What does statistical testing aim to achieve
Statistical Testing:
• Know whether to accept/reject hypothesis
• Are variable relationships statistically significant or by chance?
• Ensures diffs between mean of two conditions is large enough
What is a significance level used for and what is the standard
• Significance level
○ Used to find if results are due to chance or due to the IV
○ Standard significance level = 5%
§ Use this unless otherwise specified in test
How is a sign test carried out?
- Sign Test
§ Determines whether the diff between conditions is significant
§ Used when:
□ We look for a DIFFERENCE rather than ASSOCIATION
□ Repeated measures design (or matched pairs in rare cases)
1. Convert data into + or - sign (consistently for all participants)
2. Add up no. of each sign
3. Find least frequent sign and call it S (eg S = 6)
□ Calculated value
4. Critical value is found using table and compared to calculated value. If S value =< critical value, result is significant
What are the 3 things we look at when choosing a sign test
To choose which stats test to use, think of 3 D’S:
1. Levels of data
○ Look at DV
○ Nominal
§ Data that can be put into specific categories
□ Eg green cars, blue cars in a car park
○ Ordinal
§ Data with an order of ranking
□ Eg rate stress from 1 to 10
§ Differences between ranks may not be equal
□ Eg babette may think 6 is a higher level of stress than dalia
○ Interval
§ Type of data where numbers = meaningful order
□ Eg weight. A kg is always a kg
2. Design
○ Related designs
§ Repeated measures
□ Same ppts used in all conditions
§ Matched pairs
□ Ppts related to each other
○ Unrelated designs
§ Independent groups
3. Test of difference/correlation
Draw out the stats test table
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What are the two types of errors
Type I, Type II
What is a Type I error
- null rejected, alternative accepted
- should be other way around
- ‘false positive’
- researchers say say there is sig diff when there isn’t
- usually when sig level is 0.1/10%
What is a Type II error
• Type II
○ Opposite of type I
○ Alternative rejected, null accepted
○ SHOULD be other way around
○ “Pessimistic error/false negative”
○ Researchers say no significant difference when there is
○ More likely when significance level = 0.01/1%
only used if psychologist doing clinical trials as it could affect human life
Why do psychologists use 0.5% significance level
Balances out chances of errors