4.8. Interactionist Approach to Sz Flashcards
What does the diathesis stress model link?
Links biological vulnerability to environmental stressors
What does the diathesis stress model explain?
Individuals will develop sz if they have a biological predisposition and if they are exposed to stressful situations
What is diathesis?
Predisposition to develop a medical conditions
What is stress?
Any environmental factor that could trigger the disorder
What is the interactionist approach also known as?
the biosocial approach
What was the original explanation?
- gene + stress = sz
- Meehl’s model was entirely genetic due to a single schizogene
- Meehl argued that someone without schizogene should never develop sz, no matter how much stress they were exposed to
- But a person who does have the gene is vulnerable to the effects of chronic stress (schizophrenogenic mother)
What is the modern understanding of diathesis?
- Sz has a genetic component -> mz twins of schizophrenic parents are at a greater risk of developing it than siblings or dzs, however concordance rate is 48% so there’s some environmental influence.
- It’s now believed many genes increase vulnerability
- Diathesis doesn’t have to be genetic, can be early psychological trauma ( affects brain development) -> child abuse affects HPA system (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) -> makes child vulnerable to stress
What is the modern understanding of stress?
- Anything that risks triggering sz, including psychological stress
- A lot of research looks at cannabis usage, cannabis a stressor as it increases risk of sz by up to 7x
- Due to fact that cannabis interferes with dopamine system
- However, not everyone that uses cannabis develops sz, so it seems there must be more vulnerability factors
- Further findings suggest living in densely populated urban areas increase the risk of developing sz -> Vassors: risk of sz in densely populated urban areas were 2.37x higher than rural
How does the UK differ from the US in terms of treatment?
In the UK, it’s standard practice to treat patients with a combinations of drug therapy and CBT whereas in the US, there’s more conflict between biological and psychological approaches -> slower adoption of the interactionist approach as a result
What did Turkington find?
It’s not possible to adopt an entirely biological approach, tell patients their condition is entirely biological, then treat them with CBT.
We cannot adopt a purely biological approach and say the cause is due to chemical imbalances then treat with CBT, the two must interact.
Treatment: the idea of combining 2
The idea of combining 2 treatments can highly improve the effectiveness of the treatments in reducing symptoms of sz
- Antipsychotics + antidepressants = to treat -ve symptoms
- Antipsychotics + assertive community therapy =gets patients back to work in the community
- Antipsychotics + CBT = to treat +ve and -ve symptoms
- Antipsychotics + family therapy = cures dysfunctional family problems
- Antipsychotics + mindfulness = treats +ve symptoms
Drugs are used to stabilise the patient and other methods are useful in order to try to treat the disorder.
What was the key research that Tienari carried out?
- Carried out a prospective study of 19,000 Finnish children adopted away from the biological family who had mothers diagnosed with sz
- Also assessed the rearing style of the adoptive family
- They compared this group with a group of children with no parent diagnosed with sz.
- After 21 yrs, they found that in adoptees at high genetic risk of sz, but not in those at low genetic risk, an adoptive family with a high level of criticism and conflict was a significant predictor of sz.
Strength: Tienari et al
- Show that combination of genetic vulnerability and family stress leads to an increased risk of sz
- Also show there is a clear practical advantage to adoption in the interactionist approach in the form of superior treatment outcomes
Weakness: Multiple genes
- Multiple genes increase vulnerability, each with a small effect on its own, there is no schizogene.
- Stress comes in many forms, Houston found childhood sexual trauma was a diathesis and cannabis use was a trigger.
- This demonstrates the original diathesis- stress model is too simplistic
Strength: Hogarty
- Looked at relapse rates of sz patients- drug therapy alone had a relapse rate of 41% but combined with family therapy, relapse rates decreased to 19% and with social support therapy 20%
- Cheaper in the long run as it reduces hospitalisation
Weakness: Treatment Causation Fallacy
- Turkington argues that combined biological and psychological therapies are more effective than either on their own but this doesn’t mean the interactionist approach to sz is correct.
- It means that the superior outcomes of combined therapies should not be over interpreted in terms of evidence in spirit of the interactionist approach
Strength: Tarrier
- Randomly allocated 315 patients to (1) medication and CBT group or (2) a medication and supporting counselling group or (3) a control group.
- Patients in 2 combination groups showed lower symptom levels than those in the control group -> but no difference in hospital readmission.
- Studies like this show that there is a clear practical advantage to adopting an interactionist approach in the form of superior treatment outcomes.