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4th Grade COPY 7/30
> 4.3.2 Wave Patterns - Light > Flashcards
4.3.2 Wave Patterns - Light Flashcards
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4th Grade COPY 7/30
(86 decks)
Physical Education
Classroom Organization
Mental Health Breaks
Social Studies Standard 1 - Geography and Human Life
Social Studies Standard 2 - Utah History
Social Studies Standard 3 - Government
RL.4.1/RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RL.4.2 Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text.
RI.4.2 Determine the main idea of an informational text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text.
RI.4.5 Describe the overall structure (cause/effect, problem/solution) of an informational text or part of a text.
RL.4.6 Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated.
Reading Fluency and Expression
Language Standard 4 - Vocabulary Strategies
Writing Opinion
Writing Conventions
Writing Informational Text
Handwriting Exercises
Handwriting Sequence
Multiplication Facts Fluency
Division Facts Fluency
4.NBT.2 Read, Write and Compare Numbers Prerequisites
4.NBT.2 Read, Write and Compare Numbers Mastery
4.NBT.2 Read, Write and Compare Numbers Extensions
4.NBT.5 Multi-digit Multiplication Prerequisites
4.NBT.5 Multi-digit Multiplication Mastery
4.NBT.5 Multi-digit Multiplication Extensions
4.NBT.6 Division Prerequisites
4.NBT.6 Division Mastery
4.NBT.6 Division Extensions
4.OA.1 and 2 Multiplicative Comparison Prerequisites
4.OA.1 and 2 Multiplicative Comparison Mastery
4.OA.1 and 2 Multiplicative Comparison Extensions
4.NF.1 Equivalent Fractions Prerequisites
4.NF.1 Equivalent Fractions Mastery
4.NF.1 Equivalent Fractions Extensions
Comparing Fractions Prerequisites
Comparing Fractions Mastery
Comparing Fractions Extensions
Multiply Fractions by Whole Number Prerequisites
Multiply Fractions by Whole Number Mastery
Multiply Fractions by Whole Number Extensions
Measurement Conversion Prerequisites
Measurement Conversion Mastery
Measurement Conversion Extensions
4.G.2 Geometry Prerequisites
4.G.2 Geometry Mastery
4.G.2 Geometry Extensions
4.1.1 Organisms - Structures
4.1.2 Organisms - Senses
4.1.3 Organisms - Fossil Structures in Environments
4.1.3 Organisms - Past Environments
4.2.1 Energy Transfer - Speed and Energy
4.2.2 Energy Transfer - Collisions
4.2.3 Energy Transfer - From Place to Place
4.2.4 Energy Transfer - Engineering
4.3.1 Wave Patterns - Models of Amplitude and Wavelength
4.3.2 Wave Patterns - Light
4.3.3 Wave Patterns - Engineering
4.4.1 Observable Patterns in the Sky - Sun Brightness
4.4.2 Observable Patterns in the Sky - Earth's Motion
NE 4.OA.3 Solve Multistep Problems
NE 4.OA.4 - Factors and Multiples, Prime or Composite
NE 4.OA.5 Generate and Analyze Patterns
NE 4.NBT.1 - Place value ten times greater than place to the right
NE 4.NBT.3 - Rounding
NE 4.NBT.4 - Fluently add and subtract using standard algorithm
NE 4.NF.3 Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
NE 4.NF.5 - Add tenths and hundredths
NE 4.NF.6 - Decimals
NE 4.NF.7 - Compare decimals
NE 4.MD.2 - Operations with Units of Measurement
NE 4.MD.3 - Area and Perimeter
NE 4.MD.4 - Fractions in Line Plots
NE 4.MD.5 - Angle Measurement
NE 4.MD.6 - Draw and Measure Angles using a Protractor
NE 4.MD.7 - Decomposed Angles
NE 4.G.1 - Draw geometric shapes and identify them in shapes
NE 4.G.3 - Lines of Symmetry