400-08 City Vehicle Crashes Flashcards
All traffic crashes involving City vehicles or equipment, whether on public or private property, and whether the City vehicle is being driven, is occupied, or is parked, shall be reported immediately by the _____at the time of the crash.
City vehicle crashes that occur on a freeway or major roadway shall be immediately moved to a safe site off the freeway or roadway when no person is injured and each involved vehicle can be normally and safely driven. Vehicles are not to be moved to the shoulder of the roadway, but are to be moved to a location completely off the roadway. An officer who is involved in a crash in which no one is injured shall immediately notify the dispatcher and then move the vehicle off the roadway. If any person reports an injury, only a _____may authorize the crash to be moved off the freeway to a safe location completely off the roadway
1) employee having care and custody of the vehicle or equipment
2) Vehicular Crimes Division supervisor
Crash Investigation Area (CIA).
The geographic area that falls within the boundaries of the city limits of Houston, Texas or within a 30-mile radius from the Houston Police Department Edward A. Thomas Building (Police Headquarters).
Crash Packet
The documentation associated with the administrative investigation regarding an employee’s City vehicle crash.
Damage to Shop.
For purposes of this General Order, minor dents, scratches, dings, or similar cosmetic damage to a City vehicle and that are reasonably estimated to require less than $1,000 to repair and are logged by the division in custody of the City vehicle.
If a City vehicle crash occurs within the city limits of Houston, the involved employee shall immediately notify the _____
The immediate supervisor of an employee involved in a City vehicle crash shall be contacted by the involved employee as soon as possible and the supervisor shall _____.
If the supervisor is not on duty or is not readily available, an alternate on-duty supervisor from the employee’s division shall be notified by the involved employee and the alternate supervisor shall _____.
1) Emergency Communications Division.
2) report to the scene if on duty
3) report to the scene
If a City vehicle crash occurs outside the city limits of Houston, but within the Crash Investigation Area (CIA), the involved employee shall notify the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the crash location and _____ as soon as possible.
an on-duty Vehicular Crimes Division supervisor
Any employee involved in a crash with a City vehicle outside the CIA shall _____ in accordance with the procedures of the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the crash location.
Employees involved in City vehicle crashes that are not investigated by the Vehicular Crimes Division shall generate correspondence describing the incident. The correspondence and a copy of any reports generated by the outside agency shall be sent through the chain of command to the _____.
If the outside agency refuses to generate any type of report, the HPD employee involved in the crash shall document the _____ connected with the event in correspondence that shall be forwarded through the chain of command to the Vehicular Crimes Division.
1) have a crash or incident report prepared
2) Vehicular Crimes Division
3) names of the persons and circumstances
If the City vehicle crash occurs outside the CIA and involves serious bodily injury or a fatality, the employee shall notify the _____ as soon as possible.
Command Center
In all cases, the employee shall obtain the below listed information from all persons involved in the crash unless…:
Complete names, addresses, and telephone numbers (home, cellular, and business).
Driver license number and other identification when applicable.
Make, model, year, vehicle identification number, and license plate number of all vehicles involved.
Name, address, telephone number, and policy number of the vehicle owner’s insurance carrier.
Witness information, including complete names, addresses, and telephone numbers (home, cellular, and business).
the information is obtained by a Vehicular Crimes Division officer investigating the crash, the employee is incapacitated, or the employee is advised otherwise by a supervisor
An incident that does not involve an unstable situation with at least one vehicle in motion (e.g., door ding, cracked windshield from minor road debris) is not a crash and shall not be investigated as a City vehicle crash. The employee in custody of the City vehicle shall immediately report the damage to an on-duty supervisor. The notified supervisor may classify the incident as _____ and may conduct an investigation under General Order 400-18, Responsibility for City and Other Government Property, if appropriate.
Damage to Shop
Unless the City vehicle crash involves an exception from section 3 of this General Order, the dispatcher shall assign a Vehicular Crimes Division investigator and supervisor to investigate any City vehicle crash occurring inside the CIA that involves any of the following:
An _____ vehicle.
_____ to any person.
The dispatcher shall assign a patrol unit to investigate City vehicle crashes that occur within the city limits and that do not meet the above criteria.
1) HPD or Houston Fire Department (HFD)
2) Serious bodily injury or a fatality or a possible fatality
The investigating officer shall confirm that the involved employee has notified an on-duty supervisor from the employee’s division. The investigator shall complete the crash investigation in accordance with standard operating procedures and document the incident by generating a Crash Report, which is contained in the Crash Reporting for a Safer Houston (CRASH) system accessible via a mobile computing device (MCD) or the department’s Intranet Portal.
The Vehicular Crimes Division supervisor shall give a _____ to any HPD employee involved in a City vehicle crash.
48-hour notice and administrative crash questionnaire
In the event that a citizen is seriously injured or killed as a result of a City vehicle crash, the Vehicular Crimes Division supervisor shall be responsible for…
If a City vehicle crash occurs at a signalized intersection and is a major crash involving fatalities or possible fatalities, the Vehicular Crimes Division supervisor shall…
The investigator shall determine whether employees while driving or riding in a City vehicle were wearing their seat restraints (i.e., seat belts and shoulder harnesses) at the time of the crash and shall include that information in the Crash Report.
Under no circumstances shall an employee give a Blue Form to any person for a City vehicle crash or Damage to Shop incident.
1) notifying the next of kin as soon as possible
2) advise the dispatcher to notify the City of Houston’s Department of Public Works and Engineering of the incident.
All incidents of a City vehicle making accidental contact with a vehicle or person without apparent injury or damage may be classified as ____ with the consent of the involved citizen(s).
The notified supervisor shall conduct a preliminary investigation. The notified supervisor shall obtain a voluntary recorded statement from the involved citizen(s) that…
After obtaining such a statement from each involved citizen, the notified supervisor shall conduct a ____ of all involved vehicles in order to document the lack of apparent damage. The notified supervisor shall use a body worn camera (BWC) to obtain both this statement and the 360-degree review.
In the event that the citizen does not give this voluntary recorded statement, the City vehicle crash shall be investigated as normal.
1) Damage to Shop
2) they do not wish to have a Crash Report generated and that they have no injuries from the crash
3) 360-degree review
The notified supervisor may also classify a City vehicle crash that does not involve a person or non-City vehicle as Damage to Shop if…
Examples of such crashes include a City vehicle bumping into a parking pole with minor damage to the vehicle and no damage to the pole, a City vehicle backing into another City vehicle in the parking lot with minor damage to both vehicles, or a City vehicle striking a curb or debris with minor damage to the vehicle. The notified supervisor should consult a _____ if there is any question about whether a crash may be classified as Damage to Shop.
1) the supervisor estimates the damage to the City vehicle to be less than $1,000, the crash does not involve any damage to a fixed object, and no employee sustains any injury
2) Vehicular Crimes Division supervisor