300-17 Employee Drug and Alcohol Testing Flashcards
It is the policy of the Houston Police Department in accordance with City of Houston Executive Order No. 1-12, Amended Controlled Substance & Alcohol Abuse that employees shall not sell, purchase, provide, manufacture, possess, or ingest any controlled substance, whether on or off duty, unless the substance is _____or unless the normally prohibited behavior falls within the scope of the
employee’s duties in the course of fulfilling the police mission.
The Houston Police Department shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws or regulations creating or fostering a drugfree workplace.
used as and has been legally prescribed to the employee by a person licensed to do so
All classified and civilian employees shall be subject to controlled substance and/or alcohol testing for any of the below listed categories as outlined in this General Order.
Absent over _____ days
Department of _____
For _____
Absent over 30 calendar days
Department of Transportation
For Cause
Critical incident
The intoxicating agent in beverage alcohol, ethyl alcohol, or other low molecular weight alcohols including methyl alcohol but excluding isopropyl rubbing alcohol.
Alcohol Use.
Ingestion of any beverage, mixture, or preparation containing alcohol, including medication or mouthwash.
Collection Site.
A facility designated by the City of Houston to collect samples for controlled substance and/or alcohol testing.
Controlled Substance.
An illegal drug and/or drug listed in the Controlled Substances Act. For HPD classified personnel, probationary employees, trainees at the Academy, and Academy applicants, controlled substances include exogenous steroids.
Controlled Substance Screening/Testing.
A procedure to identify the presence of the metabolites of controlled substances or steroids in an employee’s system.
Critical Incident.
For the purpose of this General Order, any of the following incidents that
occur while on or off duty.
When an officer discharges a firearm that is…
When an officer discharges a firearm while performing a law enforcement function, activity, or action whereby…
When an employee while performing a law enforcement function responds to resistance by using force and the person who is the subject of that response…
When an employee is involved in a crash while driving a City of Houston vehicle, a solo motorcycle, or a vehicle that is owned or leased by a governmental entity and the crash results in…
When an officer discharges a firearm that is pointed towards a person, regardless of whether an injury is sustained.
When an officer discharges a firearm while performing a law enforcement function, activity, or action whereby another person suffers an injury or death due to being struck by the officer’s bullet.
When an employee while performing a law enforcement function responds to resistance by using force and the person who is the subject of that response dies in the custody of the Houston Police Department.
When an employee is involved in a crash while driving a City of Houston vehicle, a solo motorcycle, or a vehicle that is owned or leased by a governmental entity and the crash results in a fatality or potentially fatal injury to any person involved in the crash.
Dilute Sample.
A urine specimen for which the concentration has been reduced by the drinking of excess fluids or by other means.
Evidential Breath Testing Device.
A device approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for the evidential testing of breath and placed on NHTSA’s “Conforming Products List of Evidential Breath Measurement Devices.”
Hair Test.
A screening/testing procedure using hair to identify the presence of metabolite(s)
that may be present after use of a controlled substance.
A testing facility certified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS) and authorized by the City of Houston to perform controlled substance
Medical Review Officer (MRO).
A licensed physician knowledgeable about substance abuse disorders and who is responsible for reviewing an employee’s laboratory results generated through the City’s controlled substance testing program.
The MRO determines, based on the employee’s medical history, other relevant biomedical information, the standards in the industry/profession, and City of Houston Executive Order No. 1-12 and/or Executive Order No. 1-32, COL Drivers Alcohol and Controlled Substances Testing Procedures, that the employee has a confirmed positive or negative test result for controlled substance(s) and/or alcohol.
Reasonable Suspicion.
An articulable belief based on specific facts, reasonable inferences, or observations regarding the physical, behavioral, or performance indicators of alcohol or drug
use, including the employee’s speech, appearance, odors, actions, or performance.
Referee Test.
A split sample test conducted to confirm the presence of a controlled substance
in a sample that has been determined positive by the City’s MRO.
The test is conducted on a portion of the employee’s original sample by a certified federal DHHS laboratory different from the laboratory conducting the original controlled substance test.
The referee test shall be performed at the expense of the employee.
Safety Impact Position.
Employment positions involving safety-sensitive job duties which if performed with inattentiveness, errors in judgment, or diminished coordination, dexterity, or
composure may result in mistakes that could present a real and/or imminent threat to the personal health and safety of the employee, coworkers, and/or the public.
This generally includes, but is not limited to, positions held by employees who drive City vehicles or other motor-driven equipment, and may also include the positions of employees who drive their personal vehicles on City business.
A safety impact position also includes those employment positions with associated job duties that involve contact with or access to controlled substances, or that involve carrying or handling firearms.
Split Sample Specimen.
Sample collection divided into two containers for testing and retesting purposes.
Any organic or synthetic derivative of the hormone testosterone having properties of promoting growth and repair of the body at the cellular level.
All use of over-the-counter exogenous (developed or originating outside the body) steroids, non-United States market prescriptions for steroid preparations, and/or any other exogenous steroid like substances are strictly prohibited.
Employees shall follow instructions given by and cooperate with____
The procedures will not be designed to demean, embarrass, or cause _____to the employee being tested.
Extra street clothes, bags, briefcases, purses, and other containers shall not be…
Classified employees shall not be required to remove their _____ while in the collection area.
1) collection site personnel.
2) psychological discomfort
3) carried into the collection area.
4) firearm or duty belt
It is the responsibility of the _____ to ensure the employee is notified in a confidential and respectful manner of controlled substance and/or alcohol testing and that the employee’s name is kept _____.
1) notifying division commander
2) confidential
All controlled substance and/or alcohol testing information is _____.
Only those who need to know shall be informed of _____
Disclosure of test results to any other person, agency, or organization is prohibited unless…
All records relating to the taking of a controlled substance and/or alcohol test or the order to take a controlled substance and/or alcohol test shall be deemed confidential unless…
1) confidential
2) test results.
3) written authorization is obtained from the employee.
4) written authorization has been obtained from the employee.
The records may, however, be released if they become the subject of a _____, _____, or a _____.
All records relating to the taking of or ordering of a controlled substance and/or alcohol test shall be kept in a file separate from the_____
1) Civil Service Commission appeal
2) an administrative proceeding
3) judicial proceeding
4) employee’s personnel file.
It is the responsibility of the _____ to ensure the proper controlled substance and/or alcohol testing forms are completed and given to the employee.
The employee shall sign the forms in the presence of the_____
After notification, the employee shall proceed immediately and directly to a designated collection site with the proper forms and approved identification to complete all the requirements of the controlled substance testing process.
All actions an employee takes once he or she has been notified to test shall be…
In no instance shall the period of time from notification to signing in at the collection site extend beyond _____.
1) division commander
2) division commander or commander’s designee.
3) toward completion of the collection and testing process.
4) two hours
Once at the testing location, the employee shall provide the controlled substance testing forms to a collection site representative and display an _____
After testing, the employee shall ensure the specimen is sealed.
Documentation shall include a control number and the date and time the _____
1) approved identification.
2) specimen was collected.
Approved identification includes only a…
If the employee arrives without one of the above forms of identification, a divisional supervisor shall…
The supervisor shall determine whether or not to _____ pursuant to departmental policies.
1) Texas driver license or Houston Police Department identification.
2) report to the collection site, show his identification and identify the employee.
3) initiate an investigation
All employees submitting to a urine collection shall provide a _____.
In the event of a positive result, the split sample may be used for _____.
If an employee is unable to provide a urine specimen at the time of collection, the employee shall be required to comply with _____.
Should the collection site technician determine the employee does not have enough body hair to collect for testing, the employee shall be directed to…
1) split sample
2) referee testing
3) alternate hair testing
4) remain at the facility until such time as a urine sample can be provided.