2 Industry 1900-1917 Flashcards
When did industry in Russia begin to expand again?
This expansion was largely driven by the government’s rearmament program.
What was the primary driving force behind industrial expansion in Russia after 1908?
Heavy industry
This was fueled by significant government orders for metallurgical companies to rebuild the Baltic Fleet
What was the rate of industrial production growth in Russia from 1908 to 1914?
Around 8.5% per annum
This growth was noted despite starting from a low base.
By 1914, what was Russia’s rank in terms of coal, pig iron, and steel production worldwide?
Fourth largest producer
The Baku oilfields were only rivalled by Texas.
What was the trend in domestic versus foreign investment in Russian industry by 1909-11?
Domestic investment was three times greater than foreign investment
The urban middle classes were involved in stock market speculation and Russian entrepeneurs were investing in new factories, mines, etc
How many joint-stock companies were started in Russia in the three years leading up to 1913?
774 joint-stock companies
This was three times as many as started in Germany in the previous five years.
What percentage of total industrial production did consumer goods account for in Russia by 1914?
45 percent
This was a decrease from 52 percent, despite a growing internal market and rise in production of consumer goods.
What structural problems existed in the Russian economy during this period?
Lack of coherent plan for developing different sectors due to focus on rearmament
Lack of balanced economy meant that demand for agricultural tools and machinery was not met (bought from abroad)
Which industries in Russia remained weak despite industrial growth?
Chemical and machine tools industries
These goods were still largely imported.
What percentage of industrial workers in Russia worked in small-scale workshops?
67 percent
These workshops produced only 33 percent of total industrial output.
What was the productivity level of small-scale craft workshops in Russia?
Low productivity
Despite a large number of workers, output was limited.
Fill in the blank: By 1914, Russia was the world’s _______ largest industrial power.
This ranking reflects Russia’s industrial achievements despite being late to industrialize.
How did the internal market grow?
Demand came from peasants as the agricultural sector became more successful
Coal production
From 16 million tonnes in 1900 to 35 million in 1913
Railway expansion
By 1905, 60,000km 66% state owned
Russia railway network compared to western counterparts
1913 62,000km
USA 400,000km
Russia coal production in comparison to western counterparts
UK produced 10 times as much coal in 1913