300-06 Training - Classified Flashcards
The Houston Police Department shall provide training programs that fulfill the requirements of both the…
department and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE).
Officers shall fulfill minimum in-service training as required by…
TCOLE and the department.
Each year the Chief of Police shall announce department required training hours, the curriculum, and schedule guidelines per department needs and as mandated by TCOLE. All mandatory training shall be completed…
on duty
Mandatory Training
Each officer shall complete all mandatory in-service training during the training quarter that contains the officer’s birthday month. Training quarters are defined as:
Quarter 1:
Quarter 2:
Quarter 3:
Quarter 4:
1) September 1 through November 30
2) December 1 through February 28 (February 29 in a leap year)
3) March 1 through May 31
4) June 1 through August 31
Mandatory Training
Employees shall register for mandatory in-service course offerings available only during their individual training quarter as defined
above. Officers holding the rank of ____or higher are exempt from the quarterly training restriction.
Specialized Training
Division commanders are responsible for identifying assignments under their command that require special skills. Required training for these skills must begin as soon as possible and must be pre-approved by the _____. This requirement includes newly promoted personnel. Specialized training shall be completed on duty.
Training Division captain
Specialized Training
All specialized training must:
Adhere to the department’s policies, procedures, directives, and regulations specific to the _____.
Develop and enhance the _____ of the personnel assigned to the specialized activity.
Make personnel aware of any _____ that may be inherent in the specialized assignment.
1) specialized duty assignment
2) knowledge, skills, and abilities
3) administrative concerns
Specialized Training
When the Training Division sets performance standards, officers must demonstrate their abilities to…
perform to those standards by the end of the training period.
Division Level Training
Any division intending to conduct an internal training class is required to submit the lesson plan in writing for approval to the Training Division’s captain at least ____ prior to the class being held.
Also, any instructor or lesson plan must be approved and on file with the Training Division prior to _____. (See section 5 of this General Order for further requirements.)
1) 30 calendar days
2) the class being held
Internet Training
Internet classes may be taken in lieu of attending non-mandatory classes. However, any Internet classes taken to meet required in-service training must have been sanctioned and approved by _____.
Internet Training
Officers are permitted to take Internet classes while on duty to obtain intermediate or advanced peace officer proficiency certification, but only if all of the following apply:
The course is not available in…
The officer has obtained prior…
The officer takes the Web-based course at a designated location at his…
All other Internet classes shall not be taken during an employee’s duty hours unless…
1) an instructor- led format approved by the Training Division.
2) supervisor approval to take the applicable Web-based course.
3) assigned division and only during his regularly scheduled shift.
4) authorized leave is taken
Intermediate and Advanced Peace Officer Proficiency Certification
Officers may complete any instructor-led courses authorized by the Training Division to obtain intermediate or advanced peace officer proficiency certification…
Evening and night shift officers shall be allowed to temporarily ____ to attend the applicable, instructor-led courses on duty.
If the course falls on the officer’s regular day off, the supervisor shall ____.
1) while on duty.
2) adjust their shift
3) adjust the officer’s day off
Additional Training
Courses taken in addition to required mandatory training, specialized training, or instructor-led courses authorized by the Training Division to obtain intermediate or advanced peace officer proficiency certification may be attended on duty, but only with the prior approval of the ____
employee’s assistant chief.
Probationary Police Officers
Probationary police officers are exempt from fulfilling regular in-service training requirements in the next training cycle following their graduation date unless…
Roll Call Training Videos shall not fall within this exemption and all such videos shall be viewed as soon as distributed.
the course is a TCOLE requirement and will not be available the next training cycle.
For employees to receive credit for outside training, it must be ____. Meetings are not considered training.
job related
To obtain TCOLE credit the following items and information shall be submitted to the Training Division’s Learning Management System (LMS) Unit within 10 calendar days following course completion:
Certificate of completion containing the following:
1 . Officer’s ____
2. ____number
3. TCOLE ____(PIO)
4. ____ date of training
5. Number of ____ completed
6. ____of the provider or sponsor agency
Certificate of completion containing the following:
1 . Officer’s name
2. Employee number
3. TCOLE personal identification number (PIO)
4. Start and end date of training
5. Number of hours completed
6. Name of the provider or sponsor agency
To obtain TCOLE credit the following items and information shall be submitted to the Training Division’s Learning Management System (LMS) Unit within 10 calendar days following course completion:
Attending officer’s ____
critique of the course
(Critique forms may be found at the Academy Certification Office or on the department’s Intranet Portal under the Training Academy link)
To obtain TCOLE credit the following items and information shall be submitted to the Training Division’s Learning Management System (LMS) Unit within 10 calendar days following course completion:
Number of other ____
HPD employees attending
To obtain TCOLE credit the following items and information shall be submitted to the Training Division’s Learning Management System (LMS) Unit within 10 calendar days following course completion:
Copy of course ____(if available)
To obtain TCOLE credit the following items and information shall be submitted to the Training Division’s Learning Management System (LMS) Unit within 10 calendar days following course completion:
e. Copy of available ____
Completion of the outside training shall then be documented in the _____database.
If an outside provider presents a training course on HPD property primarily for HPD personnel, the course shall not be _____
Personnel shall follow procedures listed in section 1, subsection “Division Level Training” of this General Order.
The Training Division is responsible for providing documentation to _____and as such is required to have a lesson plan on file.
1) certification
2) considered outside training for the purpose of this section.
Information Sharing
Officers attending training outside the department may be expected to make the benefits of the programs…
An officer’s training coordinator and Training Division personnel shall determine the _____, if applicable (e.g., teaching the material, discussing the ideas presented, or sharing printed materials).
1) available to other officers
2) most appropriate means of sharing the information
Officers scheduled for in-service training shall report on time or as ordered by Training Division personnel (starting, break, or lunch times), and complete all required course work.
Any officer arriving more than ____minutes after the scheduled starting time shall not be allowed to enter the class unless approved by a ____.
Officers shall follow all applicable rules, regulations, or guidelines set by the department, Training Division, and Academy supervisors and instructors.
1) 10
2) Training Division supervisor
In-Service Training Dress Code
Officers shall wear the department official uniform or _____ while attending in-service training.
Officers wearing the official uniform may forgo wearing the Sam Browne belt while ____.
Any clothing with inscriptions or decorative artwork must be in good taste and reflect a professional appearance.
Officers shall not wear shorts, beach or sport sandals, tank or halter tops, sweat pants or any type of gym pants, or any clothing that is distracting such as tights or leggings.
Jeans shall be allowed as long as they are _____.
Training staff supervisors shall decide whether clothing is appropriate.
1) conservative business casual attire
2) inside the classroom
3) not dirty, torn, or ripped
Display Official Department Identification
Department issued identification shall be displayed _____while attending training at the department or any department contracted training site.
Employees visiting the Training Academy for any reason shall…
Officers wearing the official uniform do not have to display their official department identification while attending training.
1) at all times
2) display their official department identification.
In-Service Training Roster
Outside of each classroom or within the classroom a preprinted roster sign-in sheet or a walk-in sheet (hereinafter referred to collectively as roster) shall ____.
These rosters are official government documents and are the only documents that _____.
Unless the roster is filled out completely and signed by the officer on the date of training, the officer shall…
1) be made available
2) verify the attendance of officers for specific courses
3) not get credit for the course and shall have to retake the course to obtain proper credit.
In-Service Training Roster
Officers shall not for any reason…
Officers who are pending approval on the roster shall get prior authorization from _____before attending class.
Once authorization has been obtained, officers shall notify in-service personnel of the…
Officers holding the rank of _____or higher are exempt from obtaining commander approval.
1) fill out any part of the roster for another employee.
2) a supervisor in their division
3) name of the supervisor granting authorization
4) lieutenant
Removal From Training Class
Training staff supervisors may remove any officer from an in-service class for any…
If an officer is removed from class, Training Division personnel shall
submit correspondence through the chain of command to the officer’s ____ explaining the reason for removal.
An officer removed from in-service class:
May be subject to disciplinary action.
Shall lose the class credit and have to reschedule the class with a ____.
Additionally, supervisors attending in-service training are expected to and shall…
1) violation of a policy or rule set by the department, Training Division, or Academy instructor.
2) assistant chief
3) training coordinator
4) appropriately address policy infractions observed or brought to their attention, including, but not limited to, inappropriate or disruptive conduct.
Unable to Attend Classes Due to Injury or Active Military Duty
Officers shall complete all required TCOLE training each TCOLE training cycle (____) unless an officer qualifies for a waiver
under TCOLE rule 217.15.
This rule requires either a catastrophic illness or injury that has kept an officer from active duty for a period of more than ____months, or active duty in the armed forces for a period in excess of ____ months.
1) two years
2) 12 consecutive
3) 12 consecutive
Unable to Attend Classes Due to Injury or Active Military Duty
Officers needing a waiver for any department or TCOLE mandated training must request the waiver through…
The request correspondence must include _____such as military orders or medical documentation.
If approved, the Chief of Police shall notify the Training Division of the approval and request the Training Division to submit a request
to the _____for consideration of those courses mandated by TCOLE.
1) their respective chain of command to the Chief of Police.
2) documents of verification
3) executive director of TCOLE
Unable to Attend Classes Due to Injury or Active Military Duty
The Training Division shall ensure the officers’ training mandates are adjusted and tracked if…
The Training Division shall ensure the officers and their respective division commanders are informed of____.
1) an exemption is received from TCOLE
2) the final decision
Unable to Attend Classes Due to Injury or Active Military Duty
TCOLE training cycles are for two years and as such, an approved exemption is valid for that cycle only. A second exemption shall be needed if…
An officer’s TCOLE peace officer license shall be allowed to expire if the officer fails to…
1) the extended injury or extended active duty falls into the next TCOLE training cycle.
2) qualify for a waiver and does not complete all TCOLE training requirements.
Officers attending in-service training classes while using any authorized leave shall not be eligible to receive____
overtime compensation.
Before any new training program is implemented or taught, the below listed materials must be submitted to the captain of the Training Division at least 30 calendar days before training is to begin.
A curriculum formatted in approved TCOLE lesson plan format that includes the _______.
One copy of all _____ for participants.
A copy of all ____ (e.g., PowerPoint and transparencies).
A copy of any video or photograph not stored within the _____
____questions (if applicable).
The instructors’ current ____.
A curriculum formatted in approved TCOLE lesson plan format that includes the course goals, participant learning objectives, teaching outline, and class time schedule.
One copy of all handout materials for participants.
A copy of all visual presentations (e.g., PowerPoint and transparencies).
A copy of any video or photograph not stored within the visual presentation.
Test questions (if applicable).
The instructors’ current resumes.
After reviewing the course materials, the Training Division shall contact the _____ to approve or revise the material.
Once approved, the Training Division shall assign a Training Division course coordinator who shall work with the divisional course coordinator or the instructor in _____.
1) concerned divisional course coordinator
2) initiating and scheduling the training
The Training Division shall establish a curriculum file of all courses_____.
Future presentations of a particular course can be facilitated by referring to a _____.
The Training Division shall not issue any training credit for any course that has not been ____.
1) coordinated by the department
2) curriculum already on file
3) pre-approved
Officer Safety and Firearms Training Review and Approval Process
In addition to the above, any changes in training concerning officer safety, firearms, or related techniques shall be submitted by the Training Division’s captain to the…
The changes shall then be sent to the Senior Executive Staff for…
The Chief of Police shall make the final decision on any changes involving _____.
1) executive assistant chief of Strategic Operations.
2) review and revision.
3) these issues
All commanders of divisions or units that operate as divisions shall appoint a _____.
It is the commander’s responsibility to inform the Training Division when
there is a change in the _____.
1) training coordinator
2) designated training coordinator
Training coordinators are responsible for:
Ensuring employees are aware of training opportunities both…
Aiding supervisors in securing approval for training and making necessary arrangements for…
Serving as _____with the Training Division.
Coordinating and fulfilling _____.
Advising the Training Division of training opportunities outside the department so the Training Division may _____.
Training Division personnel shall assist division training coordinators whenever requested.
Ensuring employees are aware of training opportunities both inside and outside the department.
Aiding supervisors in securing approval for training and making necessary arrangements for employees to attend training.
Serving as liaison with the Training Division.
Coordinating and fulfilling requests for training.
Advising the Training Division of training opportunities outside the department so the Training Division may evaluate them.
Training Division personnel shall assist division training coordinators whenever requested.