4.2 biodiversity Flashcards
3 reasons for protecting biodiveristy
- ecological
- economic
- aesthetic
ecological reasons for maintaining biodiversity (2)
- protecting keystone species
- maintaining genetic resource
economic reasons for protecting biodiversity
- reducing soil depletion (continuous monoculture)
aesthetic reasons for maintaining biodiversity
protecting landscape
2 example in situ conservation
- marine conservation zones
- wildlife reserves
3 example ex situ
- seed banks
- botanic gardens
- zoos
name 3 legislatiev agreements
- CITES (convention on international trade in endangered species)
- CBD (Rio convention on bio diversity)
- CSS (countryside stewardship scheme)
- different varieties of living things
what is habitat biodiversity
number of different habitats within an area/ecosystem
waht happens if you plough fields?
group of organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
group of organisms of the SAME SPECIES who live in the same area at the same time
species RICHNESS
- number of different species living in a particular area
species EVENNESS
relative abundance of each species in an area
how to numerically measure biodiversity
simpsons index
what are n and N in simpsons index
n = number in that particular species
N = total organisms
spearmans’s rank
- correlation between stuff
- rank each criteria from highest to lowest
the more alleles in a population the more…
genetically diverse
what can increase genetic biodiversity?
- mutations
- GENE FLOW; eg migration, alleles transferred between populations
3 levels of biodiversity
- ecosystem and habitat
- species
- genetic
all the living and non living components of an area
importance of random sampling
use of wuadrats
random rampling grid system
- make a grid by laying out 2 tape measures PPD
- RNG coordinates
- use that as sample site
systematic sampling uses…
what do u usually count in quadrats
percentage cover
to catch flying animals
sweep net
catch ground dwelling invertebrates (pitfall trap) (5)
- dig a hole and place contaoner
- top of container level with soil
- cover to protect from rain
- leave overnight (x amount of time)
- count and identify invertebrates caught
usually transects measure…
effect of changes in abiotic factors across a habitat
line transect
- measuring tape
- record organisms that touch the line at regular intervals
belt transect
- tape measure
- place quadrats
mark capture release
- capture and mark in a way that wont affect survival
- after some time take another pop
- (n initial marked)*(total individuals in 2nd) / marked in second
gene pool
all the alleles in a species
waht type of biodiverisyt does simpsons measure
- not habitat/ecosystem/genetic
advantages of genetic biodviersity (3)
- adaptation to changing environemtn
- camoflugae
- variation for natural selection
define keystone species (2)
- significant effect on ecosystem
- many other species rely on activity of them
another advantage of xyz
which of the 3 agreements are international
- rio CBD
what happens in CSS
farmers offered payments for conservation
what is orders of magnitude
look at the difference in the x10^
- eg if it goes from 10 000 000 to 1000, its 4 orders of magnitude smaller
main aim of CITES
- restrict trade in endangered species
- ensure trade doesnt endanger wild population
name advantage and disadvantage of NO human interference with an endangered species
+ exhibit natural behvaiour
- could be wiped out by disease, poaching
how to protect a certain batch of plants in farmland
- controlled grazingg
- restrict human access
- remove invasive species eg weeds
2 ways to prevent fishing bad stuff
- fishing quotas (but area too large difficult to police)
- species restriction (expensive to monitor)
in preservation, do humans interfere
IMPORTANCE OF biodiversity for plants FOR DRUGS (3)
- many drugs found in plants
- increases chance of finding new drugs
- maintains a genetic resource
things that could decrease population sizes besides climate
- competition from new predator
- pollution
- disease
- pesticides
- loss of food source
advtange of toursits
- ecotourism
- money from tourists can support conservations
- eg planting more trees
describe genetic biodiversity 6 marker if small pop size
- genetic biodiversity decreases
- small gene pool
- more homozygous
- inbreeding, as closely related
- fewer alleles
- more susceptible to diseases and extinction
describe spsecies biodiversity 6 marker if small pop size
- can go extinct
- one less species
- decreases richness and evenness
- previous prey increase
- predators decrease
how does human pop growth decline biodiversity (6 marker)
- need for more agricultural land
- need for more housing land
- habitat destroyal
- more waste
- more pollution
how does agriculture decline biodiversity (6 marker)
- monoculture
- reduced genetic diversity
- subject to disease
- pestidicdes
- fertiliser
- eutrophication?
how does CLIMATE CHANGE decline biodiversity (6 marker)
- warmer / drier climate
- species not adapted
- less migration???
- rise in sea level, less land habitat
- more flooding = less land habitat
when evaluating proporition of polymorphic gene loci consider
- might not have sampled same loci
what can zoos do
- captive breeding
- education
- raise money
probelms with small pop (2)
- hard to find a mate
- natural disaster can wipe it out cos small
problems w little genetic biodiversity
- interbreeding
- fewer alleles
- less likely to cope w environmental change
- more likely to be wiped out by disease
how to measure genetic diversity
- proportion of polymorphic gene loci
- proporiton of heterozygous individuals
limitiations of sampling methods
- samples on small no days
- in one season
- misidentification
how to improve sampling experiment
- MORE samples in DIFFERENT parts of area
- collect in different seasons
- ensure no recounting
- key to identify correct species
how to describe stratified
- n.o. samples taken proportional to area
- and then give examples
if low pop numbers estimates are…
more affected by random error
when look at change in data eg conservation scheme increasing numbers look at
trend BEFORE
how to improve genetic diversity
a wider range of habitats (diff selection pressures)
aims of CBD
- share genetic resources
- sustainable use of habitats eg replanting trees
why sample (3)
- impossible to count every invidivual
- provides estimate
- represenative of the area
significance of LOW simpson (2)
- habitat dominated by one species
- less stable, less likely to cope with change
importance of ex situ
- natural habitat could be under threat eg climate change
- so pop very low
- hard to reproduce in the wild
- protection from competitibe species
- protection from pathogens
advantage seed banks over adult plants
- many are produced so can be collected with minimal damage to ecosystem
- small so a large number can be collected
- remain viable for longer
3 reasons for underestimate of no species
- some are microscopic
- might mistake several for one
- new species evolving
problem with results based off a sample (2)
- only small number samples
- sample may not be rep of al population
variation (2)
between species
if you’re more closely related you…
have more genes in common
evidence for evolution
- fossils (fossil record)
- dna, Cytochrome C
define phylogeny and its importance (4)
- study of evolutionary relationships between organisms
- forms basis of classification
- eg looking at differences in cytochrome c
- same species = recent common ancestor
calc to determine abundance
- percentage cover
- percentage frequency