51 Vision III Flashcards
We use the ________ Chart to test visual acuity - distance vision.
Parasympathetic stimulation will cause pupillary _________.
Briefly describe the pupillary reflex route.
Light > nasal visual field goes to contralateral side, temporal to ipsilateral side > lateral geniculate nucleus > olivary pretectal nucleus > Edinger Westphal nucleus in both sides > ciliary ganglion > Pupil constriction in both eyes
What is anisocoria?
Difference in pupil size
Superior field loss - Temporal lobe lesion;
Inferior field loss - Parietal lobe lesion
What can be seen in CNV1 palsy?
Reduced corneal sensation
What can be seen in he eyes if there is CN7 palsy?
cannot close eye due to impaired obicularis oculi