707 Q2 Flashcards
A close church and government relationship helped to do what to a nation?
Unify its people
Deists replaced trust in God with trust in what?
Human reasoning
Descartes wanted to give people security in faith and science by doing what?
promoting rationalism
Followers of Francis Bacon formed what?
The Royal Society
Free thinkers reject any belief that cannot be explained by what?
Human reasoning?
Montesquieu believed that government should be what?
People lost confidence in the church and its leaders because of what?
Religious wars had raged for decades and new discoveries were being made
Rationalism led to the formation of what?
Scientific research experienced a revolution caused by what?
the new approach of rationalism
Scientists in the 1500s began to base conclusions on what?
New Observations
The elliptical orbits of planets was discovered by who?
Johannes Kepler
The first European country to practice religion what what country?
The Netherlands
The Songhai Empire was expanded under which king?
Sunni Ali
The Songhai Empire was the last great nation of what continent?
West Africa
What are three characteristics of the Enlightenment?
1) it began in the 1600s 2) it was a time of intense interest in philosophy and science 3) Enlightenment ideas often caused people to reject the authority of Scripture
What beliefs arose during the enlightenment?
1) Man could cure any disease 2) man could solve any problems 3) man could invent technologies to perform any tasks
What was the main religion of the Songhai Empire under Muhammad I Askia?
What were three topics during the Enlightenment that led to revolutions?
1) Authority of kings 2) rights of common people 3) nature of governments
Who compiled Encyclopedie?
Denis Diderot
Who developed scientific method based on reasoning and logic?
Rene Descartes
Who developed the theory of a sun centered universe?
Nicolas Copernicus
Who helped develop Romanticism?
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Who performed dissections in his classroom?
Andreas Vesalius
Who used the scientific method of observing and experimentation?
Francis Bacon
Who was put under house arrest for writing a book?
Galileo Galilei
Who were two English Enlightenment writes who greatly influenced governments?
John Locke and Thomas Hobbes
Whose theories became official Catholic doctrine?
Hod did the Enlightenment affect the relationship between religion and government in United Sates
Government should not be involved in religious affairs