2.4 Factors Affecting EWT & Cognitive Interview Flashcards
What is eyewitness testimony (EWT)?
The ability of people to remember the details of events, which they themselves have observed (e.g accidents and crimes)
What 3 factors affect the accuracy of EWT?
- Misleading information
- Leading questions
- Post-event discussion
What is misleading information?
Incorrect information given to an eyewitness usually after the event, such as leading questions or post-event discussion
What are leading questions?
A question which due to its phrasing, suggests a certain answer
What is post-event discussion?
Occurs when there is more than one witness to an event, witnesses may discuss what they have seen with co-witnesses or other people
Who carried out the research on leading questions and describe the study
- Loftus and Palmer (1974)
- 45 participants watched film clips of car accidents and were asked questions about the accident
- In critical question participants asked to describe how fast cars were travelling
- 5 groups of participants given different verbs in the question e.g contacted and smashed
- Mean estimated speed for verb ‘contacted’ was 31.8 mph
-Mean estimated for verb ‘smashed’ was 40.5 mph
How do leading questions affect EWT?
- Response-bias explanation: suggests the wording of the question has no real effect on the participants memories, but just influences how they decide to answer
How did Loftus and Palmer investigate the substitution explanation?
- Conducted a second experiment which proposed that wording of critical question changes participants memory of the clip
- Participants that heard ‘smashed’ more likely to report seeing broken glass (although there was none) than those who heard hit
Who carried out the research on post-event discussion and describe the study
- Gabbert et al (2003)
- Participants studied in pairs, each watched video of same crime but from different POV
- Each saw elements other may not have seen
- Both participants discussed what they had seen before individually completing test of recall
- 71% of participants mistakenly recalled aspects of the event not seen but heard in discussion
- In control group where there was no discussion, this was 0%
What are the 2 explanations for why post-event discussion affects EWT?
- Memory contamination: when witnesses combine misinformation from other witnesses with their own memories
- Memory conformity: when witnesses go along with each other to win social approval or because they believe others are right
What is the difference between memory contamination and memory conformity?
Unlike memory contamination, with memory conformity the actual memory is unchanged
AO3 for misleading information
1. Research support: practical uses in criminal justice system, consequences of inaccurate EWT can be damaging, Loftus (1975) believes leading questions can distort memories, police officers have to be careful when phrasing questions when interviewing, psychologists asked to act as expert witnesses in court cases, can help to improve the legal system, protect innocent people from faulty convictions based on unreliable EWT
Counterpoint: Loftus and Palmer’s participants watched film clips in a lab, a very different experience from witnessing a real event, Foster et al stated what witnesses remember has important consequences in real world however responses in research do not matter as much, participants less motivated to be accurate
2. Evidence against substitution: EWT more accurate for some aspects rather than others, Sutherland and Hayne (2001) showed participants a clip, when later asked misleading questions their recall was more accurate for central details of the event than for peripheral ones, attention focused on central features of event and they were resistant to misleading information, original memories for central details not distorted, not predicted by substitution explanation
3. Evidence challenging memory conformity: there is evidence that post-event discussion actually alters EWT, Skagerberg and Wright (2008) showed participants film clips, two versions: muggers hair was dark brown in one and light brown in the other, participants discussed what they had seen in pairs, they reported a blend of the two clips rather than what they or the co-witness had seen, memory is distorted by contamination rather than memory conformity
What are the 2 main factors that affect EWT?
- Misleading information
- Anxiety
What is anxiety?
A state of emotional and physical arousal
Who carried out the research on the negative effect of anxiety and describe the study
- Johnson and Scott (1976)
- Participants believed they were participating in lab study
- While seated in waiting room, participants on low anxiety condition heard a casual conversation and saw a man pass with a pen and grease on his hands
- High anxiety condition heard heated argument, accompanied by sound of smashing glass and man holding knife covered in blood
- Participants asked to pick out man from 50 photos
- 49% who had seen man carrying pen were able to identify him
- 33% who had seen man carrying blood-covered knife were able to identify him