resolving] or ending a problem or difficulty
Sự giải quyết (vấn đề, mối nghi ngờ)
Ví dụ:
a successful resolution to the crisis
The government is pressing for an early resolution of the dispute.
to solve or end a problem or difficulty
Giải quyết (khó khăn, vấn đề, mối nghi ngờ
Ví dụ:
Have you resolved the problem of transport yet?
The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along.
to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done
Phản ứng lại.
Đáp lại, hưởng ứng (lời kêu gọi, sự đối xử tốt
Ví dụ:
To every question, he responded “I don’t know
I asked her what the time was, but she didn’t respond.
He responded by marching off and slamming the door behind him.
to limit the size, amount or range of something
Hạn chế, giới hạn, thu hẹp
Ví dụ:
Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns.
We restrict the number of students per class to 10.
Fog severely restricted visibility
Having small children tends to restrict your freedom.
the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops
Bán lẻ
Ví dụ:
The job is open to applicants with over two years’ experience in retail.
The clothing company has six retail outlets (= shops) in Perth.
$13 off the manufacturer’s recommended retail price
to keep something; to continue to have something
[synonym] preserve
duy trì, lưu giữ
Ví dụ:
The sea retains the sun’s warmth longer than the land
to stop doing your job, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill/sick; to tell somebody they must stop doing their job
Thôi việc; về hưu
Ví dụ:
My dream is to retire to a villa in France.
He is retiring next year after 30 years with the company.
The company’s official retiring age is 65.
the act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old
Hưu trí, về hưu, sự thôi (làm việc kinh doanh
Ví dụ:
At 60, he was now approaching retirement.
Susan is going to take early retirement (= retire before the usual age).
to pull something back or in
Rụt vào, thụt vào, co vào
Ví dụ:
The wheels retract after the aircraft takes off.
The cat retracted its claws.
to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret
hé lộ, tiết lộ (bí mật)
Ví dụ:
Her biography revealed that she was not as rich as everyone thought
He would not reveal where he had hidden her chocolate eggs.
produce a new growth of vegetation on (disturbed or barren ground)
Lại mọc lại, lại sinh trưởng (cây)
Lại trồng lại, tái phủ xanh (đồi trọc, đất cằn)
Ví dụ:
each spring we revegetate acre after acre with pine seedlings
the act of making something known that was secret, or a fact that is made known
Sự để lộ, sự tiết lộ, sự phát giác, sự khám phá (vật bị giấu, điều bí mật
Ví dụ:
His wife divorced him after the revelation that he was having an affair.
Shocking revelations about their private life appeared in the papers.
to change something completely so that it is the opposite of what it was before
Đảo ngược, lộn ngược, lật ngượclại
Ví dụ:
The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company’s fortunes.
Now that you have a job and I don’t, our situations are reversed.
có thể đảo ngược được, có thể làm cho trở lại như cũ được
Ví dụ:
He believes that climate change may still be reversible.
The surgery is not reversible.
to look again at something you have studied, especially in order to prepare for an exam
Ví dụ:
We will be reviewing all the topics covered this semester.
UK (US review) to study again something you have already learned, in preparation for an exam
(xem lại, đọc lại sách hoặc vở, đặc biệt là để ôn tập)
Ví dụ:
I spent the weekend revising for my exam.
I can’t come out tonight
I have to revise.
one complete circular movement of something, for example a wheel
Vòng, tua
Ví dụ:
the revolution of the earth around the sun
to completely change the way that something is done
Cách mạng hoá
Tạo ra những bước đột phá
Tạo ra những thay đổi mang tính cách mạng
Ví dụ:
Aerial photography has revolutionized the study of archaeology
Newton’s discoveries revolutionized physics.
to move or cause something to move around a central point or line
Quay tròn, xoay quanh (bánh xe
Ví dụ:
The earth revolves around the sun.
The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.
(of an activity, etc
) worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important
(trải nghiệm, công việc, etc
) đáng giá, đáng làm, không bõ công để làm vì lợi ích mà mình được nhận lại quá xứng đáng
Ví dụ:
a rewarding experience/job
a very large, thick-skinned animal from Africa or Asia that has one or two horns on its nose
(Động vật học) Con tê giác
Ví dụ:
a population of black/white rhinoceros
a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements
Nhịp điệu (trong thơ nhạc).
Sự nhịp nhàng (của động tác
Ví dụ:
to dance to the rhythm of the music
music with a fast/slow/steady rhythm
jazz rhythms
having a regular pattern of sounds, movements or events
Có nhịp điệu.
Nhịp nhàng.
Ví dụ:
music with a fast, rhythmic beat
Do the exercises with slow, rhythmic movements.
the rhythmic ticking of the clock
very silly or unreasonable
[synonym] absurd, ludicrous
Buồn cười, tức cười, lố bịch, lố lăng
Ví dụ:
I look ridiculous in this hat.
Don’t be ridiculous! You can’t pay £50 for a T-shirt!
the possibility of something bad happening
(sự rủi ro, sự nguy hiểm)
Ví dụ:
There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through
someone who often takes risks
(người hay chơi liều, hay chấp nhận rủi ro để thắng lớn)
Ví dụ:
They are risk-takers who either make a lot of money or lose a lot.
a state in which two people, companies, etc
are competing for the same thing
Sự cạnh tranh, sự kình địch, sự ganh đua, sự tranh tài, sự đua tài.
Ví dụ:
sibling rivalry (= between brothers and sisters)
rivalry (with somebody/something) (for something) a fierce rivalry for world supremacy
rivalry (between A and B) (for something) There is a certain amount of friendly rivalry between the teams.
political rivalries
the science of designing and operating robots
Người máy học; khoa nghiên cứu việc sử dụng người máy (trong (công nghiệp) chế tạo).
any of various small mammals with large, sharp front teeth, such as mice and rats
(Động vật học) Loài gặm nhấm
the part of a plant that grows down into the earth to get water and food and holds the plant firm in the ground
Rễ (cây)
Ví dụ:
He took hold of the plant’s root and pulled.
The tree’s roots go down three metres.
likely to be good or successful
[synonym] hopeful
(viễn cảnh) lạc quan, tươi sáng, phủ đầy hoa hồng
Ví dụ:
The future is looking very rosy for our company.
She painted a rosy picture of their life together in Italy (= made it appear to be very good and perhaps better than it really was).
to move or turn around a central fixed point; to make something do this
Quay, xoay quanh
Ví dụ:
to move or turn around a central fixed point; to make something do this
winds rotating around the eye of a hurricane
the action of an object moving in a circle around a central fixed point
Sự quay, sự xoay vòng
Ví dụ:
the daily rotation of the earth on its axis
rote learning
the process of learning something by repeating it until you remember it, rather than by understanding the meaning of it
học vẹt, học bằng cách nhắc đi nhắc lại cho đến khi thuộc, thay vì cố gắng hiểu bài
Ví dụ:
to learn by rote
rote learning
the normal order and way in which you regularly do things
Lề thói hằng ngày; công việc thường làm hằng ngày.
Ví dụ:
Make exercise a part of your daily routine
We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.
run off
(of a liquid) to flow out of a container
chảy đi, chảy khỏi
connected with or like the countryside
liên quan đến nông thôn, thôn dã
Ví dụ:
She’s carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.
In the rural areas, illiteracy is widespread.
to move or to do something with great speed, often too fast
Vội vã đi gấp.
Ví dụ:
Don’t rush - take as long as you like.
I was rushing along with my head down when I cannoned into an old lady walking the other way.
rush hour
/ˈrʌʃ aʊər/
the time, usually twice a day, when the roads are full of traffic and trains are crowded because people are travelling to or from work
(Giao thông) Giờ cao điểm.
Ví dụ:
the morning/evening rush hour
Don’t travel at rush hour/in the rush hour.
rush-hour traffic
something that is designed to protect people from harm, risk or danger
một thứ được thiết kế để bảo vệ con người/cái gì đó khỏi bị nguy hiểm
Ví dụ:
Stronger legal safeguards are needed to protect the consumer.
The measures have been introduced as a safeguard against fraud.
The disk has built-in safeguards to prevent certain errors.
money that employees receive for doing their job, especially professional employees or people working in an office, usually paid every month
Tiền mà nhân viên nhận được để làm công việc của họ, đặc biệt là nhân viên chuyên nghiệp hoặc những người làm việc trong văn phòng, thường được trả trực tiếp vào tài khoản ngân hàng của họ mỗi tháng
Ví dụ:
an annual salary of $40 000
a 9% salary increase
He gets a basic salary plus commission.
the liquid produced in your mouth to keep the mouth wet and to help to prepare food to be digested
Nước bọt, nước dãi
to save goods from damage or destruction, especially from a ship that has sunk or been damaged or a building that has been damaged by fire or a flood
cứu hàng hoá khỏi bị hư hỏng hoặc bị phá hủy, đặc biệt là từ một chiếc tàu đã bị chìm hoặc từ một tòa nhà đang bị lũ lụt/hoả hoạn
Ví dụ:
gold coins salvaged from a shipwreck
After the fire, there wasn’t much furniture left worth salvaging.
a strong action taken in order to make people obey a law or rule, or a punishment given when they do not obey
Hình phạt
Ví dụ:
Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom
The ultimate sanction will be the closure of the restaurant
We now have an effective sanction against the killing of whales.
having a normal healthy mind; not mentally ill
[synonym] sound
có đầu óc bình thương
Ví dụ:
No sane person would do that.
Being able to get out of the city at the weekend keeps me sane.
save up
gradually collect money by spending less than you get, usually in order to buy something that you want
dành dụm, tích góp tiền bạc, thường là để mua thứ gì đó mình muốn
Ví dụ:
It took me months to save up enough money to go travelling.
She’s saving up for a new bike.
one of the many very small, flat pieces that cover the skin of fish, snakes, etc
Vảy (cá, rắn, cánh sâu bọ)
Ví dụ:
The beast was a dragon, with great purple and green scales
Khan hiếm, ít có, thiếu, khó tìm
Ví dụ:
Food and clean water were becoming scarce.
scarce resources
the general appearance of the natural environment, especially when it is beautiful
phong cảnh, cảnh vật
Ví dụ:
They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.
having beautiful natural scenery
nhiều cảnh vật đẹp đẽ
Ví dụ:
an area of outstanding scenic beauty
They took the scenic route back to the hotel.