4.3 Social Learning Theory Flashcards
What is the social learning theory?
A way of explaining behaviour that includes both direct and indirect reinforcement, combining learning theory with cognitive factors
Who proposed the social learning theory?
What is vicarious reinforcement?
Reinforcement which is not directly experienced but occurs through observing someone else be reinforced for behaviour
What is modelling?
- When the observer imitates a role model
- The precise demonstration of behaviour from a role model that may be imitated
What is imitation?
Copying the behaviour of others
What are mediational processes?
Cognitive factors that influence learning and come between stimulus and response e.g thinking
What are the 4 mediational processes identified by Bandura?
- Attention - the extent to which we notice certain behaviours
- Retention - how well the behaviour is remembered
- Motor reproduction - the ability of the observer to perform behaviour
- Motivation - the will to perform the behaviour (determined by whether behaviour rewarded or punished)
What is the role of identification in the social learning theory?
People are more likely to imitate people they identify with, those with similar characteristics and/or are attractive and have high status
Describe Bandura’s bobo doll study?
- Condition 1: 24 children watched adult behave aggressively towards doll by hitting with hammer
- Condition 2: 24 children exposed to non-aggressive model. played in quiet subdued manner
- Condition 3: 24 children used as control group and not exposed to any model
- Children who observed aggressive model were observed behaving much more aggressively towards doll than others
Two strengths of social learning theory
Cognitive factors
- Importance of cognitive factors recognized
- Classical and operant conditioning not an adequate explanation alone
- Humans store information and base behaviour on it
- SLT provides more comprehensive explanation
Real- world application
- Able to explain cultural differences in behaviour
- SLT principles such as modelling, imitation and reinforcement accounts for how children learn from those around them
- Explains hows cultural norms transmitted in societies
- Useful in understanding development of gender roles, increased value of approach
One limitation of social learning theory
Contrived lab studies
- Bandura’s ideas developed though observation of young childrens behaviour in lab
- Lab studies criticized for demand characteristics
- Children in bobo doll study simply behaved in way thought expected
- Research may tell us little about aggression in everyday life