5.1 Defence mechanisms Flashcards
What is pathogen?
Any microorganisms that cause diseases.
What is immunity?
The body protects itself from infection.
Which 2 groups can defence mechanism be grouped into?
- specific
- non-specific
What is specific defence mechanism?
Responses that are slower and specific to each pathogen.
What are the examples of specific defence mechanism?
- cell-mediated responses (eg. T lymphocytes)
- humoral responses (eg. B lymphocytes)
What is non-specific defence mechanism?
Responses that are immediate and the same for all pathogens.
What are the examples of non-specific defence mechanism?
- physical barrier (eg. skin)
- phagocytosis
What is on every cell’s surface that identify it?
What is antigen?
A molecule that triggers an immune response by lymphocytes.
What does antigen contain and what does it do?
What does the protein in antigens do?
Enables the immune system to identify:
1. pathogens
2. cells from other organisms of the same species/non-self material
3. abnormal body cells
4. toxins
Although the identification of pathogens, non-self material, abnormal body cells and toxins are good, which type of humans is this bad for? Why?
Humans who have organ or tissue transplant, because the immune system will recognise the new organ or tissue as non-self.
What are lymphocytes?
Types of white blood cells that are responsible for the immune response. They become activated in the presence of antigens.
What are the 2 types of lymphocytes?
- B lymphocytes
- T lymphocytes