What is the main assumption regarding human behavior in behaviorism?
We are all born as a blank slate and everything is shaped by the environment
This perspective emphasizes the role of external factors in shaping behavior.
What do behaviorists believe about human behavior?
Human behavior can be explained by conditioning
This belief is foundational to the behaviorist approach in psychology.
What is sometimes referred to as the ‘Learning Theory’?
The concept that human behavior can be explained through conditioning
It encompasses both operant and classical conditioning.
What are the two components of the Learning Theory?
- Operant conditioning
- Classical conditioning
These components represent different methods of learning.
Define classical conditioning.
Learning a new behaviour via the process of association
In classical conditioning, two stimuli are linked to produce a new learned response.
Who is associated with the dog experiment that illustrates classical conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
His work laid the foundation for understanding classical conditioning.
What does an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) produce in classical conditioning?
Salivation (UCR) - unconditioned response
The UCS naturally elicits a response without prior learning.
What happens when a neutral stimulus (NS) is presented before conditioning?
The dog doesn’t salivate
The NS does not elicit a response until paired with the UCS.
What occurs when a neutral stimulus (NS) and an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) are paired?
The dog salivates
This pairing leads to the formation of a conditioned response.
In classical conditioning, what does a neutral stimulus (NS) become after conditioning?
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
The NS gains the ability to elicit a response after being paired with the UCS.
What is the difference between unconditioned response (UCR) and conditioned response (CR)?
UCR is permanent, CR is not permanently established
The CR can diminish over time if not reinforced.
What are some other aspects of classical conditioning
Timing - if time between NS and UCS too big, no conditioning
Extinction - UCR = permanent, CR = not permanent
Spontaneous recovery - after extinction, if pair UCS and CS again, conditioning happens faster
Stimuli generalisation - after conditioning, subject will respond to stimuli similar to CS
Case study
Little Albert-
11 month old
exposed to various stimuli eg diff animals
first showed no fear
paired rat stimuli with loud bang
scared of white rat and things resembling it
evaluation of behaviourist:
- lil albert
-phobia treatment through systematic desensitisation (associate phobia with relaxation), 75% benefited, increased validity
-ethical issues (child in distress, no parental consent