365B - Hazardous Devices Unit Order (Bomb Threats And CBRNE Incidents 11.05.15) Flashcards
The types of weapons of mass destruction are called:
chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosive
Illicit lab set up to produce drugs
Clandestine labs
Beyond the outer perimeter, considered contamination free
Cold Zone
CBR material in unwanted place including in or on body. Exposure does not necessarily mean person or object is ____.
Inside inner perimeter at scene of CBR incident
Hot Zone
Device created from improvised or conventional explosive compounds.
Stolen or improvised device designed to produce nuclear yield
Improvised Nuclear Device (IND)
May indicate presence and strength of radiological materials at scene
Personal Radiation Detectors (PRD)
Explosive, aerosol, or other device designed to spread radiological material at crime scene AKA dirty bomb
Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD)
Device designed to expose people to radiation without dispersing material
Radiological Exposure Device (RED)
Procedure designed to preclude the detonation or functioning of any CBRNE device.
Rendering safe procedure
Vehicle or vessel used to transport a large quantity of explosives
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
The area immediately surrounding the Hot Zone. Ingress and egress restricted to JFRD HAZMAT and Hazardous Devices Technician. This is where decontamination occurs
Warm Zone
Any weapon designed to cause death or SBI through release of toxic, poisonous chemicals, disease organism, radioactivity at level dangerous to human life
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Should an officer approach a suspicious vehicle at the scene of a bomb threat or alleged terrorist activity?
No. Pass any information along to Hazardous Materials Technician or the Watch Commander
Command post, evacuation area, and staging area must be positioned while anticipating what?
Secondary explosive devices
First arriving officer on a bomb threat will make contact with who?
Victims representative in authority
On scene supervisor for bomb threat where search will be done will establish what?
Temporary Incident command Post upwind, up hill at least 1000 feet from the scene
Unless a device has been located, does the victims representative in authority have power to decide if search or evacuation will take place?
Does this power to decide to evacuate or search apply to schools?
If it’s a COJ building who has authority to determine if structure will be searched or evacuated?
Should the Location of the CP be searched for devices before CP is set up?
Yes. On scene supervisor will ensure its done
No communication using any electronic device should occur within how many feet of the scene?
1000 feet
Will explosive trained K9 be used to check or verify located devices or suspicious packages?
No. Only to be used in searches
At conclusion and no device is found, do NOT say there is no bomb. Instead say what?
“The search did not reveal one.”
If the target is a Duval County School, who will responding officers notify?
Have Investigative PECO contact School Board Police Department who will make further notifications
Who is responsible for requesting a Hazardous Devices Unit call out?
Watch commander, designee or higher authority
If suspected device or hazardous device is located during search, what will the on scene supervisor do?
Immediately Order evacuation and request Watch commander be notified
Watch commander is IC commander until when?
Transfer of command to different watch commander, higher authority, or specifically trained person or agency
Who has complete authority over disposition of the threat or suspected item?
Hazardous Devices Unit