#3 Energy Requirements Flashcards
Appetite of birds closely linked to their _ _, birds eat to satisfy
energy requirements
As energy requirements increase, _ _ increases
Feed intake
Chemical energy is expressed in the unit
calorie (cal)
Bomb calorimetry combusts ingredient, _ _ in water is used to determine _ _
heat increase, energy release
A calorie (cal) is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature in the bomb calorimeter from _ to _ degrees celsius
14.5, 15.5
Gross Energy (GE) heat given off when completely burned, _ _ chemical energy in feed stuff
total potential
Animals _ use all of GE
Gross Energy - Fecal Energy =
Energy Digested or Dietary or Digestible Energy (DE)
DE - Urinary & Gas Energy =
Metabolizable Energy (ME)
ME - Heat Increment =
Net Energy (energy retained as products of growth, egg production)
Most accurate representation of energy supply
Methods of Apparent Metabolizable Energy (AME)
Direct, Indirect
Direct AME, diet is formulated so that all the energy in the diet comes from _ test ingredient
Indirect AME, test ingredient cannot be fed _, diet is formulated with _ ingredients, assumes there is no _ _ among ingredients
supplying energy in diet
alone, multiple, associative effects
Excreta Collection Methods
TCM - Total Collection Method
PCM - Partial Collection Method
Partial Collection method uses a _
marker, non-toxic, easy to analyze, non-absorbable, Indigestible
TCM requires _ _ of feces unlike PCM
quantitative collection
3 Factors Affecting Energy Requirements
BW, Temperature, Stage of Production
Corn DDGs
mid level of protein, fat, carbs
SBM and CM
high protein, low fat, low carb
Corn, Wheat, Barley
low protein, low fat, high carb