372B - Confidential Informants Administrative Order Flashcards
Who owns Confidential Informants Administrative Order?
Assistant Chief of Narcotics and Vice
Are CS’s expected to become witnesses?
Are Confidential Sources paid?
Who maintains the Confidential Informants File?
Assistant Chief of Narcotics and Vice
If Patrol wants to use CI, who must approve first?
CI on probation or parole can only be used if who approves?
Court or Florida Parole Commission, then approved by Director of Investigation and HLS
Completed CI packet if forwarded through chain of command to who?
Director of Investigations and HLS
Completed CI file must be returned to NV within how many hours?
72 hours
Who must be contacted before any arrest or NTA is differed?
Narcotics detective
CI number is assigned by who?
Assistant Chief of NV
Access to CI files for review, notations, and upkeep are restricted to who?
Commanding Officer of NV
Other JSO personnel are not permitted to review CI file without who’s permission?
Assistant Chief of NV
If a CI is inactive for how long, their file must be updated and new CI Intelligence Report will be completed?
6 months
Narcotics Unit sergeant must complete a face to face interview with Random CI how often?
Once a month
Annual Administrative review of adherence to SOs policy regarding CIs will be done by who? How often?
By Assistant Chief of NV
Should any report used to establish when a controlled buy took place use the exact date of the buy?
No, use 10 day window
Persons less than 18 need who approval to work as CIs?
Parents or legal guardian
And sergeant or higher authority
JV Release of Liability Form must be signed by who?
If CI is to be discontinued, who reviews recommendation sent by email?
Commanding Officer, then
Assistant Chief of NV
Requests for information from non criminal justice agencies about a CI are referred to who?
Assistant Chief NV