4.1.1 - The Dispositonal Explanation Flashcards
What is the dispositional explanation
- not all psychologists accept that obedience can be explained by factors of the situation or social structure (like Milgrams variations / the agentic state)
- They reason that there must be some importance of the personality (disposition) of the individual as to whether they will obey or not
Who studies dispositional explanations of obedience
Adorno (1950)
- f scale
What were the aims of Adorno
was interested in investigating why Nazi soldiers were so willing to persecute and kill members of minority groups, such as Jews during wwII ; could be blamed on a personality trait?
- he claimed a particular personality type is more likely
to obey an authority - A high level of obedience is basically a psychological
What was Adorno’s procedure
- ppts were 2000 middle class, white americans
- studies their unconscious attitudes towards other social groups
- he developed an f-scale to measure the relationship between a persons personality type and their prejudiced beliefs
What were Adornos findings
- those who scores highly on the f-scale identifies with “strong” people and generally viewed the “weak” as worthless
- they were more conscious of their own and others status’
- high scorers also had a specific cognitive style including an authoritarian personality
What are the features of an authoritarian personality
- submits to those in a higher position to them
- is authorities towards people of a lower status
- showed excessive blind obedience to authority
- suspicious and hostile of strangers
- rigid thinkers( have strict obedience to social rules)
A high score on the f-scale = high authoritarian personality
What is the link between authoritarianism and prejudice
There is a strong correlation between an authoritarian personality and prejudice believes , so therefore are more likely to conform/ bey orders
What are the causes of an authoritarian personality
- Very strict upbringing with harsh parents
- individuals could not express hostility towards their parents
- these individuals therefor transfer this aggression onto safer targets ( the people that they view as weaker than the in society)
Adorno A03- politically biased
- the f scale doesn’t explain left wing behaviour
- the test is targeted at right wing behaviour
- has been suggested that left wing authoritarian personalities exist ( rely on gov/social structure)
- the explanation isn’t generalisable as it doesn’t account for all types of people
- low external validity
Adorno A03 - questionnaire
- ppts could change their answers due to social desirability bias
- the questions are all one directional ( towards an authoritarian personality) so is liable to acquiescence bias
- low internal validity
Adorno A03 - correlation nor causation
- a correlation doesn’t mean that there is a direct relationship between two variables, there are many other external factors that could affect the results (eg: poor education, bad friendships)
- Adorno interviewed ppts about their family lives, this interview could have been subject to researcher bias
Adorno A03- Research support
Milgram and Elms(1966)
- conducted interviews on a sample of fully obedient ppts after their study
- many of these pots also scored highly on the f scale
- supports a link between authoritarian personality and obedience
- increases validity of adornos study and findings