34. cilia and flagella 33. cytocenter centrioles Flashcards
What is cilia
short, membrane extensions, highly motile (larger than microvilli)
What is flagella
lobg singular membrane extension
provides locamotion but sensory organelle
only in spermatazoa in humans
What is the core structure of cilia and flagella
The basal bodies (kinetosome) provided by centrioles
9 peripheral microtubules, 2 central microtubules
cross section looks like ring
types of cilia
structure of kinocilia
typical cilia
motile, abundant in epithelial cells (columnar/cuboidal)
length: 5-10um diameter: 0.2 um
3 parts:
AXONEME: 9 peripheral doublets of microtubules ( A+B )
2 central singlets surrounded by inner sheath
= 9x2+2
TRANSITORY: between axoneme and basal body
BASAL BODY: microtubule organization centre (kinetosome)
9 peripheral triplet of microtubukes (A,B,C)
no microtubules in center
= 9x3+0
structure of sensocilia
non motile, speacialized cells of sense organs. enriched with receptors to detect light, oddor, sound
AXONEME (central core): 9 peripheral doublets
no singlets in centre
much longer than kinocilia but non motile
resembles microvilii
observed in epididymis or hair cells of inner ear
length: 100-200um
1 flagellum per cell
only in spermatozoa in humans
What is Kartageners syndrome
defect in cilia lining respiratory tract and fallopian tube
bc thers no dyenin arms
how does cilia and flagella move
bc of axoneme and axonemal dynein arms attached to the microtubules
what is another name for the cell center
who first observed cell center
oscar hertwig 1875
What are the functions of centrioles
aid cell division: form mitotic spindle as part of cytokinesis
formation of cilia and flagella on surface of cells and building of basal bodies of cytoskeleton
What is the structure of centrioles
9 triplets: 9x3 + 0 of microtubules (which are themselves made of a+b tublin)
centrin, cenexin tektin
barrel structure
diameter: 0.15-0.2um
what does the position of the centrioles determine
the position of the nucleus
Which organelle serves as the main microtubule organizing center (MTOC)
Does everyone have centrosomes
no fungi and plants dont- they are not essential/ may have other MTOCs
What is the centrosome composed of
centrioles arranged in right angles surrounded by pericentriolar material (protein)
the proteins are responsible for microtubule nucleation and anchoring
which part of the cell cycle is centrosomes associated with th nuclear envelope
when nuclear membrane breaks down in mitosis, centrosome can interact with chromosomes to build what
mitotic spindle
when do centrioles replicate
S phase of cell cycle