563B - Field Training Unit Order (02.02.10) Flashcards
How many phases are in the FTO program?
Phase 1,2, and 3 are how long?
14 working days
Phase 4 is how long?
8 working days
Remedial training is not to exceed how many phases of 14 working days each?
Two cycles
Supervisor completes Probationary Officer Evaluation Report form how often?
Prospective FTOs must have how many years of experience in Patrol Division ?
Minimum of 2 years
Prospective FTO cannot have any discipline in the past ___ months.
12 months
Who owns the Field Training Unit Order?
Commanding officer of the Field Training Unit
Phase 1 for CSO’s is how long?
Three weeks
Phase 2 for CSO is how long?
One week in Zone Substation
Phase 3 is how long?
Three weeks
When CSO spends two days in Communications and records, one day in traffic court, and two days of OJT with solo CSO, what is this called?
Administrative Week
Remedial Training for CSO can be how many phases consisting of two weeks (80 hours) each?
Three phases
If FTO is suspended, they will be placed in inactive file. When can they reapply for active status?
One year after returning to duty
Supervisor completes probationary officer evaluation report how often in LEAPS?
Prospective FTOs must Be recommended by current FTO Sergeant, Squad Sergeant, watch Commander, and who else?
Zone Commander
Who can approve of an officer with prior experience being an FTO even if below the 2 year threshold?
Chief of Patrol
FTO selection process will consist of a FTO Review Board. Who sits on the board?
Commanding officer of FTO program
Field Training Liaison Sergeant
Field Training Sergeant
Roll call Training involving policy/procedures Review is at the discretion of who?
Watch Commander
Roll call training beyond the scope of policy review shall be coordinated with who?
Academy, and or
Who are approved to present training at roll call?
Roll call lieutenant Designated roll call training personnel Members of the academy staff Other personnel approved by Chief of Patrol or designee Investigations Division Personnel