702 Q2 Flashcards
Who was called to lead the Israelites from Egypt and met God on Mount Sinai?
The belief of reincarnation is part of what religion?
The Israelites wanted a what, like nations around them?
A King
Who built the temple in Jerusalem?
The Old Testament changed how what people thought about law?
Western People (us)
The untouchables were not a part of what system?
The Caste System
Pharaoh feared an overthrow by the Israelites and so he did what?
Enslaved them
What two kingdoms resulted from Israel’s Division?
Northern Kingdom of Israel; Southern Kingdom of Judah
Who helped build the temple by sending supplies and men?
Last Judge of Israel
Why did God withdraw his protection and allow other nations to conquer Israel after Joshua died?
Because they fell into sin and had disobeyed
What city was renamed to Jerusalem?
Israel choosing to worship idols instead of obeying God resulted in what?
Foreign nations oppressing Israel
Who captured a Canaanite city and made it Israel’s capital?
Who formed Israel’s national army?
What empire destroyed the kingdom of Israel?
What city became Israel’s capital?
Aryan tribes moved their settlement to what river?
Ganges River
What type of law defined what was good and what was evil?
Moral Law
What are three ways that God is different from other gods?
1) He loves His people; 2) He can be known personally; 3) He wants to bless and prosper his people 4) He gave them rules and principles to live by
When Israel entered Canaan, their most important task was to do what?
Take the land from the immoral people that were living there.
What are the three types of Laws that make up the Mosaic Law?
Civil law; Ceremonial Law; Moral law
The Southern Kingdom of Judah was ruled by who?
The Northern Kingdom of Israel was ruled by who?
The Mosaic Law has some similarities to, but is much different than what Code?
Hammurabi’s Code
What was the capital of Israel after the kingdom wad divided into Judah and Israel?
What do you call a nation ruled by a single ruler?
a Monarchy
First Judge of Israel
Israel begging God to help with their oppression resulted in what?
God setting up a judge to deliver Israel
What type of law gave instructions on how to treat other people?
Civil Law
The religion of Hinduism is based on what?
The Vedas
What was the result of the ten plagues God sent to Egypt?
Pharaoh ordered the Israelites to leave Israel
Who led the campaign to conquer Canaan?
God provided what for the Israelites in the wilderness?
Water and Manna
Ahab and Jezebel led Israel into what?
Idolatry (idol worship)
What did not wear out while the Children of Israel were in the wilderness?
Their clothes and shoes
What type of law gave instructions for proper worship of God?
Ceremonial law
Who reopened the temple and observed the Passover?