6 - Gross Brain Meninges, Sinuses Flashcards
Recall the neurocranium =
cranial vault
Folium (folia)
– tiny fold of brain (cerebellum
Sulcus (sulci)
shallow groove between folds
Fissure (fissures)
deep grooves between folds
Lateral fissure/sulcus
between temporal & frontal lobes
Longitudinal fissure
between 2 cerebral hemispheres
Central sulcus
– between frontal & parietal lobes
Frontal lobe
1°motor & personality area
Parietal lobe
1° sensory & integration area
Temporal lobe
auditory, speech, olfactory & memory areas
CN nuclei & tracts between cerebrum & cerebellum
Medulla oblongata
BP and respiration
center for autonomic & endocrine functions
Pituitary gland
“master” gland for homeostasis
Pineal gland
center for sleep-wake cycles
Mammillary bodies
nuclei related to emotions
Interpeduncular fossa posterior to the
optic chiasm
Interpeduncular fossa holds
mamilary bodies
cerebral peduncle is medial to the
2 Main sources of blood to brain:
Internal Carotid arterial system
Vertebrobasilar arterial system
These anastamose at circle of willis
Internal Carotid Artery ascends neck to
base of skull
ICA Enters
carotid canal & makes 90° turn
ICA Ascends
supr. Foramen lacerum
ICA enters
Enters cavernous sinus