701 Quiz 2 Flashcards
What are two ways rivers helped villages develop?
supplied water for irrigation; served as highways for trade with other regions
What empire covered much of the Middle East
What were five bodies of water that bordered the Middle East?
Mediterranean Sea; Black Sea; Caspian Sea; Red Sea; Persian Gulf
What city became the chief city of Sumer
Civilization in what country began in the Yellow River Valley?
How did God force people to spread out from Sumer
He confused their languages
What technologies were developed by the Sumerians
wheel; canals; plow; glass; underground irrigation; bronze; sundial; lunisolar calendar
What led to the decline of the Akkadian Empire?
neighboring tribes invaded because of drought; travel was disrupted; trade decreased
Before using silver coins, Sumerians used what as their standard measure of value?
Barley Bushel
silt brought by the Yellow River is called
Who unified Sumerian civilization and created the Akkadian Empire?
Sargon the Great
What was an early crop of China
Retaining walls used to create fields on mountainsides
The climate of the Fertile Crescent changed when?
After the flood
Two forms of Sumerian writing were called
Pictographic Writing; Cuneiform
Pyramid-shaped temples
“Between the rivers”
Early Sumerian Kings did what two things?
Organized Workforces; trained armies
Egypt, China, and India were settled before what continents?
North and South America
The people east and southeast of Sumer settled where?
Along the Indus River
What two civilizations greatly affected all civilizations of the Western World?
Sumerian and Egyptian
Who established a centralized government?
Sumerians measurements still in use today are:
12 months, 60 minutes, 360 degrees
What made the Sumerians wealthy?
What was a large city that operated as a state with its own king and government?
A City State