702 Q1 Flashcards
A series of rulers from the same family is called a what?
Careful records from the scribes allowed King’s to regulate his realm. What was the effect?
Tight regulations kept the Egyptian economy very strong.
Who was Egypt’s most capable leader?
The Old Kingdom fell because central governors had more or less power than local governments?
less power
What Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom enjoyed 180 years of prosperity?
The 12th Dynasty
Who supervised food storage and distribution, and controlled irrigation in Egypt?
An official
What city in southern Egypt became the capital of the Middle Kingdom?
What empire was ruled by wealthy kings and was formed along the Nile?
Egyptian Empire
What writing system was used in South America?
What brought fertile soil to farmland?
What factors contributed to the collapse of the International Age?
Climate began to change; The Sea Peoples Invaded the Middle East; Corrupt, inexperienced Kings replaced the capable kings
Trade increased during what Age?
International Age
Who united northern and southern Egypt?
Who was believed to control the level of the Nile River and owned and controlled all the land?
The King
Middle Eastern nations made what with each other during the International Age?
Who were the great powers during the International Age?
Hittites, Assyrians, Egyptians, Kassites, Mitanni
The invasion of what people led to a low standard of living for many years in Egypt?
The Sea People
What allowed farmers to grow crops during the dry season?
What increased during the International Age?
Who kept the Sea Peoples from conquering Egypt?
Ramses III
What civilization have we studied so far that was made up of small independent city-states?
Mesopotamian Empire
What city was the capital of united Egypt?
The Quipu’s information was indicated by the length of the cords and location of what?
The Egyptians developed what so that kings could use their bodies in the next life?
What were four responsibilities of Egyptian Government officials?
managed harvests; controlled irrigation water; controlled canal construction; supervised food storage and distribution
What was one method that the King’s used to prevent wars?
Marriage between Kingdoms
How did scribes contribute to a stable economy in Egypt?
They kept accurate records
An embalmed body was called a what?
The first pyramid was called what?
The Red Pyramid
Egyptian life had little influence from outside sources. What was the effect?
Egyptian traditions and religious practices changed little for over two thousand years.
Who led Egypt to height of geographic and military greatness?
Thutmose III
Who ruled in the Nile Delta for many years instead of the Egyptians?
The Hyksos
Who build the Great Pyramid at Giza?
Egyptians believed the king was a what?
son of the sun god, RA
What Egyptian word referred to the dark soil around the Nile River?
What great structure in Egypt the head of a man and the body of a lion?
The Great Sphinx