231B - Juvenile Enforcement Programs Administrative Order (10.01.34) Flashcards
What should be done with a JV age 9 and under rather than arrest?
Release to parents, guardian, or DCF
If there is PC to arrest but the child is not physically arrested, how soon does Officer go to SAO to file case?
The next work day
Who must approve arrest of child 9 or under?
JV offenders may be diverted by officers by the following three ways:
- Issue JV citation
- File in person at SAO and request A referral to JV court via “At large” JV Diversion, or
- Release with no further action
Does an officer need to wait for parent before interviewing?
If JV is a truant when arrested, what other report will officer complete?
Truancy Report
Can photos of JVs be used for photo spreads?
Yes per 985.11(B) (13)
Can parent invoke for child?
As a general rule, what is minimum age JV can be arrested?
10 YOA
Truancy reports are in what system?
Curfew ordinance for Saturday, Sunday, and holidays is for what times?
0001 - 0600
Curfew for Sunday through Thursday is when?
2300-0500 hours
Can parent of curfew violator be cited under the municipal ordinance, too?
Yes but use discretion
To qualify for a JV Civil citation , must the violator make a full admission?
Supervisor shall ensure the Copy of the JV Civil Citation is routed to the Records Unit by when?
End of shift
If a truant is detained ___ hour after school begins up to ___ hour before school ends without justifiable reason, they are to be considered truant.
Releasing a truant child may be appropriate if the child is ____ years of age or older and has officially withdrawn from school.
16 years old
Releasing a child may be appropriate if the child is at least _____ years old and had a valid work permit.
14 years old
The Chief of Patrol will conduct an annual review and evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative elements of the all SO JV Enforcement and prevention programs. The Chief of Patrol will submit a written report with recommendations regarding whether each program should function as is, be modified, or be discontinued to the ________.
If Officer is unable to deliver JV to school or school refuses to accept JV, Officer can release JV to whom?
Parent, legal guardian, or responsible adult
Transport to YCC