62. Gynecology Flashcards
CV changes in pregnancy
Increase. Plasma, erythrocytes, C.O., SV, HR, Femoral Venous pressure
Decrease. SVR, PVR
No changes. CVP, PWCP
Pulmonary changes in pregnancy
Increase. MV, RR, TV, Ins capacity, O2 comp
Decrease. Expiratory volume reserve, RV, FRC, TLC
Coagulation in pregnancy
Increase. 7, 8 , 9, 10, 12, VW
Decrease 11, 13, antithrombin III, PS
No changes 2, 5, PC
Blood gases in pregnacy
Decreased CO2 (30) HCO3 (20)
Increase pH (7.44) p50 (30)
Heart changes in pregnancy
Increase Right chamber (20%) left (10-12%), EF
New aortic / T Reg
Left hypertrophic (eccentric)
3rd trimester LIII Q small
What drug crosses placental barrier
Non ionized, low MW, Lipophilic
In general, no Heparin, NDMR, Scoline, Dexm
Fetal rate system
I baseline. 110-160
II No 1 or 3
III Bradicardia, No baseline FHR, Recurrent VD/LD, sinusoidal pattern
SBP > 140 DBP > 90
After 20 weeks
Urine > 300 mg / 24h
Severe Preeclamsia
Pre +
Platelets< 100, Impaired liver function, kidney (creat > 1.1)
Right upper quadrant pain
Pre + seizures
Hemolysis + Elevated liver + low platelet
Platelets in pregnacy
Decrease 10%
Ephedrine to fetus
No changes in blood supply to the fetus.
Increase BP in the mother
Hexakapron in PPH
Improves mortality if taking in the first 3 hours
When the blood volume returns to normal after delivery
2 months