6A&B: Thermometer and Hydration Flashcards
Most accurate temperature location
Aural temperature
Temperature taken in ear
Axillary temperature
How accurate
Taken under armpit/“axilla”
Least accurate
For axillary temperature, you use a _____ thermometer
What kinda of thermometer:
Some feel it’s more accurate
Safety concerns it broken
Takes longer to take temp
Mercury-in-glass thermometers
Mercury in glass thermometers are used where
Rectally or in axilla
What kind of thermometer: Red liquid (colored alcohol) in glass Takes long
Alcohol thermometers
What kinda of thermometer
Many practitioners use
Safer, does not break easily
What kind of thermometer:
Moves with animal; easier to keep in and safer
Flexible digital
What kind of thermometer;
Designed for the ear, have digital readout
Ear thermometers
Preparation of mercury thermometer
Hold firmly, shake vigorously downward toward bulb
Place lubricant on paper towel or gauze pad
Lubricate thermometer approx 1in up
Struggling of animal can cause what while taking temp
Rectal perforation
Breaking glass thermometers
How far in should a rectal thermometer go
Approx 1/2 in
How to take axillary temp
Place tip in axillary region, close leg tightly over tip
For digital thermometers when should you press the on button
After it’s been inserted (don’t take temp of air)
How long should you leave a mercury thermometer in
2 minutes
Each line on a mercury thermometer represents
2/10 of a degree
10.2 10.4 etc
Disinfecting a thermometer
Wipe w paper towel or gauze
Place back in blue holder w Nolvasan solution
Temp written in record as
“T= ____ F
Normal temp range of dogs
99.5- 102.5 F
Normal temp range of cats
100.5- 102.5
Normal fluid loss is due to
Respiration ( condensation comes out of body)
Pyrexia and stress lead to _____
Through excessive panting and sweating through paw pads
Fluid loss
What is skin turgor
Elasticity of the tissue, it’s ability to “snap” back into place after being punched or stressed
Tissue is _____ elastic in dehydrated animals
What it means to tent skin
Grasp a fold of skin, pull away, let go
Should snap back immediately
Older animals skin has ____ elasticity
The mucous membrane should feel
Wet and slippery
A tacky or sticky mucous membrane suggests
CRT stands for
Capillary refill time
If CRT is greater than ___ seconds that suggest
Sunken eyes into body orbit suggests
A marked body wait decrease over a short period of time suggest
Fluid loss
A marked body weight increase over a short period of time suggests
Fluid retention
Percent dehydration
Degree of dehydration estimated as a percentage of body weight
Less that <5 % dehydration is
Undetectable dehydration (healthy)
12-15 % dehydration means
Shock and imminent death