300-17 Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing Flashcards
It is the policy of the Houston Police Department in accordance with City of Houston Executive Order No. 1-12, Amended Controlled Substance & Alcohol Abuse that employees shall not sell, purchase, provide, manufacture, possess, or ingest any controlled substance, whether on or off duty, unless the substance is _____or unless the normally prohibited behavior falls within the scope of the
employee’s duties in the course of fulfilling the police mission.
The Houston Police Department shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws or regulations creating or fostering a drugfree workplace.
used as and has been legally prescribed to the employee by a person licensed to do so
All classified and civilian employees shall be subject to controlled substance and/or alcohol testing for any of the below listed categories as outlined in this General Order.
Absent over _____ days
Department of _____
For _____
Absent over 30 calendar days
Department of Transportation
For Cause
Critical incident
The intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohols including methyl alcohol but excluding isopropyl rubbing alcohol.
Alcohol Use.
Ingestion of any beverage, mixture, or preparation containing alcohol, including medication or mouthwash.
Collection Site.
A facility designated by the City of Houston to collect samples for controlled substance and/or alcohol testing.
Controlled Substance.
An illegal drug and/or drug listed in the Controlled Substances Act. For HPD classified personnel, probationary employees, trainees at the Academy, and Academy applicants, controlled substances include exogenous steroids.
Controlled Substance Screening/Testing.
A procedure to identify the presence of the metabolites of controlled substances or steroids in an employee’s system.
Critical Incident.
For the purpose of this General Order, any of the following incidents that
occur while on or off duty.
When an officer discharges a firearm that is…
When an officer discharges a firearm while performing a law enforcement function, activity, or action whereby…
When an employee while performing a law enforcement function responds to resistance by using force and the person who is the subject of that response…
When an employee is involved in a crash while driving a City of Houston vehicle, a solo motorcycle, or a vehicle that is owned or leased by a governmental entity and the crash results in…
When an officer discharges a firearm that is pointed towards a person, regardless of whether an injury is sustained.
When an officer discharges a firearm while performing a law enforcement function, activity, or action whereby another person suffers an injury or death due to being struck by the officer’s bullet.
When an employee while performing a law enforcement function responds to resistance by using force and the person who is the subject of that response dies in the custody of the Houston Police Department.
When an employee is involved in a crash while driving a City of Houston vehicle, a solo motorcycle, or a vehicle that is owned or leased by a governmental entity and the crash results in a fatality or potentially fatal injury to any person involved in the crash.
Dilute Sample.
A urine specimen for which the concentration has been reduced by the drinking of excess fluids or by other means.
Evidential Breath Testing Device.
A device approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for the evidential testing of breath and placed on NHTSA’s “Conforming Products List of Evidential Breath Measurement Devices.”
Hair Test.
A screening/testing procedure using hair to identify the presence of metabolite(s)
that may be present after use of a controlled substance.
A testing facility certified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS) and authorized by the City of Houston to perform controlled substance
Medical Review Officer (MRO).
A licensed physician knowledgeable about substance abuse disorders and who is responsible for reviewing an employee’s laboratory results generated through the City’s controlled substance testing program.
The MRO determines, based on the employee’s medical history, other relevant biomedical information, the standards in the industry/profession, and City of Houston Executive Order No. 1-12 and/or Executive Order No. 1-32, COL Drivers Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Procedures, that the employee has a confirmed positive or negative test result for controlled substance(s) and/or alcohol.
Reasonable Suspicion.
An articulable belief based on specific facts, reasonable inferences, or observations regarding the physical, behavioral, or performance indicators of alcohol or drug
use, including the employee’s speech, appearance, odors, actions, or performance.
Referee Test.
A split sample test conducted to confirm the presence of a controlled substance
in a sample that has been determined positive by the City’s MRO.
The test is conducted on a portion of the employee’s original sample by a certified federal DHHS laboratory different from the laboratory conducting the original controlled substance test.
The referee test shall be performed at the expense of the employee.
Safety Impact Position.
Employment positions involving safety-sensitive job duties which if performed with inattentiveness, errors in judgment, or diminished coordination, dexterity, or
composure may result in mistakes that could present a real and/or imminent threat to the personal health and safety of the employee, coworkers, and/or the public.
This generally includes, but is not limited to, positions held by employees who drive City vehicles or other motor-driven equipment, and may also include the positions of employees who drive their personal vehicles on City business.
A safety impact position also includes those employment positions with associated job duties that involve contact with or access to controlled substances, or that involve carrying or handling firearms.
Split Sample Specimen.
Sample collection divided into two containers for testing and retesting purposes.
Any organic or synthetic derivative of the hormone testosterone having properties of promoting growth and repair of the body at the cellular level.
All use of over-the-counter exogenous (developed or originating outside the body) steroids, non-United States market prescriptions for steroid preparations, and/or any other exogenous steroid like substances are strictly prohibited.
Employees shall follow instructions given by and cooperate with____
The procedures will not be designed to demean, embarrass, or cause _____to the employee being tested.
Extra street clothes, bags, briefcases, purses, and other containers shall not be…
Classified employees shall not be required to remove their _____ while in the collection area.
1) collection site personnel.
2) psychological discomfort
3) carried into the collection area.
4) firearm or duty belt
It is the responsibility of the _____ to ensure the employee is notified in a confidential and respectful manner of controlled substance and/or alcohol testing and that the employee’s name is kept _____.
1) notifying division commander
2) confidential
All controlled substance and/or alcohol testing information is _____.
Only those who need to know shall be informed of _____
Disclosure of test results to any other person, agency, or organization is prohibited unless…
All records relating to the taking of a controlled substance and/or alcohol test or the order to take a controlled substance and/or alcohol test shall be deemed confidential unless…
1) confidential
2) test results.
3) written authorization is obtained from the employee.
4) written authorization has been obtained from the employee.
The records may, however, be released if they become the subject of a _____, _____, or a _____.
All records relating to the taking of or ordering of a controlled substance and/or alcohol test shall be kept in a file separate from the_____
1) Civil Service Commission appeal
2) an administrative proceeding
3) judicial proceeding
4) employee’s personnel file.
It is the responsibility of the _____ to ensure the proper controlled substance and/or alcohol testing forms are completed and given to the employee.
The employee shall sign the forms in the presence of the_____
After notification, the employee shall proceed immediately and directly to a designated collection site with the proper forms and approved identification to complete all the requirements of the controlled substance testing process.
All actions an employee takes once he or she has been notified to test shall be…
In no instance shall the period of time from notification to signing in at the collection site extend beyond _____.
1) division commander
2) division commander or commander’s designee.
3) toward completion of the collection and testing process.
4) two hours
Once at the testing location, the employee shall provide the controlled substance testing forms to a collection site representative and display an _____
After testing, the employee shall ensure the specimen is sealed.
Documentation shall include a control number and the date and time the _____
1) approved identification.
2) specimen was collected.
Approved identification includes only a…
If the employee arrives without one of the above forms of identification, a divisional supervisor shall…
The supervisor shall determine whether or not to _____ pursuant to departmental policies.
1) Texas driver license or Houston Police Department identification.
2) report to the collection site, show his identification and identify the employee.
3) initiate an investigation
All employees submitting to a urine collection shall provide a _____.
In the event of a positive result, the split sample may be used for _____.
If an employee is unable to provide a urine specimen at the time of collection, the employee shall be required to comply with _____.
Should the collection site technician determine the employee does not have enough body hair to collect for testing, the employee shall be directed to…
1) split sample
2) referee testing
3) alternate hair testing
4) remain at the facility until such time as a urine sample can be provided.
The testing procedure shall be a two-step process: an initial screening step and a _____.
The confirmation step shall be _____ from the initial screening test.
Up-to-date controlled substance and alcohol testing forms can be obtained from the _____.
1) confirmation step
2) technologically different
3) Inspections Division, Drug Testing Unit
All classified employees and all civilian employees in safety impact positions, after an absence of over 30 calendar days, shall submit to a controlled substance test upon the…
employee’s first day returning to duty
The supervisor of an employee who has been absent over 30 calendar days shall at the start of the shift on the first day the employee returns to duty ensure the division drug testing coordinator or representative provides the employee the…
drug testing forms and instructs the employee to report directly to the collection site, present the testing forms, and submit to the testing.
As a condition of transfer, any officer selected for transfer to the Vice Division, Narcotics Division, Criminal Intelligence Division, Gang Division, Major Offenders Division, or Tactical Operations Division shall be subject to a controlled substance test.
In addition, assignment testing is required for officers applying for a _____per General Order 300-02, Transfer of Classified Employees.
proactive investigative assignment
The test will be given after the officer has been selected. However, prior to being approved for transfer, an officer may withdraw the application without being…
In these situations officers shall not be allowed to…
An officer’s decision to withdraw the application shall NOT be the basis for an
1) subject to a controlled substance test based on assignment.
2) transfer to the new assignment
3) Internal Affairs Division (IAD) investigation
Civilian employees must pass a controlled substance test before transferring to a _____ position in the department.
safety impact
The division commander of the receiving division shall notify the employee he must report for and pass a controlled substance test before _____.
The employee shall obtain and complete all required forms, report to the collection site, present the testing forms, and _____.
1) transferring to the division
2) submit to the testing
Employees in positions that require a commercial driver license (CDL) are subject to alcohol and controlled substance testing as mandated by the _____ and in accordance with…
1) United States Department of Transportation (DOT)
2) City of Houston Executive Order No. 1-32, COL Drivers Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Procedures.
When a crash occurs involving a City vehicle driven by an employee in the employee’s capacity as a commercial operator, the employee shall be subject to testing if any of the following occurs:
There is a _____.
An injury is _____
A citation is issued to the employee for a _____
A vehicle is required to be _____.
There is a fatality.
An injury is treated away from the scene.
A citation is issued to the employee for a moving violation.
A vehicle is required to be towed from the scene.
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
The employee shall complete the required _____ available from the affected employee’s division or the HPD Drug Testing Unit.
The employee shall then report directly to the collection site, present the testing forms, and _____.
1) DOT Regulated Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing form
2) submit to the testing
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
An alcohol test shall be administered first when…
both alcohol and controlled substance tests are required.
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
If the employee has not submitted to an alcohol test within _____ following a crash, the supervisor shall document stating the reason a test was not immediately administered for _____.
1) two hours
2) DOT reporting requirements
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
If an alcohol test has not been administered within_____ following a crash, all attempts for such test shall cease.
The supervisor shall document stating the reason a test was not administered within the _____.
1) eight hours
2) eight hours for DOT reporting requirements
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
If the employee has not submitted to a controlled substance test within _____ following a crash, attempts for such tests shall cease.
The supervisor shall document stating the reason a test was not administered within the…
1) 32 hours
2) 32 hours for DOT reporting requirements.
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
If the employee is involved in a non-fatality crash, and no citation is issued immediately at the scene, but is issued before eight hours have elapsed, both alcohol and controlled substance tests shall…
be given so long as the alcohol test can be given before eight hours have elapsed.
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
If a citation is issued after eight hours and before 32 hours after a crash, only the _____shall be given.
controlled substance test
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
If a citation is issued after 32 hours following a crash, _____ shall be given.
The supervisor shall document the date and time the citation was issued and the reason(s) the alcohol and/or controlled substance tests were not given within…
1) no test
2) eight or 32 hours of the crash for DOT reporting requirements
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
An employee who is subject to post-crash testing and fails to remain available for such testing shall be considered…
An employee subject to post-crash testing shall not consume alcohol for eight hours following a crash or until…
1) to have refused to submit to mandatory screening tests.
2) he or she submits to an alcohol test, whichever comes first.
Employees subject to Department of Transportation testing shall be directed by the division commander to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a breath alcohol and urine specimen.
The site selected for these tests shall have an evidential breath testing device. The below procedures shall be followed:
If the employee refuses to submit to a controlled substance and/or alcohol screening test,…
an investigation shall be pursued and the employee shall be relieved of duty immediately.
All For Cause testing of department personnel shall be conducted under the direction of _____.
All employees shall be subject to a controlled substance or alcohol test when _____ as outlined below.
Notification shall be made by either an on-scene supervisor, an IAD supervisor, or a_____.
1) IAD
2) reasonable suspicion indicates possible alcohol or drug use
3) supervisor in the employee’s chain of command
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable suspicion means an articulable belief based on specific facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts that an employee has engaged in alcohol use while on duty, drug abuse, or illegal drug use. Circumstances that constitute a basis for determining reasonable suspicion may include, but are not limited to:
A pattern of _____
Information provided by a _____
Direct observations of _____
Presence of the ____ of drug use (e.g., glassy or bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, poor coordination or reflexes)
Violent or threatening ____
_____or tardiness
Unexplained loss of _____
A pattern of abnormal or erratic behavior
Information provided by a reliable and credible source
Direct observations of drug possession or use
Presence of the physical symptoms of drug use (e.g., glassy or bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, poor coordination or reflexes)
Violent or threatening behavior
Absenteeism or tardiness
Unexplained loss of City property
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable suspicion may be developed through direct observation by a supervisor or a confidential investigation by IAD. Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
The supervisor shall take immediate precautions to ensure that the employee does not _____.
injure himself or others
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable suspicion may be developed through direct observation by a supervisor or a confidential investigation by IAD. Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
The supervisor shall contact the _____ and relay all relevant information.
The information should be derived through articulable beliefs based on ____
The supervisor shall document the basis for the reasonable suspicion and forward correspondence to the _____.
Since time is of the essence, the applicable correspondence shall be submitted _____.
1) shift or division commander
2) specific facts.
3) shift or division commander
4) via email
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable suspicion may be developed through direct observation by a supervisor or a confidential investigation by IAD. Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
The shift or division commander shall assess all relevant information and…
If the employee relates that his condition is due to prescribed or over-the-counter medication, all relevant information regarding the drug shall be…
The documentation shall include the name of the medication in question, dosage, strength of the drug, prescription number, pharmacy name and address, and…
1) interview the affected employee.
2) documented in writing.
3) name of the physician prescribing the drug
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable suspicion may be developed through direct observation by a supervisor or a confidential investigation by IAD. Should any supervisor be of the opinion that a subordinate is unable to perform his assigned duties because of drug abuse, alcohol use, or illegal drug use, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedures:
After being apprised of the aforementioned, the division or shift commander shall
immediately notify the _____.
If the situation occurs after normal business hours, the IAD on-call lieutenant shall be notified through the _____.
Authorization to proceed with a For Cause drug or alcohol screening test shall be given after the IAD division commander or the on-call IAD lieutenant analyzes the information and determines that…
1) division commander of IAD.
2) Crime Analysis and Command Center Division
3) an alcohol or controlled substance test is warranted.
Once the decision has been made that an employee shall be tested For Cause, an _____ shall be initiated.
The IAD supervisor and the assigned investigator shall take all responsibility for ensuring the employee is…
The IAD supervisor shall advise the employee of the option of _____ to a controlled substance or alcohol screening test.
If the employee refuses to submit to testing and/or refuses to sign the testing consent form, an…
1) IAD investigation
2) escorted to the collection site and submits to testing.
3) consenting or being ordered to submit
4) investigation shall be pursued and the employee shall be relieved of duty immediately.
Every classified employee selected for promotion shall be subject to a _____
Civilian employees must pass a controlled substance test before promoting to a _____.
1) controlled substance test.
2) safety impact position
The department’s _____ shall notify classified employees selected for promotion to report for controlled substance testing.
The Employee Services Division, Civilian Employment Unit shall notify civilian employees selected for promotion to a safety impact position to report for controlled substance testing.
_____shall be notified of any candidate refusing promotional testing.
Any candidate refusing to test shall be immediately relieved of duty and subject to…
The promotion shall be suspended until…
1) Transfers and Promotions Unit
2) IAD
3) disciplinary action up to and including indefinite suspension or termination
4) IAD completes the investigation
All classified employees, regardless of rank or assignment, and civilian employees in safety impact positions, shall be subject to random controlled substance testing.
The random selection process will be determined by a _____ outside the Houston Police Department.
The information supplied to the contractor shall not…
The City of Houston Human Resources Department will be notified by the vendor of the selected group of employees.
The Human Resources Department will notify the department’s _____, which shall then notify the appropriate division(s).
1) computer program developed by an independent contractor
2) identify the employees by name.
3) Drug Testing Unit
Division commanders shall ensure that the division drug testing coordinator immediately notifies the employee if _____.
Employees selected for random testing, but who are absent due to vacation, training, sick leave, other leave, or City business approved by the department, shall not be notified to test until…
1) the employee is on duty
2) the first day they return to work after random selection, even if the first day back occurs in the subsequent month
Upon completion of the appropriate controlled substance testing forms, the employee shall _____.
Upon arrival at the collection site, the employee shall provide the controlled substance testing forms to a collection site representative to verify that…
1) report directly to the collection site.
2) the employee did appear as directed and submit to the test.
Employees involved in critical incidents as defined herein shall be subject to drug testing as soon as…
_____shall be responsible for ensuring that the involved employee is tested as soon as practicable after the critical incident.
However, if IAD does not make the scene, the _____ shall be responsible for ensuring the employee is drug tested.
1) practicable after the incident.
2) IAD
3) highest ranking supervisor making the scene for the investigating division
Employees subject to critical incident testing shall be directed to report to a controlled substance testing collection site and provide a urine specimen. The below procedures shall be followed:
The employee shall ______ as directed by the Internal Affairs Division or the supervisor from the investigating division, present the testing forms, and submit to the testing.
If the employee has not submitted to a controlled substance test within 32 hours following a critical incident, attempts for a urine sample shall cease. After 32 hours following the critical incident, the involved employee shall be required to submit to a hair test. The supervisor shall…
If the employee refuses to submit to a controlled substance screening test, an investigation shall be pursued and…
1) report directly to the collection site
2) document the reason a test was not administered within the 32 hours.
3) the employee shall be relieved of duty immediately.
All controlled substance test results shall be forwarded to the_____
The MRO will notify the Drug Testing Unit of all test results within _____ days.
No employee shall be promoted until the results have been reviewed by the _____and forwarded as required.
1) City’s medical review officer (MRO).
2) 30 calendar
3) MRO
Negative results
The Drug Testing Unit shall notify employees of negative test results via _____ to the employees’ home address within _____ days of receiving the information.
1) U. S. Postal Service
2) 30 calendar
Positive results
All confirmed positive test results will be reported directly from the testing lab(s) to the _____.
The results of a positive controlled substance test shall not be released until they are _____.
It is the MRO’s responsibility to review the positive result and determine if the substance is…
If a prescription drug is being used as prescribed, no further action shall be taken.
1) MRO
2) confirmed by the MRO
3) an illegal drug or a prescribed medication being used as directed
{City’s medical review officer (MRO).}
Positive results
If the positive test is a result of illegal drug use or unauthorized prescription drug use, the MRO will advise the affected employee that he has _____ days from such notification to request a…
The request for a referee test shall be coordinated by the…
1) three business
2) referee test from a portion of the original sample.
3) MRO, the City of Houston Physical Exam & Drug Testing Section, and the affected employee.
Positive results
The MRO will send all confirmed positive test results stemming from the use of unauthorized prescribed medications or illegal drugs directly to _____
The Drug Testing Unit shall forward all positive results and paperwork from the initial drug test to ____.
Positive results shall be subject to a _____ investigation by IAD.
If an employee’s positive test result has been confirmed, the employee is subject to disciplinary action up to and including indefinite suspension or termination.
1) Inspections Division, Drug Testing Unit.
2) IAD
3) Class I
Dilute Sample Results
Drug testing laboratories test samples to detect dilution.
Dilution of a urine sample can be accomplished by _____or _____.
Therefore, the department shall retest using the _____ method any employee who has provided a sample that has been reported as both negative and diluted or that is considered a no-test (no result obtained) for any reason.
1) inadvertently drinking too much liquid prior to a drug test
2) deliberately attempting to flood the body so the test results will be negative.
3) hair testing
Any employee who refuses to submit to a drug test is subject to disciplinary action up to and including indefinite suspension or termination.
If, after arriving at the collection site, an employee refuses to cooperate with the usual requests of the collection vendor for a test sample, signatures, positive identification, etc. thereby preventing a test from being properly completed, the employee’s actions shall be considered as…
Additionally, any actions or omissions by the employee that interfere with the _____ of the screening test shall also be taken as evidence of refusal and the aforementioned procedures shall be initiated.
If an employee refuses to comply with the direct order to submit to a drug test, a supervisor shall _____.
IAD shall report to the location and…
1) evidence the employee has refused to comply.
2) timely administration
3) contact IAD
4) relieve the employee of duty immediately and shall initiate a Class I investigation