#4 Nutrients Flashcards
Amino Acid functions
Structural proteins
Functional proteins
Defence and protective proteins
Cell Signalling
Transport of energy and nutrients between tissues
AA are the _ _ _ of proteins
Basic building blocks
Non-essential AA (Gly, Ala, Asp, Asx, Glu, Gln, Pro)
Body can synthesize at sufficient levels
Essential AA’s used to formulate ideal protein concept (Lys, Thr, Met, Arg, Val, Top)
Not made by body in sufficient levels
Stereoisomerism: _-AA have positive effect on body, _-AA have adverse effects
L, D
Animals can only convert L-_ into protein
Digestion @ Tertiary Level
HCL in proventriculus
_ in the _ hydrolysis to larger _
Pepsin proventriculus, peptides
Pancreatic _, split peptide chains into _ chains
endopeptidases, smaller
_ at Lysine and Arginine residuals
_ at aromatic amino acid residuals (,,_)
Chymotrypsin, Phe, Tyr, Trp
_ at aliphatic amino acids residuals (,,_)
Elastase, Gly, Ser, Ala
After the split of smaller peptide chains into _ they are absorbed by _ transporters from _ to portal _
AA, Active, enterocyte, blood
Ideal Protein Concept refers to the right balance of essential AA in their diet to maximize growth, production, and health while minimizing waste and inefficiency, this concept is based on the idea that protein quality (balance of AA) is more important than _ _
protein quantity
Ideal Protein contains essential AA in the exact rations needed with _ being the reference AA
Other AA are expressed as a percentage relative to _
_ is often used as a reference AA
There are no metabolic interactions between _ and other _
Lysine, AA
_ can be converted to _
Met, Cys
_ would be the first limiting AA in grain and soybean diets
_ is likely to become first-limiting AA if _ meal is replaced by another plant protein supplement
Lys, soybean
As energy demands increase, _ demands decrease
Advancements in Genetics in poultry
Increase BW, FCR Improvement, Breast Yield Increase
Dietary AA to calories _ as birds age
Feed intake _ as birds age
Broiler breeders are the parental stock of _ birds
Broiler breeders are extremely efficient in converting feed into _ and rapid _
protein, growth
Objectives in broiler breeders during rearing
Flock uniformity, BW control
Objectives in broiler breeders during laying
Egg production, eq quality, fertility, hatchability
Nutrition and management must avoid _ issues associated with _ birds
reproductive, overweight
Efficient growth in broiler chickens vs. BB reproductive fitness are _ related production traits
A method to slow broiler breeder growth is to _ _ intake to delay onset of _ maturity to optimize _ and viable _ production
restrict AA, sexual, egg, chick
Feather Picking in Broiler Breeders can create decrease in _ and _ in flocks
fertility, hatchability
Hens displaying feather loss may want to avoid entering the _ with males, leads to _ in mating
floor, reduction
Feather Picking is multifaceted
Nutrition, Management, Disease, Genetic Strain
When diets are sub optimum in certain AA can lead to abnormal feather _
Hens provided low _ diet during rearing and early in lay can lead to poor _ covering
protein, feather
Important not to overvalue AA in diet formulation to avoid sub optimum AA composition of complete feeds, one solution is the use of _
_, _, _ acid, _ deficiencies can result in frayed feathers and impact feather development
Zinc, Vitamin, Pantothenic acid, Niacin
Trace mineral and vitamin premixes typically exceed requirement, therefor typically _ lead to problems
[_] x _ = protein level
N, 6.25
Apparent Ill AA digestibility (AID%) talks about the _ from the digestive tract prior to _ ileum
disappearance, distal
AID% is better estimate of availability than _ digestibility, because it isn’t influenced by _ in the ceca and urine
fecal, fermentation
AID accounts for _ and _ endogenous loss, and _ loss
basal, specific, exogenous
SID accounts for _ endogenous loss, and _ loss
specific, exogenous
True accounts for _ loss
Phosphorus is the _ most expensive nutrient
P required for _ development
Majority of Ca & P stored in _ and _
bones, teeth
The rest of Ca and P is stored in _ _
soft tissues
P is low in _ and high in _ sources
plants, inorganic
3 Examples of inorganic sources high in P
Calcium Phosphate, DCP, Animal Byproducts
Main method to estimate P availability
Apparent total tract digestibility at low dietary P levels
_ _ is important for metabolism of Ca and P
Vit D
3 Factors affecting bone growth
Vit D3 deficiency, Low Ca, High Ca/Low P
Low P, lots of limestone (Ca) causes
Rickets is the softening of _
Fat Soluable Vit
A, D, E, K
Vit and Trace minerals added to premix in higher levels than established _
Decrease in water intake
Decrease in feed intake
High [] of _ or _ associated with increased intake of _, leading to _ litter, _, - _
Na, K, Water, wet, ammonia, foot-pad dermatitis
Macrominerals are important for _ & _ contraction
Bones, Muscle
Trace Minerals are measured in _ and are co-factors that help drive _ reactions, important for _ development
ppm, chemical, feather
Antinutritional Factors _ with nutrient utilization
In plants and seeds ANFs act as _
bio pesticides
ANFs decrease _, _, and _ digestion and utilization, inactivate _, stimulate the _ _, _ with anti-nutritional properties
protein, CHO, mineral, Vit, immune system, NSPs
Anti-trypsins reduce effectiveness of _ and are present in seeds such as _ and _
trypsin, soybeans, peas
Lectins attach to cell surface and cause damage to _ and _ surface and leads to digestive _, present in _, _, _
blood, intestinal, upset, soybeans, peas, beans
Polyphenolic compounds (_, toxic _) form complexes with proteins in feed and digestive enzymes to reduce digestibility, present in some grains _, _, _ and some _, _
tannins, alkaloids, barley, sorghum, rapeseed, beans, lupins
Glucosinulates are complexes between simple _ and are _ and interfere with _ function, present in _
sugar, unpalatable, thyroid, rapeseed
Phytate/Phytic Acid _ groups attached to simple _, poultry lack _ enzymes, forms complex with other nutrients, present in _ seeds
phosphate, sugar, phytase, most
Deactivate ANFs using _ and _
Glucosinulates, Phytic Acid/Phytase