710 Q2 Flashcards
Asian countries began to thrive after World War II because they began what?
Manufacturing and Exporting goods
Why was the World Trade Organization formed?
To regulate trade
Western companies moved their factories to foreign countries to do what?
Increase their profits
What were two characteristics of the Space Race?
1) The United States and the Soviet Union were the main participants 2) It was a competition to see who could outdo each other in space exploration
What country first landed man on the moon?
The United States
What country launched the first man-made satellite?
The Soviet Union
War involving computers and digital networks
Cyber War
A political and economic union that formed in the 1990s was what?
The European Union
Computer programs that cause damage
The increasing dependence of global economies on each other is called what?
Industrial farming increased what?
Crop yields and health problems in workers
Three things to remember about South Africa
1) Nelson Mandela worked against apartheid 2) Apartheid of South Africa controlled their education and transportation 3) The Boers, the English, and African tribes fought for control of South Africa
Satellites, computers, and the Internet have been used for what two things?
Civilian and Military Purposes
Under what agreements, products for sale can cross national boundaries without tariffs?
Free Trade Agreements
What is an area of abandoned factories around the Great Lakes?
Rust Belt
People provided services instead of manufactured goods
service economies
Businesses with factories in other countries are called what?
Multinational Companies
How did outsourcing work affect Western workers?
They lost their jobs
The loss of personal privacy was threatened by what?
Hacking and Digital technology
A time when digital information became more important
Information Age
Search Engines controlled what?
Three areas in which the Information Age benefited developing nations:
1) Healthcare 2) Economy 3) Education
How were workers in sweatshops and banana republics treated?
A country whose economy is dependent on a single resource?
Banana republic
Many nations impose tariffs on imported goods to do what?
protect their businesses