300-10 Transitional Duty Assignment Flashcards
The department shall attempt to provide opportunities for injured or ill employees to return to productive work as soon as possible in accordance with Texas Department of Insurance (TOI) regulations and City of Houston Executive Order 1-33.
Efforts shall be made to reassign employees to transitional duty if they are…
Transitional duty is not intended to permanently replace an employee’s
regular duties.
unable to perform their regular duties because of personal illness or injury, whether occupational or non-occupational in nature
Bona Fide Offer of Employment (BFOE).
A written offer of a transitional duty assignment that abides by requirements set by the TOI and that contains work restrictions given by the approved City of Houston and TOI medical provider.
Occupational Injury
An injury, disease, or illness sustained in the course and scope of employment with the City of Houston.
Texas Workers’ Compensation Work Status Report (DWC Form-73).
A report by an occupationally injured employee’s treating physician indicating the work status and activity restrictions of the injured employee.
The DWC Form-73 also serves as a release to any type of transitional duty or a return to full duty with no restrictions.
See the DWC Form-73 on the department’s Intranet Portal for complete details.
Third Party Administrator (TPA).
Independent administrator contracted by the City of Houston to be responsible for the adjudication of workers’ compensation claims including payments to recovering employees and health care providers in compliance with the law.
Transitional Duty.
A process that allows an injured or ill employee to return to work in a less than full-duty capacity.
Transitional Duty Assignment.
A temporary work assignment designed to allow an employee who is injured, ill, or unable to work at full-duty capacity to perform tasks that are within the specific restrictions set by the employee’s treating physician.
Treating Physician.
A physician who is directing the medical treatment of an injured or ill employee.
Treating Physician’s Statement.
A document provided by an authorized health care provider after an office visit with an injured or ill employee.
The treating physician’s statement must contain the date of the office visit, the name and contact information of the health care provider completing the statement, the current work status of the injured or ill employee, the range of dates covered by the statement, and the employee’s work and/or activity restrictions or a statement with an effective date that the employee can return to work without restrictions.
A treating physician’s statement does not include information related to a specific diagnosis.
When applicable, efforts shall be made to provide an employee with a transitional duty assignment when the employee is…
Employees with occupational injuries or illnesses shall be given…
If adequate space and work is available, transitional duty assignments may be offered to…
1) unable to perform his essential job duties due to an occupational injury or illness.
2) priority in transitional duty assignments.
3) employees who are recovering from non-occupational injuries or illnesses.
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
Within ____hours after being released by the treating physician to work transitional duty (also known as light duty), the employee shall provide his immediate supervisor a Texas Workers’ Compensation Work Status Report (DWC Form-73) or the treating physician’s statement.
Utilizing this information, the supervisor shall determine if…
1) 24
2) an appropriate transitional duty assignment is available at the employee’s regular assigned division.
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
The supervisor shall immediately send an email to the concerned division commander through the chain of command and include the following:
Employee’s name, employee number, classification, regular assignment, and _____
A request for a_____ for the employee.
Detailed description of the _____ placed on the employee by the treating physician.
d. The transitional duty assignment to be offered to the employee including: 1. Shift start and end time. 2. Number of \_\_\_\_scheduled each week. 3. \_\_\_\_days off. 4. \_\_\_\_of assignment. 5. Detailed description of \_\_\_\_\_. 6. Confirmation that the job duties of the proposed transitional duty assignment fall within the scope of the employee's \_\_\_\_\_ as set by the treating physician.
Anticipated period of time the employee will _____, if known.
Employee’s name, employee number, classification, regular assignment, and duty requirements.
A request for a transitional duty assignment for the employee.
Detailed description of the work restrictions placed on the employee by the treating physician.
The transitional duty assignment to be offered to the employee including:
1. Shift start and end time.
2. Number of hours scheduled each week.
3. Regular days off.
4. Location of assignment.
5. Detailed description of duties to be performed.
6. Confirmation that the job duties of the proposed transitional duty assignment fall within the scope of the employee’s work restrictions as set by the treating physician.
Anticipated period of time the employee will be on transitional duty, if known.
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
The _____ shall reply to the email approving or rejecting the transitional duty assignment.
If approved, the employee shall start at the earliest date allowed by the _____
If rejected, the division commander shall advise the reason for the rejection and should either provide an alternate transitional duty assignment that falls within the scope of the employee’s work restrictions as set by the treating physician or…
1) division commander
2) treating physician.
3) explain why a transitional duty assignment is not being offered.
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
Once a transitional duty assignment is approved by the division commander, the supervisor shall immediately provide the employee with a _____ that conforms to the employee’s _____ as set by the treating physician.
The BFOE correspondence template is located on the department’s Intranet Portal.
1) bona fide offer of employment (BFOE)
2) work and/or activity restrictions
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
Once the BFOE is completed, the supervisor shall…
Then within ____hours after the BFOE is signed, the supervisor shall send the following documents to HSU via interoffice mail.
Original ____indicating acceptance or decline of BFOE.
Original ____ or treating physician’s statement.
Copy of the concerned Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) event correspondence _____. For additional information on FMLA, see General Orders 300-09, Absence from Duty - Classified and 900-01, Absence from Duty - Civilian.
At the earliest opportunity, HSU shall send a reply if there are any concerns or if additional information is needed.
1) immediately email the owe Form-73 or the treating physician’s statement and the signed BFOE to the department’s Health and Safety Unit (HSU).
2) 24
4) DWC Form-73
5) accepting or declining FMLA coverage
Approval of Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
Once the concerned division commander has approved an employee to work transitional duty, supervisors shall ensure that the following actions are taken:
Notify the ____.
Add the injured or ill employee’s name to the division’s _____. This form is available on the department’s Intranet Portal.
1) division’s timekeeper
2) Injured or Ill Employees and Transitional Duty Report
Approval of Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
If transitional duty is approved, it is limited to _____ days. See section 5 of this General Order for information on how to request extensions of transitional duty.
If there are any changes to the transitional duty status of an employee (other than returning to full duty) or an employee develops problems related to a transitional duty assignment, the supervisor shall…
1) 90 calendar
2) contact HSU to determine the appropriate actions to be taken.
Approval of Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
While on transitional duty status, an employee is responsible for submitting a copy of a completed DWC Form-73 or _____ to his regular assigned supervisor every _____ days or after every visit to the treating physician (whichever is more frequent).
1) treating physician’s statement
2) 30 calendar
Approval of Transitional Duty Due to Occupational Injury or Illness
Employees who fail to report to a transitional duty assignment may be subject to loss of benefits.
Employees on transitional duty status shall cooperate fully and in a timely manner with all reasonable requests by the City of Houston, Third Party Administrator (TPA), or treating physician regarding:
Second and third _____.
Providing all _____ documents.
Providing any other _____as needed or directed.
Second and third opinion requests.
Providing all medical documents.
Providing any other information as needed or directed.
Employees with non-occupational injuries or illnesses may also request to be…
placed on a transitional duty assignment
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Non-Occupational Injury or Illness
The initial request for a transitional duty assignment due to a non-occupational injury or illness shall be made via email or in person to the employee’s_____
The employee shall provide the supervisor with a copy of the _____with prescribed work restrictions and an estimated date for return to full duty or an estimated time that the _____ will occur.
1) immediate supervisor.
2) treating physician’s statement
3) next physician’s appointment
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Non-Occupational Injury or Illness
Upon receiving an employee’s initial request for a transitional duty assignment and the treating physician’s statement, the supervisor shall submit an email to the employee and their division commander copying their chain of command to the level of division commander and include the following:
Employee’s name, employee number, classification, regular assignment, and ___.
A request to the division commander for a _____
Detailed description of the ___placed on the employee by the treating physician.
If recommending a specific assignment and/or location for the employee to perform the transitional duty assignment (e.g., at the division working a desk or an administrative position), then the following information regarding the proposed transitional duty assignment must be provided:
- Shift start and end time.
- Number of ____scheduled to work each week.
- ____days off.
- ____of assignment.
- Detailed description of the _____.
- Confirmation that the job duties of the proposed transitional duty assignment fall within the scope of the employee’s _____ as set by the treating physician.
Anticipated period of time that the employee will be _____, if known.
Employee’s name, employee number, classification, regular assignment, and duty
A request to the division commander for a transitional duty assignment for the employee.
Detailed description of the work restrictions placed on the employee by the treating physician.
If recommending a specific assignment and/or location for the employee to perform the transitional duty assignment (e.g., at the division working a desk or an administrative position), then the following information regarding the proposed transitional duty assignment must be provided:
- Shift start and end time.
- Number of hours scheduled to work each week.
- Regular days off.
- Location of assignment.
- Detailed description of the duties to be performed.
- Confirmation that the job duties of the proposed transitional duty assignment fall within the scope of the employee’s work restrictions as set by the treating physician.
Anticipated period of time that the employee will be on transitional duty status, if known.
Initial Request for Transitional Duty Due to Non-Occupational Injury or Illness
The employee shall reply to all in the email either accepting or rejecting the transitional duty assignment.
The division commander shall reply to the email approving or rejecting the transitional duty assignment.
If approved, the employee shall _____ allowed by the treating
If rejected, the division commander shall advise the reason for the rejection and
should either provide an alternate transitional duty assignment that falls within the scope of the employee’s work restrictions as set by the treating physician or…
Additionally, the supervisor shall forward the treating physician’s statement with prescribed work restrictions to the…
1) start at the earliest date
2) explain why a transitional duty assignment is not being offered.
3) division commander for filing in the division’s transitional duty file.
Approval of Transitional Duty Due to Non-Occupational Injury or Illness
Once the concerned division commander has approved an employee to work transitional duty, supervisors shall ensure that the following actions are taken:
Notify the _____.
Add the injured or ill employee’s name to the division’s…
Place copies of all paperwork related to the transitional duty request in the _____.
If transitional duty is approved, it is limited to _____ days. See section 5 of this General Order for information on how to request extensions of transitional duty.
If there are any changes to the transitional duty status of an employee (other than returning to full duty) or an employee develops problems related to a transitional duty assignment, the supervisor shall…
1) division’s timekeeper
2) Injured or Ill Employees and Transitional Duty Report.
3) division’s transitional duty file
4) 90 calendar
5) contact HSU to determine the appropriate actions to be taken.
Classified Employees
Classified employees who request a transitional duty assignment may be offered a position in:
Their regular _____.
Their current _____.
Any other assignment in the department with approval from the_____
1) assigned division
2) command
3) Teleserve
4) requesting employee’s assistant chief.
Civilian Employees
Civilian employees who request transitional duty may be reassigned in the following order of availability:
In their regular ____.
In their current _____.
Elsewhere in the department with approval from the _____
1) assigned division
2) command
3) requesting employee’s assistant chief.
Additional Requirements
If there is not a transitional duty assignment available in the employee’s regular assigned division, the supervisor shall contact _____.
Employees on transitional duty status shall contact their supervisor and HSU whenever any change in assignment or status occurs.
In addition, occupationally injured or ill employees shall inform the _____ of any status change.
1) HSU
2) Third Party Administrator
Employees on transitional duty status shall not wear…
Employees in plainclothes shall not display their official police identification card,
badge, or weapon in any location other than…
Employees on transitional duty status shall not work extra employment. For more details on extra employment refer to General Order 300-14, Extra Employment.
Employees on transitional duty status shall refrain from…
Such employees shall comply with the treating physician’s…
1) any portion of a department issued uniform.
2) a Police Department facility or complex.
3) injurious or strenuous activity that may hinder recovery or return to full duty.
4) recommendations to recuperate.
Occupationally and non-occupationally injured or ill civilians who have been on transitional duty status for 90 calendar days may request an extension of transitional duty up to an additional _____ days to a maximum of _____ days.
1) 90 calendar
2) 180 calendar
Occupationally and non-occupationally injured or ill classified employees who have been on transitional duty status for 90 calendar days may request extensions of transitional duty in increments up to _______ in accordance with City of Houston Executive Order 1-33.
90 calendar days each
When an employee requests an extension of transitional duty status, the request shall be in writing via their…
The request shall be submitted at least _____ days prior to the date on which the requested additional transitional duty time is to begin.
Extensions for transitional duty time can be approved by only an…
1) chain of command to the level of assistant chief
2) 14 calendar
3) assistant chief or higher ranking executive.
When an employee is released to full-duty status by the treating physician, the employee shall request to return to full-duty status via the following guidelines:
For occupational injuries or illnesses, the employee shall provide his regular assigned supervisor the completed OWC Form-73 or treating physician’s statement indicating…
The supervisor shall accept the paperwork and send an email to _______advising of the return to full duty along with the date the physician is returning the employee to full duty.
The supervisor shall immediately email the OWC Form-73 or treating physician’s statement to ____; and within 24 hours after receiving the document, the supervisor shall send the document and all completed forms directly to_____
1) the date the employee can return to work with no restrictions.
2) the employee’s chain of command through the level of division commander
3) HSU
4) HSU via interoffice mail.
When an employee is released to full-duty status by the treating physician, the employee shall request to return to full-duty status via the following guidelines:
For non-occupational injuries or illnesses, the employee shall provide his regular assigned supervisor the treating physician’s statement indicating…
The supervisor shall accept the paperwork and send an email to _____ advising of the return to full duty along with the date the physician is returning the employee to full duty.
If the employee’s transitional duty assignment was outside the employee’s regular assigned division, the supervisor shall also email the appropriate supervisors for the transitional duty assignment advising that…
The supervisor shall send all completed documents to the employee’s _____ for filing in the division’s transitional duty file.
1) the date the employee can return to work with no restrictions.
2) the employee’s chain of command through the level of division commander
3) the employee is returning to full duty along with the effective date.
4) regular assigned division commander
With the_____ approval, employees may be returned to their previous assignment.
Employees will not lose benefits or privileges except as may be imposed by…
1) division commander’s
2) state law, City ordinance, or department policy.
The Administrative Personnel Committee (APC) is a departmental committee that is
responsible for ensuring compliance with all federal, state, and local laws with respect to…
APC coordinates with employees who…
1) determining whether an employee is physically and psychologically fit for duty.
2) because of personal injury, illness, or psychological issues are unable to perform their essential job duties.
In addition to the other responsibilities outlined in this General Order, division commanders are responsible for initiating a written referral to the APC chair about an employee who, because of personal injury, illness, or possible mental issue:
Appears to be unable to _____ and such condition has lasted or is expected to last more than 90 calendar days.
Is unable to work or is working at less than full capacity for more than_____
The above referral requirement applies whether or not the employee is on transitional duty and whether the employee is experiencing an…
1) perform all of the essential job functions
2) 90 calendar days.
3) occupational or non-occupational injury or illness.
Referral to APC is not required for_____.
Division commanders may also refer an employee to APC before…
1) pregnant employees
2) 90 calendar days if warranted.
In addition to a description of the injury, illness, or possible mental issue forming the basis for the referral, the division commander’s correspondence should also include:
The date the FMLA packet was provided to the employee and if the employee…
The number of days the employee ______ as a result of the injury, illness, or mental issue.
If applicable, information on the employee’s transitional duty status (________).
1) accepted or declined the FMLA coverage.
2) was or has been absent from work
3) date started, location of assignment, duties and responsibilities of assignment
Division commanders shall also ensure that the division’s Injured or Ill Employees and Transitional Duty Report is updated, completed, and forwarded to…
Division commanders shall list on the above report all occupationally or non-occupationally injured or ill employees under their command who during the reporting week either were…
1) HSU each Friday by the time indicated on the current form.
2) on a transitional duty assignment or lost time from work per the instructions on the report
All division commanders shall submit an Injured or Ill Employees and Transitional Duty Report each…
All division commanders shall maintain a transitional duty file separate from divisional personnel files to…
1) Friday to HSU even if there are no employees listed
2) store all paperwork related to transitional duty requests
HSU shall:
Maintain a current list of employees on _____.
Serve as a consulting resource regarding the…
With approval from the Chief of Police, HSU may establish _____. Whenever such procedures are added or changed, HSU shall provide notice to the department and its employees.
1) transitional duty status
2) placement of employees on transitional duty status.
3) additional procedures regarding transitional duty