4.4 Persecution Of The Minorities Flashcards
What is antisemitism?
Hatred of Jewish poeple, prejudice and willingness to discriminate
What is a boycott?
Refuse to buy from or go to
What is a ghetto?
An area of city separated from another, which is usually the worst part of city, housing was poor
What was death camps?
Systematic murder-genocide-where people were sent there to be killed
What is eugenics?
The science of selective breeding
What is racial hygiene?
Where aryan race should only reproduce with other aryan offsprings to form ‘pure aryan’’
How did the nazis apply eugenics to policies?
-became subject in school, encouraging reproduction by ‘ best Germans’ and sterilized Germans that were scene as ‘undersidable’
How did the Nazis adopt the idea of racial hygiene into their policies?
-Hitler youth and propaganda in schools taught racial hygiene. A-swell as passing laws to prevent mixed race marriages
What were hurlers beliefs?
-believe Aryan race was superior race/herrenvolk. Slaves in eastern style were sub human/untermensahen. Including Gypsies that were unworthy of life/lebensan
Why was antisemitism common in Europe?
-blamed for execution of Christ?
-jealous due to success in business and finance
-customs and looks made them stand out
What did the Nazis believe Jewish poséele were like?
-money grabbers
-communist supporters
Why was antisemitism strong in nazi Germany?
-promotion of German heroes in mythology increase opposition in Jews?
-Jews blamed by German nationalist policies for the treaty of Versailles and ww1 defeat and economic depression in 1929-33
-Hitler a nationalist, hate Jews- expressed when I power
-moderate poeple easily influenced by Nazi antisemitism’s propaganda
How did the nazis treat Slavs minority?
-ancient tribe of people that migrated to Europe from east
-called sub humans (untermenschen) as they were different origins.
-nazis threaten to invade there homelands for extra living space (lebensraum)
How did basis treat gypsies minority’s?
-people living itinerant lifestyle, traveling to different places
-in (1933) often arrested and in (1936) forced to live in special camps, include only 3 water taps
-(1938) were banned from traveling in groups, and tested for racial characteristics. As well as risking losing there German citizenship
-(1939) forcibly removed from Germany
How did the nazis treat homosexual minorities?
Believed by nazis to lower moral standards and spoil German purity
•(1934) 766 makes imprisoned for homosexuality (4000 1936)
•strong law against homosexuals in (1935). Making them sent to concentration camps. We’re 5000 died there.
[some nazis encourage castration of homosexuals]
How did nazis treat disability minorities?
-believed they were a burden and weakened racial purity
-(1933) law for the prevention of hereditary disease off spring passed forced 400,000 disabled people to be sterilized by (1939)
-(1939) orders disabled babies to be killed by drug overdose or starvation in T4 Program 5000 were killed with poro le up to 17 years old
How did the nazis start to persecute the Jews in 1933?
-they used propaganda calling Jews ‘vermin’ in schools
-(April)Jews banned from gobernante jobs jobs and teachers sacked
-(September) banned from inheriting land
-(march) boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
What was the boycott of Jewish shops and business act of 1933?
Boycott of all jews- storm troopers sent to paint starts or word Jew outside Jewish business. To discourage people going inside
What persecution of Jews was involved in 1934-1935?
-1934 local council banned Jews from parks and swimming pools
-provide separate yellow park benches to keep normal Germans safe
-Nuremberg laws?
What were the Nuremberg laws and explain what they did?
-the reich law one citizenship-
State only German blood could be German citizens
•Jews became subjects
•lost right to vote and hold government office/ German passport
•required to wear yellow star shaped patch on their own clothes. So they can be easily recognized
-{The reich law for the protection of German blood and honour}-
forbids Jews marrying German citizens
• forbade sexual relations between Jews and German citizens
What state law were Introduced in the late 1938?
(March) Jews register all their possessions
(July) carry identity cards, making it easier for them to be persecuted
How did the kristallnacht start in 1938?
(7 November) polish jew Herschel went into German embassy and shot random German out of anger for the treatment of his parents
-Joseph Goebbels then orders local paper in Herschel’s home town to print articles condemning the shooting
-used SA and géstalo to attack local houses of Jews
- by November 9 vol earth had died
What happened when Hitler got involved before the kristallnacht?
Once told by goebbels, they agreed to turn violence against Jews into nationwide attack
-encourage nazi leaders to arrange attack on Jew property’s whilst under cover
-police told to not intervene with public
-SS groups told to arrest as many possible Jews as possible
What happens on the 9-10 November during Kristallnacht?
Jews were attacked and killed by gangs in nazi uniform. And SA and Hitler youth told not to wear uniform to make it look like the general public
(18 year old Jew thrown from third floor)
-a total of 814 shops, 171 homes, 100 Jews killed
What was the aftermath of the kristallnacht? (1938)
Jews were blamed and fined 1 billion marks for reparations
12 November 20,000 Jews rounded up and sent to concentration camps
What was the role of German people in the Jewish persecution?
-some took part in persecution
-some criticized nazis. Causing severe punishment
-some wanted to criticize but was too scared
-some justified the mass murders of Jews was not real
-some were convinced that Jews should be persecuted