(1) Conformity (social Roles) Flashcards
What are the 3 types of conformity from weak to strong
Compliance - temporary, agree in public disagree in person
Identification - temporarily agree or change when in a group
Internalisation - permanently change opinions/personality
NSI = normative social influence
People are influenced by social norms to
increase social desirability
Leads to compliance
ISI = informational social influence
People are influenced when they don’t have
much info, others around them seem smarter
more informed
Leads to internalisation
Lucas et al
Talk about the Asch process + variables
123 American men, groups of 6-8
1 real participant
Two large white cards. Line on left card was standard, 3 lines on right as comparison
Had to say which of right hand side was same length as left hand side
Group size
Task difficulty
Results of different Asch variables
Group size:
- varied group from 2 to 16
- with 3 confederates, conformity = rate
increased to31.8% but
Levelled out after
- confederates that disagreed with other
- rate dropped by 75%
Task difficulty:
- lines were more similar
- conformity increased
Evaluation of Asch
- supported by Lucas et al
- artificial: participants could’ve known, did demand
- limited application: men (research = women more
conformative) and USA (individualistic soc.)
What was Lucas et al?
Gave participants easy and hard maths questions
Gave participants 3 answers from others
Mostly conformed when problems were harder- supports Asch in ISI
Talk about the process of Zimbardo’s experiment
Participants randomly assigned prisoner/guard role
Encouraged to conform to social roles through instructions and uniforms
- prisoners: loose smock and identified by
Assigned number
- guards: khaki uniform, wooden club, handcuffs,
- created de-individualisation
Findings and conclusion of SPE
Both settled into roles quick
Guards began harassing prisoners
Prisoners rebelled
Eventually prisoners adapted suitable behaviour, became submissive, guards became more aggressive
Experiment ended after 6 instead of 14 days
Social roles have high influence on behaviour
Evaluation of zimbardo
High internal validity - guards and prisoners random
Individual differences + personality affect results
Not all guards were harsh