4: Khrushchev Industrial Policy Flashcards
When was Comecon formed and what was it?
To link the eastern bloc economically to the USSR through specialisation for each country
4th and 5th plans
Significant reparations taken from East Germany
Aim of catching up with USA
Revive Ukraine
5th focused more on heavy industry due to Korean War
Industry by 1950
Production doubled
Workforce increased from 67 to 70 million
Outcomes of 4th plan
Industrially 2nd only to USA
Most heavy industry targets met
Outcomes of 5th plan
Most targets met
National income increased 71% by 1955
What was used to show off Soviet advancements in communications and technology?
1958 World Fair
7th plan (6th abandoned after 2 years)
‘Catch up and overtake the USA by 1970’
Improving living standards
Vast expansion of chemicals industry
Overall increase in consumer goods
Premanufactured housing increased
Improvements in living standards under 7th plan
40 hour working week
40% pay rise promised by 1965
Space race
Sputnik 1957
First man and woman into space 1961 and 1963
Caused genuine fear in US that they were ahead
Impressive technological developments
Air transport - Aeroflot
Sputnik 1957
First nuclear ship - the Lenin
Electrification of most railway lines
Retail under Khrushchev
Doubled 1955 to 1965
Coal under Khrushchev
1955 - 1965
Virtually doubled
Electricity under Khrushchev
170 billion kWh to over 500
1955 to 1965
Fridges under Khrushchev
150,000 to 1.7 million
1955 to 1965
Despite impressive industrial development,….
Aims of overtaking US by 1970 was a distant dream
Standards of living improved but life still hampered
Economic growth slowed again after 1958