106. formation of germ layers107.108.109. germ derivatives Flashcards
When does the embryonic period/ period of organogenesis occur from
3-8th week
this is when the germ layers give rise to different organs
ectoderm derivatives: neuralation
neural plate
neural groove
neural fold
neural tube - CNS
neural crest - ganglion ridge - PNS
neural pores so neural tube can communicate with the amniotic cavity
ectoderm derivatives: neural crest
cells from the neuroectoderm begin to dissociate =neural crest
*autonomic ganglia
* glial cells
* melanocytes
*meninges of the brain
* craniofacial skeleton
* Schwann cells
* dentine of teeth
ectoderm derivatives: outer+neural tube
outer ectoderm
* epidermis
*sebacous glands
*mammary glands
neural tube
*spinal cord
*motor neurons
*posterior pituitary
mesoderm derivatives: what happens on the 17th day to the mesoderm layer
PARAXIAL MESODERM- future somites
INTERMEDIATE MESODERM- furute excretory units
LATERAL PLATE MESODERM- parietal/somatic mesoderm layer,visceral/sphlanchnic mesoderm layer, intraembryonic cavity
what is derived from the paraxial mesoderm
vertebral column
skeletal/cardiac muscle tissue
dermis and subcutaneous tissue
What is derived from the intermediate mesoderm
urogenital structures eg kidney and nephric tubules
nephrogenic cord
what is derived from the lateral plate of mesoderm
lateral/ventral body wall
costal cartligaes
limb muscles
wall of gut tube
serous membranes
derivatives of mesenchyme
develops from mesoderm, contains collagen bundles and fibroblasts
smooth muscle tissue
connective tissue
blood and hemopoietic tissue
blood vessels
derivatives of endoderm
The majority of the gastrointestinal tract
The respiratory tract
The endocrine glands and organs (Thyroid and thymus, islets of langerhans)
Auditory system (epithelium of the auditory tube and tympanic cavity)
Establishment of the body form begins when
20-21 days
external features seen eg somites
pharangeal arches
formation of organs-ears nose eyes
it goes from flat trilaminar embryomic disk to a cyclinder. How?
This is embryonic folding
folding in horizonal plane and median plane- thats why differing rates of organ formation
horizontal/cephalocaudal folding- forms head and tail
lateral folding- forms rounded body form
as embyonic folding continues the endoderm moves to midline and fuses to form what
primitave gut tube
what ruptures by the 4th week to form the mouth
oropharyngeal membrane
how is the connection between the yolk sac and the placenta maintained
Through vitelline duct and umbilical cord respectively
what is formed by the end of the 4th week
upper limbs, lower limbs, fingers and toes
when is the fetal period
9th week to birth
What are the quantative changes during the foetal period
crown rump length approx 5cm/month month 2-5
weight approx 700g/month last 2 months
what are some of the monthly changes during foetal period
3rd month:
face (eyes, ears)
become more human-looking
limbs rich their relative length
external genitalia
liver – major hemopoietic organ
4th-5th month:
fetus lengthens rapidly
fetal movements recognized
fine hair – lanugo, vernix caseosa
eyebrows and head hair visible
fetus weight – less than 500 g
6th month:
organ systems are able to function
fetus weight ~800 g
7th month – weight ~1300 g
8-10th months:
organ systems specialization and coordination
adaptation to the environment conditions