400-27 Automated Vehicle Location System Flashcards
Unless _____, employees are prohibited from altering, modifying, or tampering with any police radio, mobile computing device (MCD), or automated vehicle location (AVL) system. This includes all equipment and support components (e.g., wires, cables, fuses, and breakers).
Intentionally altering, modifying, or tampering with any AVL equipment may result in disciplinary action.
authorized to do so by job assignment or the Chief of Police
The AVL system is designed to be utilized as a tool to…
The AVL system is a satellite based tracking system utilizing line-of-sight tracking to determine a vehicle’s location. Contact with the satellite is continuous with the mobile unit reporting its location periodically. The reporting period is _____, depending on whether the mobile unit is stationary or moving, as well as the mobile unit’s rate of speed.
AVL functions by sending a tracking signal over the MCD to the computer aided dispatch (CAD) system at the Houston Emergency Center (HEC). Upon receiving the signal, CAD’s Altaris Map displays units on a monitor. AVL is a separate signal from the radio voice system.
The AVL system is designed to make recommendations to the dispatcher; however, the final decision regarding dispatching field units to calls for service is the responsibility of _____.
1) aid in both ensuring officer safety and managing the call for service process.
2) variable
3) the dispatcher
Patrol and dispatch supervisors are responsible for…
_____ are responsible for reporting malfunctions and discrepancies with the AVL system to their immediate supervisors.
1) assisting dispatchers in the performance of their duties and ensuring the AVL system is utilized properly.
2) All employees
____houses the AVL system and serves as the system’s administrator and custodian of records, which records and archives all AVL data.
AVL records retention period is _____, as established by HEC.
1) HEC
2) one year
In the event a discrepancy arises between information received from a field officer and data received from an AVL unit, the mobile unit shall be…
In addition, the mobile unit shall be taken to the _____ for inspection to ensure accuracy and reliability.
If the mobile unit is deemed to be functioning properly, the findings shall be forwarded to the field officer’s division commander for review.
If the AVL equipment is deemed to be malfunctioning, the _____ is responsible for repairing or replacing any effective or malfunctioning AVL equipment. Additionally, the inspection findings shall be forwarded to the field officer’s division commander for informational purposes.
1) removed from service at the earliest possible convenience
2) Office of Technology Services’ Mobile Technology Shop
3) Mobile Technology Shop