400-05 Firearms Qualification, Training, and Control Flashcards
Academy Firearms Range.
The firearms training facilities located in the Houston Police Academy firearms complex and supervised by Houston Police Department Academy range personnel.
Academy Range Personnel.
Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) certified firearms instructors assigned to an Academy firearms range or certified firearms instructors for the department’s Tactical Training Unit, Narcotics Training Unit, or Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Detail (designated SWAT officers only). These officers have the authority to remove anyone from an Academy firearms range for unsafe practices.
Attempt to Qualify.
When an officer during an official qualifying line scored by Academy range personnel snoots and attempts to pass the appropriate firearms qualification course with a firearm the officer intends to carry.
Back-up Weapon.
A firearm that is carried in conjunction with a primary weapon.
Off-duty Weapon.
A handgun registered in the department’s firearms registration database and that may be carried in an off-duty capacity once guidelines set forth in this General Order are met. An off-duty weapon may also be carried as a back-up weapon when all criteria and qualifications have been met.
For the purpose of this General Order only, plainclothes refers to all manner of dress other than approved department uniforms.
Primary Weapon.
A handgun that meets the guidelines set forth in this General Order, that is registered in the department’s firearms registration database as a primary weapon, and that may be carried alone.
When an officer during an official qualifying line scored by Academy range personnel shoots and passes the appropriate firearms qualification course with a firearm the officer intends to carry.
Qualification Quarter.
The quarter of the year dedicated to department wide primary weapons qualification.
Redress Firearms Training.
Individualized training sessions scheduled by the Training Division for officers who have failed all three attempts during the qualification quarter.
Shoulder Fired Weapon.
A shotgun or carbine that meets the guidelines set forth in this General Order, that is registered in the department’s firearms registration database, and that may be
carried only with a primary weapon if the officer is in police uniform, on duty, or working police related extra employment.
Only divisions, units, weapons, and ammunition so designated in writing by the
Chief of Police shall be considered specialized. Only officers assigned full or part time to a specialized division or unit and while carrying out those assignments, duties, and functions are allowed to carry specialized weapons and ammunition.
Under the Influence of Alcohol.
Any measurable concentration of alcohol in a person’s blood, breath, or urine.
All approved weapons used by officers in the performance of their official duties shall not be altered from the manufacturer specifications nor changed in any way that…
affects the safety or function of the weapons
All primary, back-up, and off-duty weapons shall be professional and conservative in appearance and shall be, except as noted herein, of a _____ finish.
Officers shall not adorn their firearms with any symbol or design other than the standard manufacturer emblem, or with any equipment or additions not listed in this General Order.
blued, black, or silver
A description including the make, model, and serial number of all firearms carried by each officer shall be listed in the Houston Police Department’s…
Officer’s firearms shall be maintained in good working order and are expected to be cleaned and lubricated on a regular basis.
firearms registration database maintained by the Training Division.
Except as noted in this General Order, officers shall carry a primary weapon for which they hold current qualification while in police uniform, on duty, or working police-related extra employment.
Regardless of assignment or exceptions outlined in this section, all officers shall qualify annually with an approved primary weapon on the department’s primary weapons course as outlined in this General Order and as dictated by ____
Academy range personnel.
Uniformed Officers
Only the weapons listed for uniformed officers, based on the officer’s _____, in Attachments A and Bare approved primary weapons for officers while in uniform.
Academy class
Plainclothes Officers
Plainclothes officers shall carry a weapon included in Attachments A or B in the primary weapons lists for uniformed officers, based on the officer’s Academy class, or a weapon included in Attachment C in the primary weapons list for plainclothes officers.
Plainclothes officers are authorized to “open carry” their primary weapon while on duty and in public view. Plainclothes officers shall adhere to all of the below requirements if choosing to “open carry.”
Officers shall display the _____ on the officer’s belt or waistband next to the weapon.
Officers shall display the official _____.
Officers shall carry a pair of handcuffs, and at least one…
Officers shall display the HPD badge on the officer’s belt or waistband next to the weapon.
Officers shall display the official HPD identification.
Officers shall carry a pair of handcuffs, and at least one additional loaded magazine for a semiautomatic handgun or an additional loaded speed loader for a revolver.
Plainclothes Officers
An exception to the above requirements is when an officer is at an assigned office or police facility and the officer is….
The above Open Carry policy does not apply to officers working in an undercover or off-duty capacity.
not conducting business with a citizen or suspect
Undercover Officers
Officers working in an undercover capacity shall carry a weapon included in Attachments A or B in the primary weapons lists for uniformed officers, based on the officer’s Academy class, or the weapons included in Attachment C for plainclothes officers.
Exceptions to the above paragraph are dependent upon the nature of the officer’s assignment and the types of operations in which the officer is involved.
With the exception of rifles and fully automatic weapons, a division commander may authorize an officer working in an undercover capacity to carry as a primary weapon any firearm that…
will enable the safe completion of operations.
Undercover Officers
If an undercover officer is authorized to carry a weapon described in section 3, Off-Duty Weapons, as a primary weapon, the officer shall have completed the _____ training class taught by the Narcotics Training Unit or the _____training class taught by the Tactical Training Unit, and successfully met the qualification requirements of that class annually.
1) “Undercover Carry”
2) “Tactical Plainclothes Weapons”
Undercover Officers
If an officer is authorized to carry a weapon described in section 4, Back-Up Weapons, as a primary weapon during a particular operation, the officer shall hold current qualification with the weapon on the department’s…
If a division commander approves a weapon that does not meet any of the above criteria, the officer shall hold current qualification with the weapon on the department’s back-up/off-duty weapon course prior to the operation.
If a particular operation makes it impractical for an officer to carry a firearm, the _____ may authorize the involved officer to not carry a firearm for the duration of the assignment.
1) back-up/off-duty weapon course prior to the operation.
2) division commander
Officers are reminded that even if they elect not to carry a firearm while off duty, they are considered to be a Houston police officer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Officers shall remain responsible for complying with all department policies and procedures, and are still required to take appropriate action when required. If unarmed, appropriate action may include…
contacting 9-1-1 or the police dispatcher about a crime in progress rather than attempting to make an arrest.
Off-duty officers working police-related extra employment or wearing a police uniform are required to carry a primary weapon in accordance with all applicable provisions of this General Order.
If an off-duty officer not wearing a police uniform and not working police-related extra employment elects to carry a handgun, the officer shall carry a primary weapon or an off-duty weapon that matches one of the following descriptions:
a. Revolvers.
Revolvers must be double action and chambered for _____ . Revolvers must have a barrel length of…
b. Semiautomatic pistols.
Semiautomatic pistols must be chambered for _____ and have a barrel length of _____.
1) .38 special / 9mm or larger cartridges
2) at least two inches, but not more than four inches
3) .380 caliber cartridges or larger
4) at least two inches
Handguns carried off duty must hold a minimum of ____rounds of ammunition.
Officers shall ensure that any off-duty weapon they intend to carry is…
Officers do not need to qualify with off-duty weapons, unless…
Off-duty weapons are to be carried in a concealed and inconspicuous manner.
_______ of an off-duty weapon is prohibited regardless of whether the officer has obtained a license to carry a handgun issued by the state of Texas or other state with a reciprocity agreement.
1) registered in the department’s firearms registration database.
2) the weapon is of a different type than their primary weapon. (e.g., primary weapon is a semiautomatic and the off-duty weapon is a revolver).
3) Open carry
While in police uniform, on duty, or working police-related extra employment, officers are not allowed to carry a back-up weapon…
While off duty and not wearing a police uniform and not working police-related extra employment, officers are not allowed to carry a back-up handgun…
Except as noted elsewhere in this General Order, the department approved back-up weapons described in the following subsections are the only firearms officers may carry in addition to their primary weapon.
1) alone without an approved primary weapon.
2) alone without an approved primary or off-duty weapon.
Back-up handguns must be…
If an officer’s back-up handgun is a revolver it must be_____.
Back-up handguns must hold at least ____rounds of ammunition.
Officers shall qualify _____with these weapons during the qualification quarter on the department’s back-up/off-duty weapon course.
Back-up handguns shall be carried in a concealed and inconspicuous manner.
1) .22 caliber or larger (.25 caliber is prohibited) and have a barrel length of two to four inches.
2) double action
3) five
4) annually
Only those shotguns listed in Attachment D of this General Order have been approved by the department.
Officers who _______may carry a shotgun as a back-up weapon while in uniform, on duty, or working police-related extra employment.
Officers shall qualify _____on the department’s shotgun qualification course during the qualification quarter.
Academy range personnel shall inspect shotguns at the time of qualification for compliance and un-authorized modifications.
_______ shall be used for deployment with approved shotguns.
1) successfully complete the department’s appropriate shotgun qualification and training courses
2) annually
3) “00” buckshot
Officers who desire to carry shotguns not currently approved by the department shall submit their requests in writing to the Chief of Police for approval. Each shotgun submitted to the Chief of Police for potential approval must meet the requirements listed below:
a. ___gauge
b. Pump or _____
c. _____ bars (applicable to pump action shotguns)
d. ______ safety
e. Barrel length of _____ inches
f. Tube fed _____
g. _____ finish
h. _____ sights
i. Loading and ejection through _____
a. 12 gauge
b. Pump or semiautomatic
c. Dual action bars (applicable to pump action shotguns)
d. Cross-bolt safety
e. Barrel length of 18 to 20 inches
f. Tube fed magazine
g. Black, blued, or silver finish
h. Bead or iron sights
i. Loading and ejection through two different ports
Shotguns may have _____ stocks.
Pistol-grip only shotguns are not approved.
Officers shall transport shotguns in the _____ or in a _____ in the front compartment of the patrol vehicle provided the officer has completed the requisite training.
Shotguns shall be stored with…
1) folding or retractable
2) trunk or cargo area of the vehicle inside a case
3) department approved and installed rifle rack
4) a loaded magazine tube, the safety engaged, the action closed, and the chamber empty
Officers of any rank from any division who successfully complete all portions of the requisite carbine rifle training may carry approved carbines as a back-up weapon while in uniform, on duty, or working police-related extra employment.
Once trained, officers shall qualify _____on the department’s carbine qualification course, either during the qualification quarter or their birth month.
Only the carbines listed in Attachment 0 are approved for qualification and deployment.
The AR 15 style carbine with a barrel length of ____ inches and an overall length of more than ___inches is an approved carbine.
AR-15 style, short barrel rifle (SBR) carbines with a minimum barrel length of ____inches are also approved carbines provided the officer completes the appropriate federal paperwork, registers the carbine with the Training Division, and per federal law…
Approved carbines may have retractable or folding stocks.
1) 16 to 20
2) 26
3) 10
4) keeps a copy of the federal proof of registration and tax stamp in his possession at all times while possessing the SBR carbine.
Approved carbines shall be black in color.
The only exception is a monochromatic olive drab color carbine, provided the officer qualified with it prior to January 23, 2017, and the carbine has remained continuously registered with the department to that officer since before January 23,
_____ carbines are prohibited.
Multicolor or camouflage
Approved carbines must have iron sights and a weapon mounted light. The carbine may, in addition, have electronic optical sights as listed in Attachment 0.
Approved electronic optical sights must have no _____and shall be mounted either with a quick release return to zero mount or in a manner that allows…
1) magnification
2) the immediate use of the back-up iron sights if the electronic optic fails for any reason
An additional approved ___magnifier, as listed in Attachment 0, may be used in conjunction with the electronic optical sight provided that the magnifier utilizes a flip to side mount and does not interfere with the back-up iron or electronic optical sight.
Officers shall _____ prior to mounting the magnifier on their rifle.
1) 3X
2) take the magnifier course
Only _____ammunition shall be used for deployment with an approved carbine.
No officer shall carry a rifle or a carbine of a type or configuration different than that specified in this subsection unless specifically authorized in writing by the Chief of Police.
Suppressors are not approved for use on carbines without written permission from the Chief of Police.
Officers shall transport carbines in the trunk or cargo area of the vehicle inside a case or in a…
Carbines shall be stored with…
1) .223 caliber, 55-grain soft point
2) department approved and installed rifle rack in the front compartment of the patrol vehicle.
3) a magazine seated in the magazine well, the safety engaged, and the chamber empty