What are the 4 types of experiments
Laboratory experiments
Field experiments
Naturalistic experiments
Define a lab experiment and state its pros and cons
• Laboratory experiments
○ Definition
§ In a controlled, artificial environment
§ Cause and effect can be inferred (we are sure it is the IV causing the DV)
□ High internal validity
§ Easily replicable - results can be checked for reliability
§ Lack eco validity
§ Increase demand characteristics likelihood
□ Behaviour is artificial - threatening validity of results
§ Low mundane realism
□ Does not reflect real-life tasks
§ Ethical issues - consent, use of animals, deception
Define a field experiment and give the pros and cons
• Field experiments
○ Definition
§ Performed in natural setting - eg schools, hospitals
§ IV controlled by researcher
§ Better eco validity
□ Higher external validity
§ Reduced demand characteristics
§ Higher mundane realism
□ Environment is more natural
§ Ethical issues - no consent, privacy or debriefing
□ Cannot inform participants they’re part of experiment
§ Less control of extraneous variables
□ Cause and effect hard to establish
Define a naturalistic experiment and give the pros and cons
• Naturalistic experiments
○ Definition
§ IV not manipulated by researcher
□ DV recording controlled in lab
§ Happens naturally, studied by researcher
§ High external/ecological validity - people behave naturally
§ Reduced demand characteristics - researcher not intervening in experiment
§ Events may happen rarely - difficult to replicate
§ Cause and effect hard to establish - EV difficult to control
Define a quasi-experiment and give the pros and cons
• Quasi-experiments
○ Definition
§ IV not manipulated by researcher
§ Truly naturally occurring - looking at pre-existing actual things
□ Eg being a biological female, being 16 years old
○ PROS (same as lab experiment)
§ Cause and effect can be inferred (we are sure it is the IV causing the DV)
□ High internal validity
§ Easily replicable - results can be checked for reliability
§ Cannot randomly allocate people
□ Could be confounding variables