703 Q1 Flashcards
What type of government did Athens develop?
Democratic Government
The Persians were unable to conquer what region?
The Aegean Region
What civilization did the Mycenaean civilization copy?
The Minoan Civilization
Who was believed to rule from his throne on Mount Olympus?
Who taught his students by asking them questions so they would come to conclusions themselves?
Philosophy taught people to use what two things instead of blind trust in the gods?
Reason and observation
What unified the ancient world, enabling the new of Jesus to spread quickly?
What two religions gave people the hope to escape the cycle of reincarnation?
Buddhism and Jainism
Who organized and wrote a city’s laws so everyone could read them?
Someone who gained support from the people by promising reforms was called what?
A wealthy, landowning noble was called what?
Someone who seized control from kings was called what?
What was the first major European civilization?
Western governments are based on the Greek concept of what?
What was the long conflict between Sparta and Athens called?
The Peloponnesian War
Philip of Macedonia conquered and controlled most of what region?
A law that is very harsh is called what?
A Draconian Law
What people originally settled Crete and built Knossos?
What people settled on the southern end of the Greek peninsula?
What people built Sparta and invaded southern Greece and islands in the Mediterranean Sea?
The Peloponnesian War was a long conflict between what two cities?
Sparta and Athens
Who conquered and controlled most of Greece?
Philip of Macedonia
The Minoans settled where?
Island of Crete
The Minoans built what capital city, famous for its large palace?
The Dorians built what city?
The Mycenaeans settled where?
Southern part of the Greek Peninsula
What was the first Persian King to fail at conquering the Aegean region?
Darius I
Who was the ruler during the Golden Age of Athens?
The second Persian king who failed to conquer the Aegean region was?
What does Philosophy mean?
“the love of wisdom”
What helped spark modern thinking and science?
Greek Philosophy
What was the process of non-Greeks adopting Greek customs?
When citizens rule the city, state, or nation, it is called a what?
A Democracy
Democracy means what?
“Citizen rule”
The Greeks recovery from their Dark Ages included what three things?
1) They started colonizing other areas 2) They valued literacy and developed a new system of writing 3) The amount of trade between Greek cities and other ports increased
Alexander the Great is known primarily for what three things?
1) He conquered the Persian Empire 2) His empire reached from Greece to Northern India 3) Several cities where named for him, like Alexandria, Egypt
What were several improvements that took place under Pericles’s leadership?
1) Government officials received pay 2) Common people held government jobs 3) common people started working on various work projects which provided jobs
The fall of Athens came in this order:
1) Sparta started a war against Athens 2) Sparta and the Persians destroyed the Athenian Navy and lay seige to the city 3) Athens surrendered and the city was ruined
A ship powered by three rows of oarsmen and fitted with a battering ram was called what?
The Golden Age of Athens lasted for what dates?
477 B.C. to 431 B.C.